SusanJillParker's Survivor 2013 Scorecard


Licker of Boxes
Apr 5, 2003
Welcome to the 2013 Survivor Literotica Contest, SusanJillParker!

You can find a ScoreCard template here.

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Official Rules
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Remember, it is your responsibility to accurately track story scores, immunities, and bonus points. You are encouraged to track your points regularly and maintain your ScoreCards updated at the end of each month. You don't have to, but it really does help with the bookwork.

When adding submissions to your ScoreCard, always include their titles, and don't forget to update the points for each category and overall. When adding immunities, always include the date on which they were won. For a detailed explanation on how to fill your ScoreCard, click here.

You can bookmark this thread in one of two ways: either by bookmarking it with your browser, or by pressing "Subscribe to this Thread" under "Thread Tools" at the top of the thread. You'll find threads you've subscribed to in your User CP.

Best of luck to you!
Anal: 5 points
3pt - Spank Me Again, I've Been Very Bad, 5,250 words, posted 1/04/13
1pt - Anal Sex with a Stranger on a Train 1, 3,525 words, posted 11/13/13
1pt - Anal Sex with a Stranger on a Train 2, 3,325 words, posted 11/14/13
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

BDSM: 3 points
3pt - Susan's Sexual Fantasy Comes True, 8,400 words, posted 1/05/13
1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
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Celebrities: 4 points
3pt - Just Bieber's Surrogate Mother Ch. 01, 4,075 words, posted 1/19/13
1pt - Just Bieber's Surrogate Mother Ch. 02, 3,300 words, posted 1/21/13
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Chain Stories: 0 points
3pt -
1pt -
1pt -

Immunity 7/24/13

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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
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Erotic Couplings: 5 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 04, 3,850 words, posted 2/17/13
1pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 12, 4,300 words, posted 4/17/13
1pt - How to Make a Woman Want You, Ch. 1, 3,875 words, posted 8/28/13

-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt - How to Make a Woman Want You, Ch. 2, 4,625 words, posted 9/03/13
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Erotic Horror: 5 points
3pt - Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 04, 3,175 words, posted 3/30/13
1pt - Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 05, 5,100 words, posted 3/31/13
1pt - Witch Hunt Burned at the Stake 01, 4,925 words, posted 10/15/13
-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt - Witch Hunt Burned at the Stake 02, 4,975 words, posted 10/17/13
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Exhibitionist & Voyeur: 5 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle, Ch. 05, 4,575 words, posted 3/05/13
1pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle, Ch. 06, 4,250 words, posted 3/16/13
1pt - Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 05, 6,725 words, posted 5/26/13
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1pt - Family Secrets, I Know All, Ch. 01, 5,825 words, posted 10/02/13
1pt - Family Secrets, I Know All, Ch. 02, 3,875 words, posted 10/03/13
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Fetish: 5 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 10, 4,600 words, posted 4/11/13
1pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 11, 4,450 words, posted 4/11/13
1pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 13, 5,125 words, posted 4/20/13
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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

First Time: 3 points
3pt - Born Beautiful, Rachel's Story #17, 4,200 words, posted 2/21/13
1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
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Gay Male: 5 points
3pt - Gay Men Find Love and Marry Ch. 01, 3,550 words, posted 1/27/13
1pt - Gay Men Find Love and Marry Ch. 02, 3,625 words, posted 2/13/13
1pt - Anal Sex with a Stranger on a Train 4, 5,050 words, posted 11/21/13

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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Group Sex: 3 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 02, 4,400 words, posted 2/15/13
1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

How To: 5 points
3pt - How to Make a Woman Want You, Ch. 3, 3,450 words, posted 9/07/13
1pt - How to Get You to Read My Story, #1, 4,500 words, posted 9/15/13
1pt - How to Get You to Read My Story, #2, 4,550 words, posted 9/23/13
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1pt - How to Get You to Read My Story, #3, 3,825 words, posted 9/29/13
1pt -
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Humor & Satire: 4 points
3pt - My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch. 02, 4,350 words, posted 4/29/13
1pt - Real Story of Mrs Claus & the Elves, 5,925 words, posted 11/11/13
1pt -
-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Illustrated: 0 points
3pt -
1pt -
1pt -

Immunity 8/07/13

-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Incest/Taboo: 5 points
3pt - Mother's Love for her Son, Ch. 01, 4,050 words, posted 1/10/13
1pt - Mother's Love for her Son, Ch. 02, 3,950 words, posted 1/11/13
1pt - Mother's Love for her Son, Ch. 03, 3,825 words, posted 1/17/13
-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt - Mom is an Incestuous Slut Ch. 01, 4,700 words, posted 2/26/13
1pt - Mom is an Incestuous Slut Ch. 02, 4,450 words, posted 2/27/13
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Interracial Love: 5 points
3pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 01, 5,200 words, posted 6/20/13
1pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 02, 6,100 words, posted 6/21/13
1pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 03, 7,275 words, posted 6/30/13
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1pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 04, 7,100 words, posted 7/07/13
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Lesbian Sex: 5 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 01, 3,625 words, posted 2/10/13
1pt - Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 04, 8,575 words, posted 5/18/13
1pt - Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 06, 6,200 words, posted 5/29/13
cap level 1)-------
1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Letters & Transcripts: 4 points
3pt - What I Did During Summer Vacation, 4,500 words, posted 8/26/13
1pt - Wanted: Good Paying Jog w/Benefits, 3,550 words, posted 11/12/13
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
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Loving Wives: 5 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 03, 4,750 words, posted 2/16/13
1pt - Blind, Deaf, & Dumb for Erections Ch. 01, 4,675 words, posted 9/17/13
1pt - Blind, Deaf, & Dumb for Erections Ch. 02, 4,200 words, posted 9/21/13
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1pt - Blind, Deaf, & Dumb for Erections Ch. 03, 5,000 words, posted 9/23/13
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Mature: 5 points
3pt - Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 01, 4,100 words, posted 3/21/13
1pt - Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 02, 5,250 words, posted 3/22/13
1pt - Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 03, 4,400 words, posted 3/24/13
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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Mind Control: 5 points
3pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 05, 5,850 words, posted 7/10/13
1pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 06, 4,750 words, posted 7/24/13
1pt - In the Name of the Father..., Ch. 07, 7,650 words, posted 7/25/13
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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
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Non-Erotic: 5 points
3pt - My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch. 01, 4,100 words, posted 4/26/13
1pt - My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch. 03, 4,025 words, posted 5/09/13
1pt - My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch. 04, 3,850 words, posted 5/12/13
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1pt - Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Ch. 01, 3,625 words, posted 8/22/13
1pt - Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Ch. 02, 4,500 words, posted 8/23/13
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

NonConsent/Reluctance: 5 points

3pt - Bag Lady & the Retired Marine Ch 10, 4,800 words, posted 1/30/13
1pt - Bag Lady & the Retired Marine Ch 12, 5,500 words, posted 3/14/13
1pt - Born Beautiful, Rachel's Story Ch 18, 4,400 words, posted 3/29/13
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

NonHuman: 4 points
3pt - Ghostly Ghouls and Ghoulish Goblins, 5,650 words, posted 10/02/13
1pt - Witch Hunt Burned at the Stake 03, 5,725 words, posted 11/03/13
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
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Novels and Novellas: 10 points
6pt - Ms. Bitch is Mistress Susan Ch. 01, 9,400 words, posted 2/15/13
2pt - Ms. Bitch is Mistress Susan Ch. 02, 9,150 words, posted 3/06/13
2pt - Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 01, 11,725 words, posted 5/10/13
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2pt - Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 02, 14,925 words, posted 5/12/13
2pt - Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 03, 15,000 words, posted 5/15/13
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2pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Reviews & Essays: 3 points
3pt - Second Amendment Gun Rights are Wrong, 4,700 words, posted 2/22/13
1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Romance: 5 points
3pt - Bag Lady & the Retired Marine Ch 09, 4,725 words, posted 1/22/13
1pt - Bag Lady & the Retired Marine Ch 11, 4,225 words, posted 3/09/13
1pt - Summer, My Sister's Best Friend, 11,700 words, posted 9/05/13
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
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Sci-Fi & Fantasy:4 points
3pt - Nuclear Muscled Erection Man Ch. 01, 3,050 words, posted 11/02/13
1pt - Nuclear Muscled Erection Man Ch. 02, 3,475 words, posted 11/03/13
1pt -
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Text With Audio: 0 points
3pt -
1pt -
1pt -

Immunity 10/16/13

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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
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Toys & Masturbation: 5 points
3pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 07, 4,975 words, posted 3/25/13
1pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 08, 4,150 words, posted 4/07/13
1pt - Three's a Circle, Not a Triangle Ch. 09, 4,850 words, posted 4/08/13
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Transsexuals & Crossdressers: 5 points
3pt - The Grass Ain't Always Greener..., 3,650 words, posted 1/15/13
1pt - Anal Sex with a Stranger on a Train 3, 5,500 words, posted 11/15/13
1pt - Anal Sex with a Stranger on a Train 5, 4,525 words, posted 11/25/13

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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Erotic Poetry: 5 points
3pt - I Love You Mommy, posted 1/12/13
1pt - My Valentine's Day Gift Surprise, posted 2/01/13
1pt - My Magic Fingered Masturbation Man, posted 2/05/13
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1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Illustrated Poetry: 0 points
3pt -
1pt -
1pt -

Immunity 10/30/13

-------(cap level 1)-------
1pt -
1pt -
-------(cap level 2)-------
1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Non-Erotic Poetry: 5 points
3pt - Not Necessarily in that Order, posted 1/04/13
1pt - Standing on Lake Michigan Shore, posted 2/12/13
1pt - Where's My Lover's Love Letters, posted 2/15/13
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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Poetry With Audio: 0 points
3pt -
1pt -
1pt -

Immunity 12/04/13

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1pt -
1pt -
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1pt -
-------(cap level 3)-------

Points Subtotal: 142

Special Contests Bonuses: 30 points
5pt [Valentine's Day] - Mother, Sister, MIL, SIL & Lottery, 19,300 words, posted 1/20/13
5pt [Earth Day] - Cleaning Cans and Bottles Topless, 17,100 words, posted 3/28/13
5pt [National Nude Day] - Mom Seduces Virgin Son on Nude Day, 24,000 words, posted 6/21/13
5pt [Summer Lovin'] - Mom & Sis Drunk and Horny from CFNM, 15,700 words, posted 8/28/13
5pt [Halloween] - Sex in the Cemetery on Halloween, 5,150 words, posted 10/15/13
5pt [Winter Holidays] - Mom Sleeps with Son on Christmas, 13,800 words, posted 11/13/13

All-Contests Bonus (30): 30 pts

Additional Bonuses: 60 points
10 Categories (5): 5 pts
20 Categories (10): 10 pts
30 Categories (15): 15 pts
35 Categories (30): 30 pts


Total Words 530,375

Once you have filled a category, you can add more stories or poems to it but you can't count them until you have filled all categories.
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