Surprise (Closed)




~Name: Ellie Maine
~Hair: Dark brown
~Eyes: Brown
~Height: 5'10"
~Body type: Toned and voluptuous body
~Age: 22

What a day. I just spent about eight hours at the office and couldn't use a break more than ever. Normally, I would take this opportunity to go home, make some tea, get into my PJs and relax, but today was different - Tom, my boyfriend of about four years now, was turning twenty-three and I wanted to surprise him. I didn't have any money, given that I was juggling student loan payments, my rent, among other expenses. But, I was going to give him a birthday gift better than anything money could buy. I smiled a bit mischievously as I drove down the street, knowing that what I had in mind. If anything, this was going to take my off things far more than relaxing at home would. At the same time, Tom would have the best gift that he could possibly receive today; me! I would have gotten him a card too, but knowing Tommy, he'd probably either lose it or throw it away after months of just leaving it lying around. I couldn't blame him, I did the same thing too. We had a crazy amount of things in common, so I guess that's why we were so deeply in love with each other...or that we could last four years, completely faithful with each other, which astonished my friends who could barely go through a year with their significant other before breaking up.

It didn't take too long before I reached Tom's place; a twenty-floor apartment complex, one of many that we find here in New York city. I parked my car in my usual spot, undoing my seat-belt with anticipation; I was so psyched for this. I got out my car with a bottle of wine that I bought along the way, wondering what Tom would like to do to me once he got home...well, I was feeling pretty flushed. I had the keys to his apartment, just as he did to mine, so getting inside was pretty easy. But once I made it in, Tom was nowhere to be found (nor, thankfully, his roommate - who I didn't really pay attention to anyway). It was disappointing, as I already expected him to sweep me off my feet - but I grinned, knowing that I could undress and wait for him here.

Going to the bath room, I began to take off my pieces of clothing - starting with my black top which covered my C cup breasts, and ending with my jeans which hugged on my plump, round backside. Before I knew it, I was modeling myself in front of the mirror; knowing fully well how good I looked wearing just dot-pattern bra and panties, along with my three inch heels on my feet. I waiting in the kitchen for him...for about an hour, with no signs of him yet. I called him a few times on my cellphone, but from the look of things, his batteries must have died.

"I guess that I'll start without him." I thought to myself, pouring myself a glass of wine.

I waited for about thirty minutes more; the time now, 9 PM, when suddenly I heard the front door unlocked. I grinned as I got up, posing alongside the dining room entrance, as I awaited what was to come...and give my love the night of his life.

Another 'hard' night for me, Nathan Ducane. I'd been out for much of the evening, doing what many people didn't approve of, and what my roommate didn't know about. Tom was a good, decent guy, with a hottie girlfriend who seemed to flaunt and tease me every chance she got. If it weren't for my respect for Tom, I would've demanded that she stop coming over so often. I could swear she had a key to the place, with how often she was here, how much of our water she used, how skimpy she dressed for him...

Okay, I wouldn't have had such a problem with it if it weren't for the last part. I don't mind ogling her, but it was more that she seemed to know what she was doing, and that I'd never get a piece, which seemed to drive her further and further into my head.

I had some sympathy for him now, though. Nice guy he was (which some would argue simply for the reason he'd taken me in), he was driving a friend home who'd lost their parents, on his own birthday. Or near it. I couldn't be bothered to remember exactly when, but his own decency was a stark contrast to mine. In twenty seven years of existence I'd never been bothered to do anything hear as kind as that, much less on the anniversary of my existence.

I was surprised to be home, though, as I was expecting a...well, 'trip' out of town to deal with some things. But it had been delayed, so I wearily slipped the key into the door, expecting what was, for me, a fairly quiet night in. The first thing that startlted me was the sight of light in the doorway, and I tensed; Tom and I lived alone, and nobody else was suppose to be here. There was someone there, and I started to move towards them, intending on making them sorry they'd come.

That instinct lasted for about a quarter of a second when I saw who it was. A slight intake of breath came out, the unmistakable figure of a feminine ass and slim figure arched in the light, framing her fine form covered by only a bra, panties...and heels. This was no thief. I looked her up and down while I still had the mystery of my identity, moving slowly towards her while trying not to reveal who I was.

It was Ellie. Tom's slut of a girlfriend. She'd planned on surprising him for his birthday, and as I got closer, now a few feet away (she still hadn't turned around, although she'd said a few things), I wanted to let her think I was Tom for as long as I could.
I simply waited for a moment, hearing Tom sneak up ever so slowly behind me. He didn't say a word, and all I could hear was the faint sound of him breathing before closing the door. I was surprised that he didn't say a word, and I would have thought that it was his roommate coming in, if not for the fact that Tom reassured me time and time again that he was normally gone at this hour. Slowly, I could feel his presence creep up behind me as my heart raced; was my boyfriend actually as excited as I was? I couldn't wait for what he had in store for me. I knew right off the bat that it was going to be one wild night.

"Are you enjoying your present so far? I promise you that it'll get better...
I said seductively as he approached me from behind...
"Are you enjoying your present so far? I promise you that it'll get better..."

Oh, there was temptation. I had stopped behind her, drinking in the sight of her body as I'd never seen it before. Sure, I'd seen her prancing around in tank tops and booty shirts, with towels covering her, in short little dresses, gowns, and robes meant for her boytoy, but this was something different entirely. The way she was moving, holding herself up against the door frame, subtle movements of her body as she swayed in her underwear. This wasn't a tease of a girl to a guy that would never have her. This was a woman, offering herself to a man. I wished I could just stay there for a while, and had the urge to just throw her over the table and have my way with her.

Which still could happen. The way hips swayed, and the tone of her voice...good god.

But I did have to live here. And Tom would probably not approve. I didn't have any intention of doing something he approved of tonight, so I enjoyed the view for a bit longer before speaking.

"Well, if the gift's for me, I don't think Tom would approve." The look in her eyes was priceless when I saw her, and I smirked a little, letting my eyes roam over her as I sidled past her to my room. "Sorry to disappoint you, princess, but one of Tom's friends had an emergency to deal with, and being the gentleman he is, he opted to help out." I whistled at her. "Nice outfit, though."

Passing the bathroom, I saw her top and pants in there, and I went to grab them, eying them and her, my smirk widening. "Do you want these back...?" It'd be fun to toy with her; I didn't have any intention of letting her cover up when all she'd be doing would be taking them off again. I was bigger and stronger then her so if she tried to take them...
My heart skipped a beat when I heard a voice - though it wasn't quite what I was expecting...

"Well, if the gift's for me, I don't think Tom would approve."

I quickly turned to see a face...but it wasn't of my boyfriend. It was that god damn roommate! Oh god, the embarrassment was just so unbearable. He actually saw me dressed like this! Not to mention he pretty much made a fool out of me by waiting so long before saying a word. I simply stared at him like a doe in headlights, as he continued to look me over, walking past me to get to his room.

"Sorry to disappoint you, princess, but one of Tom's friends had an emergency to deal with, and being the gentleman he is, he opted to help out."

"An emergency?" I asked, forgetting for a second that I was just dressed in my underwear and bra, wearing heels too. Well, until I heard him whistle; after which, my hands quickly went to cover myself up. As if that would make any difference in the world.

"Nice outfit, though."

"Go to hell!" I answered angrily. I was going to pick up my clothes in the bathroom, but that jerk got there before me. Looks like he wanted to torture just a while longer.

"Do you want these back...?"

"Of course I do, you jerk! Give it back."
I said, trying to reach for it as he toyed with me a bit. I got a grip on my jeans, though I couldn't exactly yank it from his strong gasp.

"Why can't you take a gentleman lesson from Tom? Just give me my clothes back!"

I didn't deal well with embarrassment, apparently.
"Of course I do, you jerk! Give it back." She tried to yank them away from me, and while she did manage to get a partial grip on her jeans, I simply kept her at bay, letting her struggle and enjoying her scantily clad body brushing against mine. I'd be content to do it all night, except I was pretty sure eventually she'd give up, as one of my strong hands clamped down on her shoulder, keeping her at a distance.

"Why can't you take a gentleman lesson from Tom? Just give me my clothes back!"

My smirk kept on her as I pulled the jeans away, keeping her back with one hand. "That's what some girls like about me, though. That I'm not Tom. That I'm not a spineless worm who will just do whatever any pretty girl tells me to." I looked her up and down again. "Of course, I'm sure a...fine girl like you would have no interest in a bad boy like me, who gets down and dirty, takes what he wants..." The words hung in the air as I held her back, my gaze feasting on her body before I continued.

"Anyways, since these were in my bathroom..."
The lease was technically in Tom's name, but I was hoping she didn't know that. "...they belong to me now." I gave them a quick toss deep into my room; it'd be caught up in the mess on my floor. Her obvious discomfort of the idea aroused me, but I was too far gone to continue. "I'll give you a chance to win them back, assuming you don't want to just head home right now, dressed as you are." Given that she'd been drinking wine from the looks of things, she probably wouldn't take the chance.

"And not only that. With the 'decent' guy that I am, you can trade your bra and panties for one of Tom's shirts." I inclined my head towards the bathroom. "Catch being, I choose the shirt, and you give those to me before you get the shirt." As if to help make her decision for her, my hand 'accidentally' pushed her bra strap down her arm, emphasizing how little she had on right now. "But that offer only stands for the next ten seconds." I smiled at her. "Tick, tick, tick..."

Sure, it'd cover her up more. But if she were foolish enough to accept, it'd put her down to one article of clothing instead of two. And she'd be naked, if only for a short while and out of my sight.

"That's what some girls like about me, though. That I'm not Tom. That I'm not a spineless worm who will just do whatever any pretty girl tells me to."

"He's not spineless -"

"Of course, I'm sure a...fine girl like you would have no interest in a bad boy like me, who gets down and dirty, takes what he wants..."

I scoffed and answered "Of course not. Give me a break!" though, I did wonder whether he really was as he was making himself out to be. I didn't chat with him very often, so naturally I had no clue on how he really was like. God, I hoped that he was only kidding.

"Anyways, since these were in my bathroom...they belong to me now."
"You're kidding?"

Obviously he wasn't; in a second, he threw my jeans into his room. I was about to run and try and grab it, but I figure that with his hand on my shoulder, he'd just hold me in place. That, in of itself, was humiliating enough for me.

"I'll give you a chance to win them back, assuming you don't want to just head home right now, dressed as you are."

That bastard...

"What did you have in mind?"
I asked, skeptically.

"And not only that. With the 'decent' guy that I am, you can trade your bra and panties for one of Tom's shirts."

He...He was actually doing this?

"Catch being, I choose the shirt, and you give those to me before you get the shirt." he then added, his hand pushing down a bra strap. I gasped at this, and quickly put it up again. He wasn't very patient, going on:

"But that offer only stands for the next ten seconds."
"Oh come on, I'm not going to do that!"
"Tick, tick, tick..."
"Stop it!"

It was stupid, but I couldn't go home like this and he knew it. The last thing in the world that I needed, was for a cop to pull me over and give me a hefty fine. Right when he got to about five seconds, I said:

"Okay wait! I'll trade either my bra or my panties for a shirt. Would that be okay?"

I needed to play nice, I guess. Still, I was pretty angry at this jerk...
"Okay wait! I'll trade either my bra or my panties for a shirt. Would that be okay?"

I let the moment pass, paused in thought. I had no intention of going along with it, but letting her get her hopes up. "Well, that would be okay, I guess." I started, looking down on her. "Unfortunately, my expectations for 'okay' went out the moment I got through the door and saw you there, Ellie." A potent mixture of anger and lust showed in my eyes as I bore down on her, forcing her into a wall with my hands on either side of her. "Here's the facts. I know you can't go home, Tom's not going to be here all weekend, and quite frankly I'm too wound up to just let you get off scot free."

"Now, I'm a fair guy." Bullshit. "I love games of chance as much as anyone, and if you sit down at the table, I'll give you a fair shot at getting back what you gave to me." Well, not exactly 'gave'.... "But if you want to do that, you're doing one of two things. Either you go and sit down at the table, dressed exactly as you are." I inclined my head at the bathroom. "Or, you get in there and toss me out your bra and panties out the door so I can choose what I want to see you in, and then we play." I looked down at her. "Choose now."

Truth be told, there was an option 3, but I didn't think she'd be all that amenable to it...
"Well, that would be okay, I guess. Unfortunately, my expectations for 'okay' went out the moment I got through the door and saw you there, Ellie."

I ignored his roaming eyes for the moment, figuring that at the very least, I was on my way out of here. That is, until he essentially pushed me against a wall, with his hands on my sides as he looked straight into my eyes, before saying:

"Here's the facts. I know you can't go home, Tom's not going to be here all weekend, and quite frankly I'm too wound up to just let you get off scot free."

Great, I knew that he wasn't going to make this easy...

"Now, I'm a fair guy."


"I love games of chance as much as anyone, and if you sit down at the table, I'll give you a fair shot at getting back what you gave to me."

"How generous..." I said sarcastically.

"But if you want to do that, you're doing one of two things. Either you go and sit down at the table, dressed exactly as you are. Or, you get in there and toss me out your bra and panties out the door so I can choose what I want to see you in, and then we play. Choose now."

"Well in that case, I'll go dressed exactly as I am now. You've already seen me wearing what I am, so what's there to lose?" I answered back, trying to move away one of his hands. "Can we get to playing? I want to go home now."
"Well in that case, I'll go dressed exactly as I am now. You've already seen me wearing what I am, so what's there to lose?" She poked at one of my hands as my expression got serious, boring into her.

"Can we get to playing? I want to go home now."

It looks like she'd forgotten about why she was stuck here, so I grabbed her wrist, all but forcing her to the doorway leading out of my apartment as I threw open the door. "Okay. Out you go, then." At her hesitation, I gave her ass a light, 'playful' slap. "Come on, Ellie, what's the problem? I thought you wanted to leave, give the guys a show on your way down before the cops pull you over for drunk driving and indecent exposure on your way home." I leaned into her to whisper. "You sure you wouldn't enjoy it just a little?"

At her response, I slowly closed the door. "Then go to the table and sit the fuck down." If I got my way, she'd get used to the idea of taking orders from me, although even I didn't know how things would go as I found a deck of cards, riffing them in my hands as I stared her down, no longer as an object, but someone to be beaten, in more ways then one.

"You know how to play War?" I asked as I shuffled the deck, dealing out all of the cards to her and to me. It was simple. High card wins, if a tie, deal out three more and then show again. I only played it when I was drunk, or below the age of 10. I'm sure you'd be surprised to know that I got drunk enough that it was a staple of late nights with some of the folks I ended up hanging out with while waiting for...never mind.

"You win, you get an item of clothing back. I win, you lose one more." I looked at her. "Deal?"

I held my first card out, and showed it. It was a 10, and hers was a Jack. I ended up losing the first three cards, giving her the early lead.

That's not a good sign...
"God, what are you...?" I asked, interrupted as he opened the front door, after dragging me forcefully by the wrist.

"Okay. Out you go, then."

I gasped, as his hand lightly slapped my round behind. Did this guy have no shame?

"Come on, Ellie, what's the problem? I thought you wanted to leave, give the guys a show on your way down before the cops pull you over for drunk driving and indecent exposure on your way home."

"Well...No, I don't..." I answered back hesitantly; while I could go out right now, what he said probably would happen. Another gasp escaped my soft lips, as he whispered into my ear:

"You sure you wouldn't enjoy it just a little?"

That bastard...He knew that I had no choice.

"No, okay....I'll be good." I said, fighting back the urge to yell at him. I needed to pick my battles very carefully.

"Then go to the table and sit the fuck down."

There wasn't nothing else that I could do. So, I gradually made my way to the table and sat down at the end of it, hoping that he wouldn't sit too close to me. Of course, that was wishful thinking; as if he knew any boundaries. Just what was the deal with him anyway? He was treating me so badly, so humiliatingly...and why was my heart beating so fast...

"You know how to play War?"

"Yes, doesn't everybody?"
I answered back, hoping that he wouldn't take that reply too personally. The fact was that War was a very simple game to play.

"You win, you get an item of clothing back. I win, you lose one more. Deal?"

"Deal." I replied simply, as we began playing. Truth be told, I didn't expect things to go so easy for me. Before I knew it, I was three cards ahead and was obviously going to get out of here with all my pieces of clothing. I drew another card.

"King." I said, showing him the card.

This was going to go pretty well. Quite frankly, I had already won all that I needed to win. I...I think that I began to get overconfident, or maybe it was just the alcohol, but suddenly these words escaped my mouth:

"Well...looks like I'm winning champ." I said with a grin "You lost! But why don't we make things more interesting now? If I win the most out of the ten next cards, you have to pay Tom's share of the rent this month?"
"King." she said, showing me a card. Luckily, I only gave her a two, and I won one out of the next three hands after that. Great. One win, six losses.

"Well...looks like I'm winning champ." She grinned. "You lost! But why don't we make things more interesting now? If I win the most out of the ten next cards, you have to pay Tom's share of the rent this month?"

"I haven't lost yet." I replied calmly. "I meant at the end of the game, not every hand." Although if she'd whipped off her bra and panties after the first two hands, I would've let her do it. "But..." For all of my strengths, my greatest weakness was the fact I often started thinking with the wrong head. "...if you win twice, I'll do it." We split the next four hands, but I wasn't making any traction.

The first game ended pretty quickly, and she ended up with all of the cards. Despite myself, I smiled, enjoying the competition as much as she seemed to be, especially since she seemed to be forgetting how little she was wearing... "If you win this round, I pay his rent." I nodded at her. "Although you'll have to win again in order for me to not tell him why I'm paying for his rent..." My tone was teasing, and I hoped her memory was short. Or that the wine made her forget how rude I'd been to her earlier...and that I hadn't promised her any of her clothes back yet.

Fate was cruel to me again, though, and she won six out of the first eight cards. Things weren't looking good; I was down to about fifteen cards, and she was cruising along with thirty seven. And enjoying it far too much for my liking. I couldn't force the cards to be better through force of will or anger. Or at least that's what I figured.

I flipped over a King...and then she did to. "War!" I shouted, dealing three more face down, just like she did...and then we both flipped Aces. "Double War!" Three more cards from each of us, and then another flip...both Queens. I looked at her dumbfounded; I was no math savant but the odds on this happening were a bit ridiculous. I'd done this for years and *never* seen a triple war. We both dealt out three more cards slowly; there were now twenty four cards at stake depending on who dealt out the high card, and while I wasn't a praying man, I hoped some deity would be smiling on me now.

I flipped over my card slowly...and saw an Ace, although my face broke into a defeated look. I'd enjoy seeing her expression change when she saw I had the highest card in the deck...
"I haven't lost yet. I meant at the end of the game, not every hand."

Ack, well there goes my sense of victory. Still, I was ahead, regardless of what the rules were. There was only so much that he could do now, so I pretty much was going to win this thing. Well, unless he could pull a miracle, but somehow I doubted it.

"But...if you win twice, I'll do it."

That sounded fair enough. I was getting a little confident here, so I wasn't going to pass up on this offer.

"Deal." I said with a grin, winning the first game pretty quickly from that point on. I was quite giddy at my victory, so much so that I complete lost track of why I was doing this in the first place.

"If you win this round, I pay his rent."
"That's the plan."
"Although you'll have to win again in order for me to not tell him why I'm paying for his rent..."
"Yeah, all right." I said with a sigh. Obviously he was going to drag his feet through all of this.

The game was going over pretty smoothly for me again; very reminiscent of our previous set of cards. Though, near the end, it got a little more intense.

"Double War!"
we shouted at the same time.

My heart was at a frenzy, as I slowly flipped over my card and saw another King. His luck so far had not been that great, so I figured that I had this in the bag.

"King!" I said, almost triumphantly. Funny thing is...
"King!" The look of triumph on her face was only matched by the look of shock on mine when I flipped over the Ace. That meant I had three kings, three aces, two queens, and who knows what else that was in the nine cards she'd put down. I smirked at her as I took in the pile of cards. "Looks like the tides have turned." With well over half of the good cards left, it wasn't long before after a minute or two of flipping, I had her entire pile in front of me.

"Looks like I win, Ellie." Pretending to be having a debate with myself, I shuffled the cards idly as my eyes never left her body besides mine. "Now, what to take off...which would you prefer? Bra, or panties." My smile was probably anything but comforting, and her response indicated as such as she tried to clarify. Oops, too bad she'd never specified anything...

"What clothes?" I shrugged, looming over her again. "You never asked about getting your clothes back, so that would be changing the terms." Again, I let my eyes run over her perfectly formed shape. "But since I'm a forgiving man..." Bullshit. "...I'll put the offer I had earlier back on the table. Go into the bathroom, you strip down behind the door and give me the rest of your clothes, and I'll give you one of Tom's shirts to wear so you don't feel so exposed." As if to confirm my status as a pig, I leered at her. "Except the heels, of course. They suit you..."

Can't blame a guy for trying, can you?
"Looks like the tides have turned."

Oh god, that completely backfired on me. It looked like that he really did pull off a miracle (or cheated. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him.) to win that game. If the rules from before still stood, that meant that I owed him an article of clothing. Still, given that I had won the game before, that meant that I just could lose what I won and start anew. Right?

"Looks like I win, Ellie."
"Yeah....looks that way." I said, almost muttering those words to myself.
"Now, what to take off...which would you prefer? Bra, or panties."
"What? What about the clothes that I won?"
"What clothes? You never asked about getting your clothes back, so that would be changing the terms."

You had to be kidding me. It turned out that this guy was as cunning as he was a complete sleaze ball.

"But since I'm a forgiving man..."
"...I'll put the offer I had earlier back on the table. Go into the bathroom, you strip down behind the door and give me the rest of your clothes, and I'll give you one of Tom's shirts to wear so you don't feel so exposed."

Frustrated, I pretty much slammed my cards into the table as I walked off to the bath room.

"Except the heels, of course. They suit you..."
"Jerk!" I exclaimed, going to the bath room to strip out of my underwear and bra - obviously with the door closed; I'd only open it, and very slightly at that, when he would arrive with the large shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror, naked, and prayed that he wouldn't see my naked breasts or my trimmed pussy.

What was taking him so long anyway?
"Jerk!" She didn't seem to happy with me, as she all but stormed off to the bathroom to do as I had asked of her; although the heels she was wearing clicked nicely against the floor. "Nice ass." I tossed at her as she did, the door all but slamming behind her. I got up, feeling a rather familiar feeling in my shorts. I couldn't leave things to chance anymore, so I decided I needed to take my time with things.

First, a quick refill of her wine glass which she'd neglected, along with a beer for me, the cold bottle taking its place along the table. Finding a shirt for her would be the easy part, as I knew Tom's closet as well as my own; there was an older dress shirt of his with a button or two missing that would be the one I'd give her. In white, of course, because she was so innocent.

Then, I rigged the decks. There was no time to do it thoroughly, but I put 10 of the 12 face cards in my deck, and three of the aces, along with enough low cards that she'd get enough wins to think I wasn't cheating. That'd only get me one win, but if I played my cards right (ha!) I'd only need one.

With a quick move up, I lumbered back to the bathroom, hitting the door. "Almost ready!" It was ridiculous that I needed any time at all, as it should've taken me about ten to fifteen seconds to find a shirt. Which it did, as soon as I mosied into Tom's room, pulling the shirt off of the hangar. I might've popped another button by 'accident' when I did it, and looking at it, I leered; it wouldn't cover her ass if she moved at all, to say nothing of what would happen if she didn't sit very, very still.

I hit the door again. "Okay. Let's see 'em." At her confusion, I elaborated. "Your bra and panties. Open the door and hand them to me. Good god, it's not like I want to see you naked or anything...what kind of girl are you to think that?"

As the saying went, bullshit. Soon, the door opened...
God...What was he planning...

It was only when I heard a few knocks at a door that I snapped out of my thoughts, especially when he very nearly shouted:

"Almost ready!"
"Finally! What's taking you so long?" I complained. "There isn't a camera in here, right?"

He didn't answer, but I figured that was because he went into my boyfriend's bedroom to pick a shirt. Hopefully. Anyway, it didn't take too long before I heard another knock on the door. Maybe this time he had the shirt?

"Okay. Let's see 'em."
"See what?"
"Your bra and panties. Open the door and hand them to me. Good god, it's not like I want to see you naked or anything...what kind of girl are you to think that?"
"The same type of girl that you're making take off her bra and panties!" I exclaimed, just ever so slightly moving my arm through the crack to give him both of my undergarments. "Okay, what about that shirt?" I asked impatiently.
"The same type of girl that you're making take off her bra and panties!"she exclaimed.

"Point of interest: you agreed to this."
I responded cattily, seeing her arm extend through with her remaining undergarments. I let the door stay open for a bit as I went down the hall, tossing those into my room too. If she really wanted to get them, she could go in there herself.

"Okay, what about that shirt?" I was slowly making my way back down there, shirt in hand, when a thought occurred to me. It was time for a little more fun at her expense, as I grabbed the door, slowly teasing it open and close. I didn't dare look in, but I let her think I was, and could swear she was trying to keep it out of my hand. But I still teased it. Slowly, of course, open a bit, closed a bit, but always ensuring she knew I was in control.

And that she knew I could throw the door open if I wanted to. Eventually, I extended my arm in, looking away like a 'gentleman' while I handed her her clothing. I took a few steps away to watch her as she came out, and what a sight she was.

There truly is only one thing sexier then a girl in man's clothing. And that's one out of it. I didn't hide my leer as we made our way back to the table, making sure I took the right deck before I 'shuffled' it, looking at her. Taking in her form, legs spread just a bit on the chair, shirt riding up to her ass, and opening near her cleavage. It might've been a bit transparent, in the right light...

"You want to up the stakes, Ellie? Get this over with, one way or the other?" With the competitive streak she'd shown so far, I knew what the answer would be.
"You're such a jerk! I can't say this enough!" I shouted, as he pulled and closed on the door, moving it against my grasp. Was he actually trying to get a peek in? Honestly, he was such a scumbag and the sooner that I could get out of here, the better. My birthday gift was a total disaster, judging by the looks of things. From now on, we'd chill at my place.

Finally, he gave me the shirt and...well, I figured why he took so long to get me it; he obviously looked for the most revealing thing that he could find on me.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and could observe an ample amount of cleavage and as I turned, I could see the underside of each cheek (the shirt didn't cover much at all, from the look of things).

Frustratedly, I walked out that door and tried my best to make him walk in front of me. I was so angry, that when he said:

"You want to up the stakes, Ellie? Get this over with, one way or the other?"

I replied "Oh my god yes. I just want to get out of here. If I win, you pay my boyfriend's rent for a year...and you can't tell him about this."
"Oh my god yes. I just want to get out of here. If I win, you pay my boyfriend's rent for a year...and you can't tell him about this."

For the first time all evening, I was as calm and collected as I could be, taking a sip of my beer. "Have some wine, Ellie. Take the edge off." It was a bit of an order, but she was still free to refuse it, assuming she was still in any mind frame to do so, sitting there, so vulnerable. I actually was in thought here, wondering how exactly to phrase my demand. "That's a *lot* of money, Ellie." I said slowly. "You'd have to promise a lot in order to balance that out...." My gaze ran hungrily up and down her barely clad body. "If I win..." I let the words hang in the air for a moment as I stood up, wanting her to see how much bigger then her I well as certain other parts of me that were large. "...I'll start with that shirt you're wearing." I walked over behind her, placing a large hand on her shoulder, shifting her shirt ever so slightly. "And I can't promise I won't tell Tom." I hissed.

I let the tension hang in the air before I sat back down. "We can play a few hands before, if you want...and then you can make your decision, or back out." I even turned over my first card, which was a ten; she took it with a jack. I lost the next two as well; and I pretended to back out.

"Um, actually, I want to reconsider..." I hoped my look of confusion would make her forget the lustful, hungry look I'd had only moments before. The slaughter was about to begin, with all of the good cards in the 23 I had remaining.

Would she take the bait?
"Have some wine, Ellie. Take the edge off."

I eyed him suspicious if just for a second, wondering on whether he wanted to cloud my judgement with this wine. I figured that even if he was planning on doing such a thing, it wasn't as if we were playing poker or something - War wasn't a game that really relied upon the players' focus. It was all luck. So, I nodded and took a glass of wine, gradually sipping on it as he seemed to be lost in thought. That is, before I continued:

"That's a *lot* of money, Ellie. You'd have to promise a lot in order to balance that out...."

A shiver ran down my spine, as his hands ran up and down my arms and he pressed his body against my back and...did I just feel his...

"If I win...I'll start with that shirt you're wearing."

That was some wager but I could get even...

"And I can't promise I won't tell Tom."

Did he have to say that so close to my ear...

God, I didn't know what to do. That was a hefty wager for me, as I'd be naked, with no real way to my place, and he would tell my boyfriend about this. Naturally, he'd seem bad but I would seem even worse for continuing with this. Not to mention that he could simply warp this story around and make me look like I wanted to seduce him or something...

"We can play a few hands before, if you want...and then you can make your decision, or back out."

"Um, actually, I want to reconsider..." he started to say, when we both flipped our first cards.

I could totally do this.

"No way, let's do this." I said with a grin...If only I knew.
"No way, let's do this."

To her credit (or my piss poor planning....or great planning, depending on how you looked at it), she did win two out of the next three. I tried to look nervous as I saw her stack increasing, as mine decreasing; even briefly wondering if I'd put the right decks in place. Maybe she'd gotten mine, and I'd be paying Tom's rent for a year. Not that I couldn't afford to, but be outfoxed by a slut wearing a shirt and heels....

It was about that point that I took her King with my Ace, and I kept from breathing in. I'd be fine. War was a game of chance, and as such even as I took a huge portion of tricks, she'd stay in it simply because I had so many bad cards among the thirty five or forty I'd accumulated. Still, it was a comfortable enough position that I could taunt her, which is exactly as I did.

"No rent for your boy, Ellie. In fact, looks like I'll get to see what you were teasing me with earlier." I leered at the cleavage the shirt was exposing, and the way her legs shifted the hem of it. "Did you even notice I said I'll 'start' with your shirt? I'm not leaving thousands of dollars of the chance of seeing you naked." Her despair seemed to show as I continued. "No, if I win, I plan on letting you have the entertainment you'd planned on the moment you decided to strip for your boyfriend..." I took more tricks, and she was down to eight cards. " just won't be with the man you'd planned on it being with."

The desire in the air was palpable; she knew I wanted her. But as I watched her body language, it was clear that she wasn't entirely averse to the idea, either. Desperation clouded the last minute or two of the game; she had an Ace left in her last six cards, and it took some time for me to flush it out; she even took one of my queens and made a comeback to about thirteen cards or so.

Eventually, I finally got a war with her ace, and took five cards when a ten beat her eight. With her Ace gone, and Queen in the pile I'd taken, she was defeated a moment later.

The smile on my face was anything but kind as I got up.
God, I never had to go through anything as quite as nerve-wrecking as this. My heart must have been pounding at 200 beats per minute, because I was nearly trembling as the game went on. It was pretty close - I mean, I was ahead actually, but not by much. Judging by the look of things, he wasn't so calm either; I could read most people like a book, and he was quite anxious. Maybe more than I was.

Still...he was good at hiding that fact...

"No rent for your boy, Ellie. In fact, looks like I'll get to see what you were teasing me with earlier."
"I wasn't teasing..." I said, before noticing his eyes fixated on the cleavage that the valley of my round breasts made out, especially under this small shirt.
"Did you even notice I said I'll 'start' with your shirt? I'm not leaving thousands of dollars of the chance of seeing you naked."
"You can't be..."
"No, if I win, I plan on letting you have the entertainment you'd planned on the moment you decided to strip for your boyfriend..."
He was serious. Oh my god.
" just won't be with the man you'd planned on it being with."

He wanted to do things to me; that much was obvious. Not to mention, it was also obvious that he wanted my boyfriend to know - given how many times he mentioned that fact. He wanted to degrade me, humiliate me and obviously, if his demeanor was anything to indicate - he was going to be rough and take his winnings by force if he had to...So why was I feeling so...flustered?

I didn't say anything as we continued playing - I was praying within the confines of my mind that I pull off a win and never show my face here again. Unfortunately, luck wasn't so kind when we flipped our final cards of the game -

And I lost it all.
There was no pretense anymore. My smile disappeared, no longer anything resembling a pleasant expression on my face as I eyed her; my cock raging to get free of my shorts, my underwear, everything. I tensed a little as I loomed over her, a little lamb in a shirt trying to keep away, thinking if she just closed her eyes she would disappear from my view. Not a chance. The image of her, posed like she'd been over the dining room entrance, encased by the light, seductively positioning herself for her was burned into me now. The tone of her voice when she thought I was the one meant to see her like this. I let the peace linger, deciding how I wanted to handle this, before I motioned to her.

"Get up." I growled. The price of disobedience was clear as I led her to the dining room entrance, letting her face the room as she had before, although she wasn't positioned as she had been...yet. "Hands behind your back." The movement caused her shirt to shift even more, and I didn't let her hide her exposure from me; it would only get worse for her.

"Tell me what your plans were, Ellie." My hands reached for the first button of her shirt. "What you were planning to do to him when he came in." My eyes glared at her warningly. "Depending on how truthful you are, we'll do this the easy way...or the hard way." I popped open one button, revealing more of her chest as I awaited her answer.

If she hesitated at all, the shirt would come off. And not gently.
The silence was maddening. Honestly, from all that happened today, I expected him to be shoving his victory in my face. I thought that maybe, he was going to let this all go. Well, I thought wrong...

"Get up."
The tone of his voice caused me to shake a little as I did, the fear of expecting whatever he had in store for me was brutal. Forcefully, he pulled me to the entrance of the dining room, observing my face now which showed a clear trace of sheer anxiety.
"Hands behind your back."
With almost a whimper, I slowly brought my hands to my back.

"Tell me what your plans were, Ellie."
His fingers undid the first button...
"What you were planning to do to him when he came in. Depending on how truthful you are, we'll do this the easy way...or the hard way."
Then chest moving closer and closer to freedom.
Out of fear, I think, I decided to answer him truthfully about my plans: "We...We pretty much only have ever had sex in missionary so...I was planning on letting him fuck me in whatever way he wanted."