Sure a lot of fucking dicks here suddenly

Problem Child

Feb 21, 2001
No, I meant full-time 100% dickheads. I'm just a part-time dick-when-I-wanna-be sort of dick.

Yup. Like a tidal wave of shit. Very unpleasent way of getting attention.
Re: Am I one of them?

The Squid King said:
...I try to keep to amusing a small group.


No, you're fine. That dancing banana shit is getting real old, but you're great.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
All the new ones were me.

I am guilty I did it

Now shut the fuck up

I thought you got banned, analfistulaboy. Did laurel knuckle under and let you back in?
Dick Apprenticeship Training Program

I'm an apprentice dick in a program that combines classroom studies with on-the-job training. My advisor thinks I have all the attributes to make this a career.

It's the really mean, cruel, sort of evil dicks that give just ordinary dicks a bad name.

Hanns_Schmidt said:
All the new ones were me.

I am guilty I did it

Now shut the fuck up

Hannns, how can you claim to have multiple Lit. personalities when you haven't established one viable persona?

Not to mention the rancid odor eminating from your cell. Don't the guards ever check?
Speed Racer, you've been out dicked.

You're still my favorite, hands down. You get style points out the wazoo. Everything I learned I learned from you.

And Marxist.
Use this to reply to the Dickhead of your choice:

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Starfish, Not only are you a whore, but you are a classy whore. Men throw money at your feet to just to get a look at you, then they are lucky if you think they are good enough to pay you another 50gs to get a look at your fine, smooth whore poon.

I know. But it's a tough, redudant, meaningless existance, however, I am at least very rich, gorgeous, and well pleasured so I consider myself blessed.