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loved the first audio girls, can't wait to hear your future pod casts
Lol right!!!! However I support his dirty talking as well :)

When given my approval he can be a very, very, naughty boy :devil:
I bet he garners that approval rather easily!
The more the merrier?:)

Sometimes.... But sometimes I'm greedy and want my lover all to myself.
True on both all depends on the mood.
All I can say :devil:
Thank you!! :rose:
I am very polite in public. But in private...and with Kitty's approval...I can say things that make the paint melt off the walls and can fry an egg with the heat of my words! :devil:

Sorry Eliza and AJ...only Kitty gets to hear those things! Maybe one day if you ask nicely, she might give me permission to speak to you that way as well! ;)
*runs to ask Kitty to repeat the filthy things you say!* ;)
I agree.
I remember one time when I was in my twenties we were five girls and four boys. We were in one of the boys living room watching tv. Today I don't remember who started it all but after a while it was like everybody touched everybody every were, people made out, some ended up fucking, others just helped each other to orgasm. That was great fun!:)

It's fun to have participated in such activity. I sometimes wonder if it would work today. It was so spontaneous. No one said anything, it just happened.
I would easily invite you if you were watching.:)
Wow, that sounds amazing. And I agree. That is the kind of thing that works best when it just happens. Had you tried to plan that it would not have been half as hot.
Well then you should have heard our phone call the other day! Your hair would have curled and you would have needed a valium to slow your heart rate!! ;):devil::eek:
My hair never holds curl...but that might do it!
I kind of figured you'd be joining in, Eliza! :kiss: I can't wait to hear how the two of you approach this!

Regarding Question #1: I'd like my partner to be willing to push her boundaries a bit more and take a little more initiative. She's very trusting and willing to try some new things, but only within the walls of the bedroom and only with the two of us, and it's nearly always something I'd like to try.
I am looking forward to it!
Yes - her response "thats disgusting"
Oh. I am sorry to hear that,
what I look for above all else is that the woman is comfortable... dressing to impress can so often mean that you are uncomfortable ( high heels, tight clothes, straps that don't cooperate - you get the idea)... because even though us men are visual, it's all the other cues that really make a great night - the conversation, the touches, strong eye contact...

so while I will always appreciate it when someone dresses up for a date, I'm much happier when she can relax and be comfortable no matter where we are or what we are doing...

exception #1: when a great outfit is very, very fun to slowly remove... then I may be willing to sacrifice some of her comfort for the sheer joy of unwrapping her later... :D
This is a very interesting answer. Honestly not one that I expected, I dig it!
I am exceptionally privileged to see beneath the layers and see into a person. So for me, it doesn't matter what clothes she wears or how much makeup she applies. I look into her heart and see what she is like underneath all the "presentation." I look for a good-hearted person. I look for someone who is kind and loving. I look for someone who genuinely cares.

The surface level stuff may look nice, but when I see what lay underneath all of that beauty is either enhanced or simply fades away.

I believe what is on the inside is more important than what is on the outside.
Yes, yes. What is on the inside is what matters most. But say you are just out and a woman catches your eye. What about her would do that?
loved the first audio girls, can't wait to hear your future pod casts
Thanks!! :kiss:
What do you really notice about women when you go out? Is it really important that we’re all decked out in a great outfit?

Clothes mean little to me, it is all in how she wears them. A good fitting pair of jeans and a tshirt can be one of the sexiest things ever. I have to be the shallow one here and say that the first thing to normally draw my eye to a woman is her ass. I can't help it! ;)
What do you really notice about women when you go out? Is it really important that we’re all decked out in a great outfit?

It's a lot of different things. How she walks, enters the room, her eyes, smile and laugh. The clothes aren't that important (hopefully they end up on the floor :D) as long as they suit her and are right clothes for the right occasion (ball dress at the ball, jeans and t-shirt in the stable and naked in bed).
The way a woman carries herself. Of course curves help a lot! :p
Agreed. A woman who carries herself with confidence could be wearing a burlap sack and still be sexy.
It's a lot of different things. How she walks, enters the room, her eyes, smile and laugh. The clothes aren't that important (hopefully they end up on the floor :D) as long as they suit her and are right clothes for the right occasion (ball dress at the ball, jeans and t-shirt in the stable and naked in bed).
I gave always been drawn to a genuine laugh, be it that of a male or female.
Agreed. A woman who carries herself with confidence could be wearing a burlap sack and still be sexy.

I gave always been drawn to a genuine laugh, be it that of a male or female.

Me too! People with a good sense of humor are sexy! And people who don't take themselves to seriously, have a bit of distance to themselves.
what I look for above all else is that the woman is comfortable... dressing to impress can so often mean that you are uncomfortable ( high heels, tight clothes, straps that don't cooperate - you get the idea)... because even though us men are visual, it's all the other cues that really make a great night - the conversation, the touches, strong eye contact...

so while I will always appreciate it when someone dresses up for a date, I'm much happier when she can relax and be comfortable no matter where we are or what we are doing...

exception #1: when a great outfit is very, very fun to slowly remove... then I may be willing to sacrifice some of her comfort for the sheer joy of unwrapping her later... :D

Would you pick such an outfit out for her? I like the be comfortable but I like to dress up too. I'm lucky enough that I can wear some heels and be perfectly comfortable. I don't like pantyhose though or stockings...

I am exceptionally privileged to see beneath the layers and see into a person. So for me, it doesn't matter what clothes she wears or how much makeup she applies. I look into her heart and see what she is like underneath all the "presentation." I look for a good-hearted person. I look for someone who is kind and loving. I look for someone who genuinely cares.

The surface level stuff may look nice, but when I see what lay underneath all of that beauty is either enhanced or simply fades away.

That being said... When you've already found a woman attractive... What would you like to see her in? Kitty asks you to buy her an outfit to wear to dinner, what would you choose?

I believe what is on the inside is more important than what is on the outside.

I agree with this but I can't make myself find someone attractive if it doesn't click. I was never upset with my ex-husband not being attracted to me... I was upset he lied and settled for me.

loved the first audio girls, can't wait to hear your future pod casts

Hopefully recording tonight!

Clothes mean little to me, it is all in how she wears them. A good fitting pair of jeans and a tshirt can be one of the sexiest things ever. I have to be the shallow one here and say that the first thing to normally draw my eye to a woman is her ass. I can't help it! ;)

It's a smile that lights up her eyes that draws me in... When I can see the naughty twinkling in the eyes... Mmmm. Cleavage is always welcome.

I like men in suits and I like them in jeans... But guys...if you want her checking your ass out... buy them to fit your ass!! There is nothing worse than saggy assed jeans!!

The way a woman carries herself. Of course curves help a lot! :p

Yes. Confidence is so key!!

It's a lot of different things. How she walks, enters the room, her eyes, smile and laugh. The clothes aren't that important (hopefully they end up on the floor :D) as long as they suit her and are right clothes for the right occasion (ball dress at the ball, jeans and t-shirt in the stable and naked in bed).

^5 (high 5)
So agree with this

Agreed. A woman who carries herself with confidence could be wearing a burlap sack and still be sexy.

I gave always been drawn to a genuine laugh, be it that of a male or female.

This is why we have such fun together

Looks like you ladies have started a fun thread... :rose:

Seriously.......I promise all I am drinking this afternoon is coffee!


It's a smile that lights up her eyes that draws me in... When I can see the naughty twinkling in the eyes... Mmmm. Cleavage is always welcome.

I like men in suits and I like them in jeans... But guys...if you want her checking your ass out... buy them to fit your ass!! There is nothing worse than saggy assed jeans!!

Yes. Confidence is so key!!

^5 (high 5)
So agree with this

This is why we have such fun together


Good afternoon Ladies :D
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can i get cliff notes from someone, i started in late and I"M sooooo lost... lol
can i get cliff notes from someone, i started in late and I"M sooooo lost... lol

Eliza and I are doing a sort of podcast audio series... For as many episodes as we enjoy. :)

We want input from folks here and after a few solo episodes will have guest stars from time to time.

We will post questions here to keep conversation going and perhaps find discussion material for when we record.
Eliza and I are doing a sort of podcast audio series... For as many episodes as we enjoy. :)

We want input from folks here and after a few solo episodes will have guest stars from time to time.

We will post questions here to keep conversation going and perhaps find discussion material for when we record.


Answer 1, 2 or both

What is the most unusual place you've had a sexual experience (including oral or penetration of any kind)?

Where is the most unusual place you'd like to have sex?
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Answer 1, 2 or both

What is the most unusual place you've had a sexual experience (including oral or penetration of any kind)?

Where us the most unusual place you'd like to have sex?

In a pickup truck in the middle of a field. Even got caught.
Yes, yes. What is on the inside is what matters most. But say you are just out and a woman catches your eye. What about her would do that? :

Well since we are talking about superficial looks...legs and eyes. Especially the way the eyes sparkle when she smiles! :)
Answer 1, 2 or both

What is the most unusual place you've had a sexual experience (including oral or penetration of any kind)?

Where us the most unusual place you'd like to have sex?

A treehouse in her parents backyard after being out all night drinking. It was too small and we were hanging out of the door and windows. Did I mention it was also raining?? Lol!!
Answer 1, 2 or both

What is the most unusual place you've had a sexual experience (including oral or penetration of any kind)?

Where us the most unusual place you'd like to have sex?

1. In the walk-in fridge at a restaurant during the dinner rush :eek:

2. On a rollercoaster :cool:
I like men in suits and I like them in jeans... But guys...if you want her checking your ass out... buy them to fit your ass!! There is nothing worse than saggy assed jeans!!
Oh my god! So true. I am a total ass woman and there is nothing more sad than a pretty ass in baggy pants.

Good afternoon Ladies :D
I would believe that fits you perfectly!
:kiss: Thank you!

Well since we are talking about superficial looks...legs and eyes. Especially the way the eyes sparkle when she smiles! :)
Now that's what I'm talking about!

In a pickup truck in the middle of a field. Even got caught.
:D My answer to this question also involves a pickup truck!

A treehouse in her parents backyard after being out all night drinking. It was too small and we were hanging out of the door and windows. Did I mention it was also raining?? Lol!!
This made me laugh. The mental image is awesome!

1. In the walk-in fridge at a restaurant during the dinner rush :eek:

2. On a rollercoaster :cool:
1. Hot! I mean cold...but still hot!
2. That sounds terrifying!
Answer 1, 2 or both

What is the most unusual place you've had a sexual experience (including oral or penetration of any kind)?

Where us the most unusual place you'd like to have sex?

1. A children's playground on our way home from a party. I can recommend the swings, they are very useful!;)

2. In a space shuttle orbiting the earth. I'd like to have sex weightless.
Answer 1, 2 or both

What is the most unusual place you've had a sexual experience (including oral or penetration of any kind)?

Where us the most unusual place you'd like to have sex?

1) On the hood of a 58 Chevy in the middle of a junk yard.
2) On my Ex-bosses desk with his daughter. (The daughter is 22 just for the record)
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