Sunday, June 23rd will bring a supermoon to our horizons at moonrise. The moon has prompted many to put pen to paper, and I thought it might be interesting to see what might come about with a thread devoted to the Supermoon. Here is my attempt
Lunar Looming Large
Full moon rising in large splendor
Tides moved by lunar pull
And lovers gaze in awestruck wonder
Wrapped up in shadows full
Moon casting paths in beams bright light
Reflections through the trees
It beckons through the dark of night
This most magical of perigees
Lunar Looming Large
Full moon rising in large splendor
Tides moved by lunar pull
And lovers gaze in awestruck wonder
Wrapped up in shadows full
Moon casting paths in beams bright light
Reflections through the trees
It beckons through the dark of night
This most magical of perigees