Superlittlegirl's Smoochies For RastaPope Thread

I just realized that the title of this thread is in plural, and I only gave one smoochie.


:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

(feel free to place where desired)
Minkey Boodle said:
Do poochies count?

RastaPope said:
I don't even know you.

She watches over you every Christmas as you sleep waiting for Santa to bring you your new toys. We all know what you asked for this year. No personal info here though. Naughty boy.

Holiday :kiss: 's
Is that you in the photo? (the perennial Lit query...)

And what the hell does fish have to do with Buffy?

(One of my big goals this week is to watch Buffy reruns on the WB, subtitled en español!)

This Spanish-Language keyboard is confusing the fuck out of me...

SilvaTungDevil said:
I won't give him a kiss but I will give him a fish (cause he's all about Buffy)

Minkey Boodle said:
It's not the cookie thread, man. It's smoochies, or nothing else.

I might give Rasta a smoothie. But neither of us are Italian so a smoochie ain't happening.

Besides...smooching produces cookies will foster viscousity, truly making smooches worth remembering...