Superheroic love


Oct 9, 2022
An idea for a few short stories, most likely using “lawyer-friendly” versions of other costumed heroes. Also, there would be various categories of the types of relationships seen in comics. Some types (using famous examples):

SILVER AGE CLARK AND LOIS: The civilian loves the hero; the other identity, not so much. (The opposite version also exists; loves the man, hates the super).
DINAH/OLLIE: Both of them have uniforms, and know each other’s identities.
BARRY/IRIS: One is a hero; the other is not. But they know about their significant other’s “part-time job”.
SELINA/BRUCE: They date as civilians, but don’t know each other’s identities.

Any other categories I’ve forgotten?
The triangle in and out of costume.

Spider-Man- Peter Parker/ Mary Jane/ Felicia Hardy- Black Cat.

Mr. Fantastic/ Invisible Woman/ Namor, this one is very good. Two Alpha males as different as night and day, and a woman who's had enough of their shit.

The enamored villain - Talia Al Gul/ Batman.
Yeah, superhero sex can be hot.

I once wrote a series of one-shots titled Justice Lesbians of America. It was a long time ago and they certainly weren't well-written, but I got quite a positive reception.

Back to the subject though, I recommend using dedicated fanfics websites if you want to read in this trope. Literotica isn't very friendly to such type of stories.
Yeah, superhero sex can be hot.

I once wrote a series of one-shots titled Justice Lesbians of America. It was a long time ago and they certainly weren't well-written, but I got quite a positive reception.

Back to the subject though, I recommend using dedicated fanfics websites if you want to read in this trope. Literotica isn't very friendly to such type of stories.
Yeah. Ao3 (Archive of our Own) is perfect for this kind of fanfic stuff.
A Talia al Ghul, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle story would be fun and hot.
Speaking of, there's 33 Selina/Bruce/Talia stories on that other site.
The triangle in and out of costume.

Spider-Man- Peter Parker/ Mary Jane/ Felicia Hardy- Black Cat.

Mr. Fantastic/ Invisible Woman/ Namor, this one is very good. Two Alpha males as different as night and day, and a woman who's had enough of their shit.

The enamored villain - Talia Al Gul/ Batman.
I like the idea of the Mr. Fantastic/Invisible Girl/Namor idea.

Namor is already enamoured with Susan Richards. Thus why they were always clashing. Soon enough Reed Richards can sense his wife is starting to return the attraction. It starts to arouse him. The next time Namor attacks he abductions Susan. Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm are nowhere around. Richards knows what’s going to happen between Namor and his wife. So he waits before alerting the team.

Namor takes Susan down to his castle in Atlantis. There Susan gives into Namor. They have passionate sex. The best sex Susan has ever had. After giving then enough time, Mr. Fantastic rounds up the rest of the FF and they rescue Susan. This becomes a regular thing. Namor abducts Susan, takes her back to his palace and fucks her! Then the FF easily “rescue” her.
Guess I wasn’t clear when I started this thread. I hadn’t planned on using already-existing characters, but rather, similar characters without violating copyright laws. Ever read Astro City? Like that.

I only mentioned those couplings because they’re some of the better examples. With the “both heroes” setup, I can just imagine the dialogue when they’re “off the clock”:

“Any problems dealing with Doc Saturday? That tank looked pretty freaky.”

“It built more for style than function. Went down pretty quick. Just what you’d expect from an 80s-obsessed weirdo. And the Sweet Adelines?”

“Still in custody. A museum heist in the middle of the day; what were they thinking?”
Guess I wasn’t clear when I started this thread. I hadn’t planned on using already-existing characters, but rather, similar characters without violating copyright laws. Ever read Astro City? Like that.

I only mentioned those couplings because they’re some of the better examples. With the “both heroes” setup, I can just imagine the dialogue when they’re “off the clock”:

“Any problems dealing with Doc Saturday? That tank looked pretty freaky.”

“It built more for style than function. Went down pretty quick. Just what you’d expect from an 80s-obsessed weirdo. And the Sweet Adelines?”

“Still in custody. A museum heist in the middle of the day; what were they thinking?”
I’ve written something similar, or at least the first in a planned series. “Overcoming Burnout” is a sexy take on the Superman/Flash races, mixed with the reformed bad girl trope.