Summery Needs A Spanking...


Bound and willing
Apr 9, 2002
She has been very very VERY bad and needs spanking!!

Line starts...

Oh warm hands optional.
Caly, I don't think you mentioned, just how bad I've been.:D
Summery said:
Caly, I don't think you mentioned, just how bad I've been.:D

I think that knowledge is optional. I, personally, would enjoy spanking you the sake of spanking!
Summery said:
Caly, I don't think you mentioned, just how bad I've been.:D

Do tell....we're all waiting with raised hands and/or cat-o-9-tails...
LMAO...hmm...accessories are optional too.

How baaaaaaaad you've been?? Ooooh I don't know...that would be divulging intimate phone calls.
calypso_21 said:

How baaaaaaaad you've been?? Ooooh I don't know...that would be divulging intimate phone calls.

And, we DON'T want to do that, now do we?;)
Summery said:
Caly, I don't think you mentioned, just how bad I've been.:D

That's irrelevant.

Your ass is ours.

I too shall wait my turn...
storm1969 said:
That's irrelevant.

Your ass is ours.

I too shall wait my turn...


Good to see you.

Still not giving details, of my naughty adventures!
Summery said:

Good to see you.

Still not giving details, of my naughty adventures!


Here, dance on this :nana:

And details are also irrelevant.

Your ass is ours.
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storm1969 said:

Here, dance on this :nana:

And detailt are also irrelevant.

Your ass is ours.

Are you saying, Literotica owns my ass?:D
Summery said:
Are you saying, Literotica owns my ass?:D

No, they (we) just hold certain rights and privelages. And a percentage on advertizing.
storm1969 said:
No, they (we) just hold certain rights and privelages. And a percentage on advertizing.

How about we start by, YOU kissing my ass!;)