


my FRIEND has been having suicidal thoughts for a month now. They dont dare tell their therapist or friends in fear of being put in a hospital.
She dreads getting up in the morning, cant get to sleep and food doesnt taste the same anymore. She rarely goes out except for college. If you have any advice, please post it.

edited: it is about my friend so keep your assumptions to yourself.
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there are a million things people could say. Would anything that anyone here posted, make you change your mind? I mean not many if any of us know you. Talk if it makes you feel better. But the old cliché, suicide isn't the answer comes to mind more than anything.
First thing in the morning, call your doctor, tell him/her what you just told us and ask for a prescription for an anti-depressant and a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Make appointment with the therapist and go. Keep going and keep trying different medications until you start to feel better.

Life is precious and always changing.
Call some and get help. If you are afraid of the hospital dont be, it is a place where you will get well and all of these terrible thoughts and feelings will go away.
There are probably chemical things going on, on top of any sorrow that may be in your life as of late. Please see a doctor, and don't be afraid of medication. Things should never be so bad that you would seriously consider killing yourself. It doesnt have to be this way.

And if you want my spiritual reason for not taking your own life, it is that I believe in reincarnation and that in your next life, you will merely be faced with the same lesson to learn, and have to experience this all again. You must overcome such troubles, not end them temporarily with the easy out.
"Donna" was diagnosed with bipolar when she was 20. The doctors were confused as to what she had at first.
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I read your the way, dead people almost never get laid.


The fact that you're here is a good sign.
Sometimes the best way to improve ones life is to find a different attitude toward the way that ones life already is. Nothing in your life is set in stone. If there is something you do not like about yourself, you can work to change it.

Manic Depression/Bipolar doesn't just go away. It's there to stay, but can be managed with medication.

You need to seek the help. Only you can help yourself. And that begins by seeking professional help.

What medication are you on now? Feel free to PM me.
No one's going to lock you up in a hospital for suicidal thoughts. However, if you attempt it and don't succeed, you MAY get put in care. To avoid that happening, I suggest you go to a therapist and explain things.

As I understand it, bipolar and other mood disorders can be helped with proper medication. If you're on meds, it sounds like you need to try something else because they're not working. If you're not on meds, give it a try.
If you don't feel comfortable in session telling your theapist anything get a differnt one. A therapist is not going to put you in a hospital for saying the you have had random thoughts.
It sounds like you are developing mild depression. This is very treatable. If you don't feel good with this therapist get a different one. Do not feel bad about interviewing several to find one you feel a connection with.
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MissVictoria said:
Sometimes the best way to improve ones life is to find a different attitude toward the way that ones life already is. Nothing in your life is set in stone. If there is something you do not like about yourself, you can work to change it.

Depressed people can't just turn their lives around though.

It's a chemical imbalance in their brain. I deal with my bipolar mother on a daily basis. The ups and downs are a bitch!

I don't know from personal experience what you are going through, De Sade. But I know things can get better. With help.
I don't know you and you do not know me. I can say that having been there, see the doctor. They will set you up with a perscription for an antidepressant, and arrange a visit with a psychologist or psychiatrist. They will help you reveal your problem and then assist you in targeting and correcting it. It is an almost painless process, and very well worth the effort. Believe me when I say that everyone suffers from depression from time to time and sometimes it can overwhelm one and cause these feelings. Please go to a doctor and explain your feellings they will help you and not ridicule you.

Do it now. At least at the earliest time you can in the next few days. It is important for you to do this because your loved ones need and want you around. Trust me on this. There are people who will be devastated by this and you need to get the help. YOu will be amazed afterwards and very thankful of having life and others around to love and hold.

PLEASE, go to the doctor NOW.:)
How about some Thai?

Some nice Thai can always brighten one's day!

Watch something in double speed with the benny hill theme as soundtrack.

I don't know about anybody else, but this international porn selection is cheering me up.

How about some Irish girls, Lance? Long, wavy red hair, fair skin, freckles.

Thanks. :)
by all means go to the doctor, talk to a friend, do something. alot of times, people all go through the same experiences in life. if it is something in particular spill your guts here, that's what we are here for. if it's not and you just need to talk, vent or whatever, there are alot of wonderful caring people here. just talk!!!!!!!!!
it will get better, trust me, have been through this.
De Sade, suicide is uncool and definitely not an escape.
Having a mental illness is rough, but you have friends and family to support you (and Lit. of course). :)

You may only see the unhappiness and pain now, however there's another side of life to experience and should not be missed out on. You realize there's a problem, so now it's time to cure it instead of running away from everything. People are noticing as well if they want to know what's wrong. Tell them, they need to know and want to help.

(By the way Lance, where do I buy soroity slut Barbie?)
she sees a therapist and he tells her what she already knows. She has been on meds for 8 years and they dont help. Fucked up isn't it?
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I think you need your meds changed. Talk to your therapist and let him know how you are feeling. He can get that change done for you.
De Sade said:
thanks, but I see a therapist and he tells me what I already know. I have been on meds for 8 years and they dont help. I have attempted suicide 5 times before, once with pills and liquor, another time with cuts down my arms.
I can be honest here because I am anonymous. The pain of going through each day is too much.
I used to hang out with friends and write. Even those simple things dont make me happy.

This sounds drastic, but I saw something on TV once about some doctors using electroshock therapy to cure patients with chronic deep depression. They followed a musician - a brilliant guy - who was unable to write or lead a normal life because of the depression. He'd tried many medications, but none had worked. He volunteered to be a part of a study which used a series electroshock treatments over a period of time - a year, maybe. The treatments cured him of his depression - he said it was like night & day. The side effects included some memory loss, though. I don't know how serious your problem is or how many meds you've tried, but I thought I'd throw that out so you could talk to your doc about it.