suicide is not illegal


Nov 14, 2001
in the united states. physician assisted suicide is (except in oregon).

just wanted to let you all know.
umm... is it just me or does that make perfect sense. Suicide not illegal... but of course because suicide means the person's dead and you can't prosecute a dead person. :p Actually most states and places in the US have a law that attempted suicide is illegal. Of course it's rarely ever enforced or anything more than a short bit of time at a mental institution.

Sorry had to be a wise ass. :(
After watching my Grandfather die, I realized that it looked very much like a process that is part of life.

Although his eyes were closed and he was non verbal, he was obviously actively involved in something that felt tangibly important.

I think that sometimes today we do everything possible to block out the most primal of experiences, and maybe because of that, we are missing out on some really important stuff.
seXieleXie said:
in the united states. physician assisted suicide is (except in oregon).

just wanted to let you all know.

Has always been my understanding that there's no FEDERAL law against it but that most STATES have laws against suicide, but they're rarely enforced
I did a bit of web-searching & came up with this:
"It is an illegal act, usually a felony, yet each state decides the parameters of their suicide law. Much of the country's suicide law that is prosecuted concerning assisted suicide. Yet a lone person, attempting to commit the act of self-murder, could be charged with a felony. Are they charged? Hardly ever. The nature of the crime usually evokes pity, and most people in power choose to have such persons sent into treatment, committed to institutions for evaluations, or they are put in court-mandated programs, put on medications, made to see therapists, etc, etc., instead of sent to prison. The reasoning behind the legality of suicide is quite interesting. We found all kinds of reasons for why suicide is illegal. One was for cases involving multiple personality disorder, another suggested it was illegal for insurance fraud reasons, another suggested illegality based on cost to taxpayers for such prolonged treatments and medications and mental hospital incarcerations. Another suggested it was for the individual's protection against him or herself. Individuals who are in such a state of mind where they choose and attempt a suicidal act rarely think of anything other than themselves; not the aftermath or the effect it will have on their friends, family, and community. Whether that is their right or not, whether it is a right of privacy or not, is quite a hot issue. For instance, if someone wanted to die, and planned it in such a way that no person or government would be 'financially' burdened, would it still be illegal? There are many questions that still are subject to debate. But as of now, suicide is indeed illegal, but mostly seen by lawmakers and officers of the court as more of a common law rarely upheld."
So just to be clear: In the United States if you attempt suicide (and do not succeed) you will not be brought up on any charges?
Pyper said:
So just to be clear: In the United States if you attempt suicide (and do not succeed) you will not be brought up on any charges?

Depends on what state you live in
Generally they throw you in a psych ward
I have read of charges being brought against people in certain very rare cases.......generally jumpers, since they create a threat to the safety of others
Pyper said:
So just to be clear: In the United States if you attempt suicide (and do not succeed) you will not be brought up on any charges?

I can't speak for the entire country, but in Nevada if you attempt and fail and it involves the police or any kind of offical response, you'll probably go somewhere for an evaluation.
Pyper said:
So just to be clear: In the United States if you attempt suicide (and do not succeed) you will not be brought up on any charges?

if you're attempting suicide and a policeman sees you, he's obligated to try and stop you. if you're unsuccessful and end up in the hospital or something they'll force you to undergo some sort of psychiatric evaluation, but it's not something you go to court/jail over.
ever feel like no one is listening to you and you want to kill yourself? lol I said that too James.

Actually I think the illegality of it and many other (often stupid for example sodomy which is up for supreme court review) laws are more to blame on religious tenets than anything else. But I plan on burning in hell so I'm stocking up on ice cubes. ;)
THis one time Tikki Barber came into the store with his twin and tried to pay with a credit card. I couldn't tell them apart so I couldn't be sure if it was his or his brothers. I didn't let him use it. He was really pissed off and called me a "fucking kike", but the joke's on him cos I"m not jewish.
seXieleXie said:
you have a reading comprehension problem honey?

No, but there are contradicting facts in this thread. You started by saying it's not illegal. People countered by saying that there are laws on most books declaring it illegal, but people are rarely charged.

So, technically, it's illegal right?
Pyper said:
No, but there are contradicting facts in this thread. You started by saying it's not illegal. People countered by saying that there are laws on most books declaring it illegal, but people are rarely charged.

So, technically, it's illegal right?

At least, to my knowledge, in some states yes
In Florida, there IS a law on the books against it (from the reading I've done) but in cases where it ha gone to court (usualy in right-to-die cases involving medical issues) the courts have found that our strong privacy amendment to the state consitution overides the state's interest in the suicide
Interesting. This person I went to highschool with tried to commit suicide. The branch broke.
One of the reasons it is illegal is so that law enforcement officers may have a reason to detain you should you attempt it.
Ham Murabi said:
I can't speak for the entire country, but in Nevada if you attempt and fail and it involves the police or any kind of offical response, you'll probably go somewhere for an evaluation.


Insurance policies, provision excluding coverage for suicide, 688A.260

Investigation, 259.050

Life-sustaining treatment

Assisted suicide not authorized by statutes, 449.670

Effect of declaration concerning withholding or withdrawal, 449.650, 450B.570

Prisoners, forfeitures in case of suicide abolished, 212.010

School course in suicide prevention, 389.0185

Seller of real property, disclosure of facts relating to previous occupants immaterial to transaction, 40.770

A quick look at the index of the Nevada Revised Statutes as posted onthe state website doesn't sho any link to "Suicide, Prohibited" -- just laws about required disclosures and classes and th requirements for the coroner to determine a findning of suicide.

Apparently, it is NOT illegal to commit (or attempt) suicide in Nevada. The link is there for anyone who wants to invest the time for a more comprehensive search.
Spinaroonie said:
THis one time Tikki Barber came into the store with his twin and tried to pay with a credit card. I couldn't tell them apart so I couldn't be sure if it was his or his brothers. I didn't let him use it. He was really pissed off and called me a "fucking kike", but the joke's on him cos I"m not jewish.

you're a goddamn pikey, that's what you are!

fuckin' hate pikeys!
JeanetteLv2 said:
umm... is it just me or does that make perfect sense. Suicide not illegal... but of course because suicide means the person's dead and you can't prosecute a dead person. :p Actually most states and places in the US have a law that attempted suicide is illegal. Of course it's rarely ever enforced or anything more than a short bit of time at a mental institution.

Sorry had to be a wise ass. :(
