SUGGESTION: Anonymous Reviews


Sep 19, 2023
I'd like to make a suggestion to remove the ability to leave Anonymous reviews. As I've been reading through lots of stories for the Halloween Contest, it never fails that the most snide, rude, and negative reviews are left anonymously.

I'm sure this suggestion has been debated/discussed before. But I think it would be nice to make people who want to say something negative own it a little bit.
I think half the time it's the same person!
But...I think they got bored of my stories. Phantom Flings has I've noted myself several errors...hey anonymous has not complained!
It's been raised and discussed ad nauseam. The TL;DR summary is that a) enforcing having an account to post would dissuade readers and commenters, b) it's not in our power to change anyway (and Laurel won't), and c) you can turn off 'anon comments' on a per-story basis from your dashboard.
Some of my anon reviews have been great. Examples- the fan who alerted me to a research fail on “Debrief” or the one who appreciated me finally finishing my Katie Holmes hotwife project (“Passion 5”). I’ve gotten some other good anon reviews too. You have to take the questionable with the good.
I switched off Anon comments a long time ago after some serious abuse from one particular character.

Just out of interest, I switched them back on today in the wake of the Karaoke challenge. None to date, so not reaching for the off-button just yet.
It's been raised and discussed ad nauseam. The TL;DR summary is that a) enforcing having an account to post would dissuade readers and commenters, b) it's not in our power to change anyway (and Laurel won't), and c) you can turn off 'anon comments' on a per-story basis from your dashboard.

This. OP, this same topic gets a new thread monthly, at least.

Ain't gonna happen, not least because many writers disagree with you. And, more importantly, so does Laurel. ANYTHING that reduces the ability of anonymous people to do anything on Lit is a non-starter. I suspect that the vast majority of the site's traffic is driven by people who never intend to log in. They're who the site is for, predominantly.

For myself, if you nuked anon commenting, I'd get so few I'd barely get any at all. I've never had a big problem with getting vile anon comments, unlike some.
I wound up turning off anonymous contact on my profile, but it wasn't from getting nasty reviews (the one person who routinely does so has an account). I didn't want people sending me anonymous emails, and after the first three I disabled them, which for whatever reason blocks the comments as well. If they're going to change anything that'd be the alteration I'd want most, but as said above, this is not the venue for getting any resolution to tech issues like that.
I believe that you, as the author, can block anonymous comments. But I'd never do that. You are also free to delete any comments on your stories.
What Millie said... you as an Author can block anonymous comments. I have and my life has been a little less bothersome.

It's in your options on your author profile.
I very rarely stir the hornet's nest with my stories, so most of my anonymous comments are quite positive. If we forced people to use their usernames to comment we'd likely have less meanness, but we'd also lose a lot of the positive ones. I'd rather not.

This is how I feel. Of course if certain trolls I’ve had issues with in the past on other forums follow me here… I will deal with that situation should it ever arise. I don’t want to make it an eventuality.
Here's the five most recent anonymous comments on my stories.

"I loved this story! I absolutely love that the good guy ends up winning!"

"Oh yeah, this is the stuff. It felt like you used a light touch and it was all the more enjoyable for it. You're really fucking good at this."

"Best story I’ve read for quite a spell. Definitely a prize winner."

"I had plans for the day but since I started reading this story I have been unable to stop. I'm about halfway through, and everything else is on hold until I finish it. Lesbian sex doesn't much interest me, so that's not what sucked me in. It's just a fine story, and what a fine writer you are!"

"I read the last few paragraphs with tears streaming down my cheeks. Such a fabulous story. So well written. It took me on a wonderful journey back through all the years of my life. Thanks indeed."

So, no, I don't support limiting anonymous comments.
I've have a lot of good comments from Anonymous, who ever he is. I don't block comments. And I don't really think making everyone register just to leave a comment is going to change much. Some readers are outspoken, and they like telling you what they think, even if it's nasty.
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You also have the option to delete comments you don't like (again, from your dashboard). Personally, I don't do this - it's sometimes fun to watch other commenters defend you from the trolls.

I like keeping them there as reminders that I somehow ruined someone's day by the most miniscule of things. My favourite one so far I think is this one:

Anonymous: " Pretty boring. Took forever to get to the goods. Like reading a Mills and Boon novel "

I know they meant it as an insult but I actually took that as a backhanded compliment. I also just got a comment that a less than 7000 words story where about half of it is just sex scenes had "too much build-up" so I mean.. You can't please everyone. The sooner one comes to terms with this as an author, the better!
To me that acronym makes me think 'quantum field theory,' which then leads meanderingly to the sci-fi literary trope of parallel universes where every possible outcome occurs, and makes me want to write a story where an author and physicist collapses the boundaries between realities in order to make a conglomerated one wherein everyone is pleased with them.
To me that acronym makes me think 'quantum field theory,' which then leads meanderingly to the sci-fi literary trope of parallel universes where every possible outcome occurs, and makes me want to write a story where an author and physicist collapses the boundaries between realities in order to make a conglomerated one wherein everyone is pleased with them.
But they got the sign wrong and found the reality where everyone is pissed at them.
To me that acronym makes me think 'quantum field theory,' which then leads meanderingly to the sci-fi literary trope of parallel universes where every possible outcome occurs, and makes me want to write a story where an author and physicist collapses the boundaries between realities in order to make a conglomerated one wherein everyone is pleased with them.
And in very one of those alternate realities, there's me the bright, shining center of the universe. :eek:
But they got the sign wrong and found the reality where everyone is pissed at them.

The Web site impowers authors to delete any comments they don't wish to have on their stories.