

Aug 5, 2013
Heya, i wrote a story for a special someone to see but it says pending in my account, just wondering how long it usually takes to get accepted, my first story so i don't really know what to expect. Was hoping it could get accepted soon so that i could show it to my special someone <3

It can take up to a week--unless you start clicking on buttons where it's listed in your submissions page, which could send it back to the bottom of the pile each time you do it, leaving it in perpetual limbo. It takes longer during contest periods than not, but we aren't currently in a contest period. There's only one editor reviewing everything that comes in.
Its hard to pin down. They "say" 5-6 days, but mine have taken between 6-11 days, and the last one is now well into its 2nd week. Good luck!
Its hard to pin down. They "say" 5-6 days, but mine have taken between 6-11 days, and the last one is now well into its 2nd week. Good luck!

Laurel said a couple of days ago that there is a backlog. The Summer Lovin' contest entries have been taking preference, but the last entry date has just past, so there should be some movement soon.
I have had it take 10 days to get a story published. Never have had one take the 3 days they say. Average is probably 5 to 7 days. Poems usually only take a few hours. Patience... It's hard, I know.
Submitted Friday night, hadn't realised there was still such a backlog. Not very good at being patient...