subject 42


Literotica Guru
Sep 23, 2010
Susan has been paralysed since early childhood.
She has now become an experimental patient.
Dr. J moore and his female assistance, want her
Dr J has waited so long for this day. He finally will have the young woman he wants in his experiment. The remainder of his group- all women doctors that he suspects are lesbians- have no idea his true plans for experiments.

Subject 42 also has no idea what she has signed up for.

Many of the female dr smile as 42 is brougt in.
They find her mother serving as her caregiver erotic, and wish to question her at some length
As some of the doctors go over standard questions with Mom, Dr J and two others begin talking to Susan. They explain how a round of tests will set a baseline for further testing and how they need to do a thorough examination.

Dr J is speaking with her as he helps remove her clothing. Doctors are accustomed to naked bodies and his face remains stoic. His mind, however, does not. Subject 42, aka Susan, has the drawn and atraphied muscle of most quads. But she also has perfectly smooth skin. Not a bit of body hair anywhere. He also notices that although she has no feeling below the neck, her exposed nipples immediately harden as clothes are taken away.

Susan appears frightened. "Don't worry, one of the female assitants dr Linda croons, No one will hurt you." Dr J sanps on the overhead light anxious to begin
As the first round of standard tests is finishing up, Dr J comes closer to Susan's face and smiles cheerfully. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

"Nope, didn't feel a thing." Susan jokes.

They all have a small laugh and Dr J explains he will be doing a few more tests as the ladies move off to begin logging their results. "Just tell me if you feel anything Susan. Anything at all."

Her heart begins to speed up and she gasps as Dr J squeezes her left breast . No feeling comes thru her nervous system to her brain, but she just knows it must hurt. Squeezing and twisting until it is flushed red, he releases him death grip. "No feeling there." he calmly intones as his hand reaches for the right.

Susan waits longing for her mom.
Dr. J seems kind, but so many have not been.
Her mom comes over pats her on her numb arm.
Almost over, such a good girl