Stupid movies

Wrath of the Titans - or anything featuring Liam Neeson (Taken, Taken 2, blah, blah)
Moulin Rouge!
The Great Gatsby (2013)
Romeo + Juliet (1996)
Arthur Christmas. I just couldn't enjoy that movie.

Were you disappointed to discover that it wasn't based on a true story?

I finally got around to watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and I didn't care for it at all. I love Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro, but I just didn't see the appeal. Maybe I was in a really bad mood when I watched it.

On the other hand, I actually thought the first Transformers movie was mildly enjoyable. Maybe I was in a really good mood that day. I didn't even bother watching the other ones, but I didn't hate it.
have you ever dropped? it really helps you appreciate fear and loathing because it captures the experience almost perfectly.
and you can go straight to hell and burn.

You've gotta be kidding. Please say you're kidding.

clutch loves that movie, and he made me watch it, and I still haven't forgiven him for it. SO. Bad.
have you ever dropped? it really helps you appreciate fear and loathing because it captures the experience almost perfectly.

I haven't, but I can see that might make the movie much more enjoyable. I probably won't start doing acid just to enjoy that movie, though. I would only take drugs for a really good reason, like peer pressure.
I haven't, but I can see that might make the movie much more enjoyable. I probably won't start doing acid just to enjoy that movie, though. I would only take drugs for a really good reason, like peer pressure.

Phelia, come do mushrooms with me. Right now! :kiss:
Don't drop, Phelia. It is way better to munch.

Find some good shrooms. Cleaner high, better colors, all organic. And there is nothing quite like that cold feeling that starts at the top of your skull and works its ways down to the top of your thighs. Acid is so crude. So inglorious.
Phelia, come do mushrooms with me. Right now! :kiss:

Well, I dunno, maybe I shouldn't, OKAY! :kiss:

I asked my friend how she felt when she did mushrooms and she said "Amazing! I had to give a guy directions so I bit a map into a tortilla."

I'll bring the tortillas and Jefferson Airplane music.