stupid government asshats and greedy college students


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
first of all, where else can someone get a loan for $20,000 to $200,000 with no assets, qualifications, or plan on repaying the loans?

which is the insane group:

1. those that make the loans?
2. college students
3. the asshats in education (that rape college students)?

first of all, educations should be in jail for over charging...

education is great, but lets end this bullshit degrees. ie, I have a family member who racked up $60,000 to become a social worker with an expected max yearly salary of $35,000

now, if they were smart and earned their masters in business then the 60k would have been money well spent
I have a very low IQ and earning a degree in something like science, engineering, math, business, medicine, or law, would not be possible.

With my level of intelligence, earning any kind of academic degree would be extremely difficult if not impossible.
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first of all, where else can someone get a loan for $20,000 to $200,000 with no assets, qualifications, or plan on repaying the loans?

which is the insane group:

1. those that make the loans?
2. college students
3. the asshats in education (that rape college students)?

first of all, educations should be in jail for over charging...

education is great, but lets end this bullshit degrees. ie, I have a family member who racked up $60,000 to become a social worker with an expected max yearly salary of $35,000

now, if they were smart and earned their masters in business then the 60k would have been money well spent

When did you start hating capitalism?
News flash, our education and health care (including insurance) are not "capitalism" its fucked up regulations socialism

Nope. Certainly not the parts you're complaining about. You're not complaining about it being cheap, you're pissed off that people are making money. Why do you hate people making money Jenn. This isn't like you. I thought you believed it was a business owners right to charge anything they can get away with.
The only college degrees which yield a high return are the following


If you earn a degree in anything else, expect to make well below $30,000 per year.
I have a very low IQ and earning a degree in something like science, engineering, math, business, medicine, or law, would not be possible.

With my level of intelligence, earning any kind of academic degree would be extremely difficult if not impossible.

I'm all for people making a boat load of money! as much as the market will allow them...

I'm all for higher education, and I'm 100% for student loans vs grants and government entitlements.
Nope. Certainly not the parts you're complaining about. You're not complaining about it being cheap, you're pissed off that people are making money. Why do you hate people making money Jenn. This isn't like you. I thought you believed it was a business owners right to charge anything they can get away with.

for eduction, the key is to 86 ALL government funding and make colleges compete for students and money

you are welcome!
I am disabled, I am not intelligent enough for college, I have a very bleak future.
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News flash, our education and health care (including insurance) are not "capitalism" its fucked up regulations socialism

If the US education isn't capitalist, why is there such a discrepancy between how much different schools charge? If they were socialist by nature or by regulation, they should all cost the same, or more specifically, they wouldn't cost the students anything to attend because we all would be taxed enough to cover the cost of tuition for the students.

If US health care was socialist, health insurance wouldn't be necessary because all costs to citizens would for doctor visits, prescriptions, surgeries, etc, would be set by the government. If anything, the ACA raises profits health insurance companies will see since it is requiring people, whether they feel they have a need for it or not, to have health insurance through some private health insurance company.
If the US education isn't capitalist, why is there such a discrepancy between how much different schools charge? If they were socialist by nature or by regulation, they should all cost the same, or more specifically, they wouldn't cost the students anything to attend because we all would be taxed enough to cover the cost of tuition for the students.

If US health care was socialist, health insurance wouldn't be necessary because all costs to citizens would for doctor visits, prescriptions, surgeries, etc, would be set by the government. If anything, the ACA raises profits health insurance companies will see since it is requiring people, whether they feel they have a need for it or not, to have health insurance through some private health insurance company.

your not very smart, are you? a juice smoker?
Capitalism - an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; a system of society or group living in which there is no private property; a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Capitalism - an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; a system of society or group living in which there is no private property; a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

glad that you can C&P. obamaCare is the highlight of government stupidity: fact.

you, and those like you need to stop saying obama is good and that government is the solution. in health care, we need to model the system after plastic surgery. just look at what procedures use to cost 20 years ago....10 years ago!

socialism never works. period. unless the country has a ton of natural resources. This is why Russia will become a world power again. This is why china has purchased the rights to other countries natural resources
glad that you can C&P. obamaCare is the highlight of government stupidity: fact.

you, and those like you need to stop saying obama is good and that government is the solution. in health care, we need to model the system after plastic surgery. just look at what procedures use to cost 20 years ago....10 years ago!

socialism never works. period. unless the country has a ton of natural resources. This is why Russia will become a world power again. This is why china has purchased the rights to other countries natural resources

Since you apparently needed some basic definitions, a C&P seemed in order.

I said those things? Really? Please, show me where?

btw, Russia and China are not actual examples of communism. If they were or had been, then everyone in those countries would have been equal when it came to resources, but they are not. Those who run the country are much better off than the slave labor on which they utilized to build their fortunes.
Since you apparently needed some basic definitions, a C&P seemed in order.

I said those things? Really? Please, show me where?

btw, Russia and China are not actual examples of communism. If they were or had been, then everyone in those countries would have been equal when it came to resources, but they are not. Those who run the country are much better off than the slave labor on which they utilized to build their fortunes.

by definition, yes Russia and China are not communist countries. Russia is an obama thug like country run by the KGB and China is a war monger .... in waiting.

however, both of those counties, and the obama regime want an elite "members" of state where only select members (aka friends of obama) can enjoy being part of the upper crust
Raping college students? Is that what occupies your mind?

those in higher education, do rape the wallets of college students, parents, and more importantly the TAX PAYER. now, if you owned property or had an income, these things would piss you off. however, since you are on the "entitlements" property taxes do not effect you
those in higher education, do rape the wallets of college students, parents, and more importantly the TAX PAYER. now, if you owned property or had an income, these things would piss you off. however, since you are on the "entitlements" property taxes do not effect you

What property do you own?
Toys in the Attic

In a round about way a college education, that is a modest one, costs 15-20,000 tax payer dollars the Grand Ole Party and their magic beans Philosophy. Demographically it doesn't even enter into the picture unless you've cracked the Einstein Rosenbridge Hypothesis is not the point, labled as Socialistic and apt to alienate right, left wing anarchist thrive.
Socialism - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; a system of society or group living in which there is no private property; a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Republicans have a hard time with this concept so they make up their own definition involving Robin Hoodism. Somehow socialism in their mind becomes a system where the wealthy don't benefit from redistribution of wealth. They think wealthy business owners don't benefit from their businesses using roads or access to an educated work force.

It's all about black people takin' their stuff.
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics is anything to go by, a wide variety of careers are more lucrative than Mike Yates suggested. I have had menial administrative office jobs that yield more than $30,000 a year, so the situation is not as dire as all that.

Also, I think it is a popular misconception that all higher education should be job oriented. Do not underestimate the value of a healthy, enlightened population. Personally, I am willing to pay astronomical taxes for education and health care if necessary, since I rely on the wisdom and wellbeing of my fellow citizens to elect reasonable leaders and provide the provisions, infrastructure, medical care, and protection I need to survive. If left to unhealthy morons, the country would destroy itself and me along with it.
Jen is just jealous she doesn't run a business that profits as much as American Universities.
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics is anything to go by, a wide variety of careers are more lucrative than Mike Yates suggested. I have had menial administrative office jobs that yield more than $30,000 a year, so the situation is not as dire as all that.

Also, I think it is a popular misconception that all higher education should be job oriented. Do not underestimate the value of a healthy, enlightened population. Personally, I am willing to pay astronomical taxes for education and health care if necessary, since I rely on the wisdom and wellbeing of my fellow citizens to elect reasonable leaders and provide the provisions, infrastructure, medical care, and protection I need to survive. If left to unhealthy morons, the country would destroy itself and me along with it.

The only jobs/careers that yield a +$100,000 per year salary are those in engineering, computer science, medicine, law, business, and finance.

If you get a degree in any other field, don't expect to make very much money.
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