Of COURSE they can't show me portaits of the lower-class folk. Of COURSE they make more busts than statues, so I can't really discern of guyX is a general or a senator. Of COURSE they start shitty with their sculpture, then make the Greeks do it, then do it themselves, and achieve near-perfection.. and then some stupid emperor comes in and messes it all up cus he doesn't like to be shown as old and wrinkly, so realism gets tossed out the window.
Fucking art history paper.
Of COURSE they can't show me portaits of the lower-class folk. Of COURSE they make more busts than statues, so I can't really discern of guyX is a general or a senator. Of COURSE they start shitty with their sculpture, then make the Greeks do it, then do it themselves, and achieve near-perfection.. and then some stupid emperor comes in and messes it all up cus he doesn't like to be shown as old and wrinkly, so realism gets tossed out the window.
Fucking art history paper.