Study shows religious couples enjoy far more satisfying sex than their secular compatriots


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
A study published in the Journal of Sex Research on August 26 indicates that free love and godless sex may not be as great as once advertised. Sex engaged in by religious married couples is reportedly more satisfying, particularly for married women with strong religious associations.

Social demographer Dr. Nitzan Peri-Rotem, of the University of Exeter, and Columbia University professor Dr. Vegard Skirbekk analyzed data from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles to explore the links between religiosity and sex frequency and satisfaction.

Among those surveyed, men and women who stated that religion was either very or fairly important reportedly had significantly less frequent sex than those who were irreligious, but Peri-Rotem and Skirbekk noted frequency was more of a concern for unpartnered individuals and couples who didn't live together.

Although religious couples involved in the study reported having less sex than their unpartnered, unmarried, or remotely paired peers, it turns out they have a generally more satisfying sex life.
This is more of a GB or AH topic. Or possibly fetish/sexuality.