Study: 'Medicare for all' projected to cost $32.6 trillion


Loves Spam
Jun 9, 2018
Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for all" plan would increase government health care spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years, according to a study by a university-based libertarian policy center.

The Mercatus analysis estimated the 10-year cost of "Medicare for all" from 2022 to 2031, after an initial phase-in. Its findings are similar to those of several independent studies of Sanders' 2016 plan. Those studies found increases in federal spending over 10 years that ranged from $24.7 trillion to $34.7 trillion.

"It's showing that if you are going to go in this direction, it's going to cost the federal government $2.5 trillion to $3 trillion a year in terms of spending," said Thorpe. "Even though people don't pay premiums, the tax increases are going to be enormous. There are going to be a lot of people who'll pay more in taxes than they save on premiums." Thorpe was a senior health policy adviser in the Clinton administration.

After taking into account current government health care financing, the study estimated that doubling all federal individual and corporate income taxes would not fully cover the additional costs.
If we just eliminate a few corporate tax breaks, it's paid for. Why should a corporation be getting healthcare?
How much does not having Medicare for all cost the American people?
If we just eliminate a few corporate tax breaks, it's paid for. Why should a corporation be getting healthcare?

Yea just go take money from others...... why should they get to keep their property when phro clearly feels entitled to it?

How much does not having Medicare for all cost the American people?

Shouldn’t cost a penny.....which is why we should go back to the pre Reagan “fuck you pay me” healthcare system.
Yea just go take money from others...... why should they get to keep their property when phro clearly feels entitled to it?

Shouldn’t cost a penny.....which is why we should go back to the pre Reagan “fuck you pay me” healthcare system.

That's never going to happen so do you have any realistic options?
If we just eliminate a few corporate tax breaks, it's paid for. Why should a corporation be getting healthcare?

We should cut the defense budget, eliminate farm and business subsidies, hike taxes on the upper 10% of the population and corporations, and we will have plenty of money for universal health care, while paying off the national debt we have accumulated since Reagan sold the scam that it was possible to cut taxes for the rich, raise defense spending, and balance the budget.
Yea just go take money from others...... why should they get to keep their property when phro clearly feels entitled to it?
You make it sound like robbery.
It's the same as insurance companies taking "their property".
Plus they wouldn't get denied coverage for whatever the insurance company feels like denying.
And we wouldn't have to pay emergency room fees for people with a cold, or huge ER bills because they waited until something was out of hand to go to the Dr.
Yea just go take money from others...... why should they get to keep their property when phro clearly feels entitled to it?

Shouldn’t cost a penny.....which is why we should go back to the pre Reagan “fuck you pay me” healthcare system.

The government has the right to tax. I have the right to vote. I choose to vote for Democrats and democratic socialists who will soak the rich.

Their money dill not go us any good until we direct the government to take it from them and spend it in ways that benefit us.

They can move if they want. Any civilized country will raise their taxes anyway. If they want to move to Honduras I will help them pack, but they should be restricted to two changes of clothing and toilet articles. The government should make them leave their wealth in the U.S. Treasury.
The problem with all of these various health plan ideas is that they don't do anything about escalating costs and fees for services.

As long as Doctors feel it's OK to charge patients for their country club and yacht dockage fees, somebody, everybody will be paying too much for simply getting their BP checked.
The government has the right to tax. I have the right to vote. I choose to vote for Democrats and democratic socialists who will soak the rich.

Their money dill not go us any good until we direct the government to take it from them and spend it in ways that benefit us.

Not for the sake of equity it doesn’t, you need to go read the Constitution.

The socialist you vote for are the rich and they won’t ever spend others money to benefit society. Just fill their pockets, Rombamacare is a great example.
The problem with all of these various health plan ideas is that they don't do anything about escalating costs and fees for services.

As long as Doctors feel it's OK to charge patients for their country club and yacht dockage fees, somebody, everybody will be paying too much for simply getting their BP checked.

Why is it not ok for docs to charge?
When anyone other than the government comes and takes your shit by force/under threat of violence what do you call it?
So you're arguing that no one should pay taxes?
I get services in return for my taxes.
I may not always agree with them, but hey, that's the price I pay to live in an industrialized society.

Everyone in the country having healthcare is a lot better for the country than $25billion+ on a border wall or the $64million plus we've paid so far for Trump to go play golf.
We should cut the defense budget, eliminate farm and business subsidies, hike taxes on the upper 10% of the population and corporations, and we will have plenty of money for universal health care, while paying off the national debt we have accumulated since Reagan sold the scam that it was possible to cut taxes for the rich, raise defense spending, and balance the budget.

To be in the top 10% or higher, you need to make $133,445 per year or more. The top 20 percent of people to pay income taxes account for 94.8 percent of those taxes in 2016.

I already can tell that you are not in the top 20% by your post. I do agree that we should get rid of all farm & business subsidies but then corporate taxes should be lowered. We should also drop down our NATO obligation down to 2%.

The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion—$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries. Out of the top six U.S. foreign aid recipients, five of them were Muslim countries. We should stop doing this since most of the money goes into dictators pockets instead of the people it tries to help. Hell, some of the money we give to Palestine goes to pay the families of suicide bombers in Israel.

States need to also fix their unfunded liability problems due to public sector unions before it bankrupts them.
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So you're arguing that no one should pay taxes?

How did you come up with that??

All I did was ask when anyone other than the government comes and takes your shit by force/under threat of violence what do you call it?

In my world it's called robbery or extortion.

I may not always agree with them, but hey, that's the price I pay to live in an industrialized society.

No it's not...that's the price you pay for goods and services that have fuck all to do with industrialization, hope you're getting your dollars worth.

Everyone in the country having healthcare is a lot better for the country than $25billion+ on a border wall or the $64million plus we've paid so far for Trump to go play golf.

I agree, but it's still highly un-American and if we weren't creating a socialist welfare state and got back to western liberal ideals (everyone paying for their own shit) we wouldn't need the wall.
Everyone in the country having healthcare is a lot better for the country than $25billion+ on a border wall or the $64million plus we've paid so far for Trump to go play golf.

In a new report, the Prison Policy Initiative found that mass incarceration costs state and federal governments and American families $100 billion more each year than previously thought. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, there are 184,379 total federal inmates, meaning that almost 32 percent of all federal inmates are aliens.

If we could keep those illegal aliens out with that 25 billion wall, the U.S. would save nearly 32 billion a year just from that. If you factor insurance cost savings as well, that's even more savings.

Public school districts across the United States are suffering under a massive unfunded mandate imposed by the federal government: the requirement to educate millions of illegal aliens, the school age children of illegal aliens, refugees and legal immigrant students. FAIR estimates that it currently costs public schools $59.8 billion to serve this burgeoning population.

That 25 billion dollar wall would pay for itself a couple times over in the first year.
When anyone other than the government comes and takes your shit by force/under threat of violence what do you call it?

Taxes, like the founding fathers wanted it. Why do you hate America?
So... 3.26 trillion a year to cover all Americans? I assume that's short scale trillions.

Divided by 326 million Americans (or 325.7 according to Wikipedia, but close enough.)

If I headbutted my calculator right and didn't get a zero too much or too little that's an estimated annual health care cost averaging to ten thousand bucks per person. Give or take.

Seems a wee bit high?
It's always the decrepit rightist geezers sapping up Medicare with the loudest mouth against Medicare for all.
The problem with all of these various health plan ideas is that they don't do anything about escalating costs and fees for services.

As long as Doctors feel it's OK to charge patients for their country club and yacht dockage fees, somebody, everybody will be paying too much for simply getting their BP checked.

Not attacking here but how much did you pay for schooling and the lost years of income while in med school and residency. The numerous hours of working the emergency room as a resident making 40K a year and working over 80 hrs a week, no overtime.

I believe putting in the hours, paying for education, and time left from family deserves pay received. Do you know how much medical malpractice costs per year?

Just something to think about.