Studies in Black & White (pm to join)


Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2001
I’d like to try something a little different here and I’m hoping that I’ll get a few takers from the talented writers of Lit. I want to structure this thread as a series of photo shoots (vignettes really) formed around each responder to the ad for models. The content of each shoot will be up to me, the photographer, and will involve whatever occurs in my fertile imagination. It may be solo shots of one responder masturbating, or it could be a group of responders having sex on a pile of fur rugs. The point is that it will all be kind of free form and the direction will depend on the responses & characters of each writer. I hope that someone will be interested enough to respond to my “ad.”
Models Wanted: Local photographer needs models for adult erotica. Must be willing to take direction and allow public showing of completed work in a gallery setting. Call 555-1914 to schedule appointment.

She read the ad a final time before sending the email to the local paper. Kit hoped that she would get enough responses to allow her to complete the shots she needed for her next showing. She had a solid reputation for landscape photography and the kind of candid people shots that were so popular with the travel industry. The photos she sold to date had provided a modest living, and she had saved enough to let her concentrate on the work that called to her creative spirit; erotica. This new black and white series would be a departure for her, a chance to finally step outside the box of her former work. She was taking a chance, but it was something that she was determined to do. Now, all she needed were willing models. Hopefully, the ad would take care of that.


OOC: Kit Duvall is a successful photographer who is embarking on a new body of work. She envisions a group of photographs that portray the beauty and excitement of human sexuality. She sees her work as art rather than porn, and is very serious about the execution of her vision.

At 40, she believes that she is firmly in charge of her life; knows what she wants and how to get it. She loves sex, and is happy finding satisfaction with men or women. Though Kit would be considered an “older woman” by some standards, she doesn’t look her age. She stands 5’6”, has blonde hair, kept short for comfort and convenience, clear blue eyes and a figure that still stops the occasional man in his tracks. Her breasts are a full 36C and still as firm as they were when she was 30. Her active lifestyle has never permitted marriage and children, and she has managed to live mostly unencumbered by serious relationships. Her work has always been her passion, but with this project her passion and her natural sexuality are going to collide.
Man's Best Friend

speaking for the part if not a little out of turn...
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Dark sunglasses obscured her eyes, the garish lights of the bus glinting against the hard surfaces of her lenses. Claire leaned against the cold steel of the wall, waiting for her stop. Motionless. A vision in black from the tips of her steel-toed boots to her short, spiked hair, Claire was a presence in the closed space. She had a quality that people noticed, an intensity that bordered on menace or sensuality, depending on her mood. She was 18.

Her stop came up and Claire stirred for the first time since she had settled against the wall. The sudden movement caused the old woman next to her to jump.

“Sorry to startle you, m’am,”

Claire’s voice was surprisingly soft.

The old lady laughed, “I think it’s time to get my spectacles checked. I thought you were a young man.”

Claire scowled even though it was a common mistake. She had the tall, angular frame of a runway model and that, coupled with her short dark hair gave her an androgynous look that Claire fostered. It wasn’t until one drew close enough to study her sensual features and hear her gentle voice that it became readily apparent that Claire was unmistakably a woman.

As she stepped from the bus, Claire withdrew a crumpled ball. The paper unfolded into directions to her destination. Darkness was falling but rather than take off her sunglasses, Claire ducked into a bodega to read the scrap in the harsh light. Four blocks. She had better haul ass. Claire knew she needed this job. Needed it desperately. The irony was Claire had had one of the most promising futures in the business, but she had hit a few bumps in the road. Bumps big enough to derail her career.

She closed the distance between the bodega and her appointment with the long powerful strides of a panther, moving quickly and not bothering to look for traffic at the cross streets.

Claire pushed the appropriate button and tapped her foot, her nervousness growing. God, she needed a drink. She hadn’t told this photographer much over the phone, just her name, age, and general physical description. Claire had been relieved when Ms. Duvall had been willing to set up an appointment without wanting to know more. Maybe she had a chance. Her heart jumped when the buzzer sounded and she opened to door. She took the stairs two at a time and regretted it. Claire was out of breath when she knocked on the door.
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Her name was Claire and she was the first to respond to my ad for models. The voice on the phone was soft, almost girlish, and in my imagination I pictured a frail, waiflike creature. I’d already considered the possibilities for her, the things that might bring forth an innocent sexuality. The reality of Claire was as far from my fantasy as night was from day. First rule of hiring models, Kit, if you want a type, be specific, otherwise, take what fate brings to your door. There was no question that fate had been kind, generous even, but as it so often was, fate had also been fickle. I'd pictured a waif, and I'd gotten something quite different, but it seemed that the innocence was still there, somewhere...probably hiding behind the dark glasses, I thought.

Claire? Come in, I’m Kit Duvall. I hope you found the place without any problems. Directions are not my best thing, I tend to get lost in the architecture and miss the street signs. It can be maddening, or so I’m told.

I offered my hand and best smile to the figure in doorway to my studio. She looked more like she could use a meal and a good shot of something bracing, as my Dad used to say. She stepped across the threshold as if she was half expecting a nasty surprise on the other side. Perhaps it was just the idea of erotica that was putting her off. She’d sounded willing on the phone, but now that she’d had time to think about it…well, best to know now.

So, are you still interested in posing for me? I can only pay scale, as I mentioned on the phone, but you will get paid and the work isn’t for a smut mag that will hurt your career later.

Claires’ affirmative response was clear, and sounded a bit on the desperate side of relieved that I hadn’t changed my mind. I nodded, let the desperation pass unnoticed and asked her to follow me into the office area of the loft studio. I had prepared a simple contract that outlined the work, a series of erotic art photos; the compensation for the model, standard scale, the figure filled in already; and space for the information I would need from Claire, legal name, address, and so forth.

I have a standard contract prepared, why don’t you read through it, and if it meets with your approval, fill in the blanks where indicated and sign on the bottom. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have, or clarify anything that might not be familiar to you. Once the paperwork is finished, I’d like to get to know you a bit, it will help me with the composition of your series.

While she filled in the blanks and signed where indicated I went to the galley kitchen at the opposite side of the studio. Everything was open, so she was never out of my sight, and I watched as she went through the contract. There were no questions, but she didn’t hesitate over the legaleze either. I figured she’d either signed something similar before, or she didn’t care what it said. Something about her told me it was not the latter. When she finished she followed me, and took a seat at the long bar that was serving space and counter top for the kitchen.

Would you like something to drink? A snack? Ask and its yours, I live to keep my models happy.

My tone was teasing and I hoped that it would help to ease some of Claires tension, and mine.

I've gotten some great responses to my request for models and I appreciate every one! The way I want to work this is to complete one session with a character and then move to the next, so that all the interaction is in one group of posts. I realize this may sound picky and just a bit dictatorial, but its my thread, and I think it really will produce something enjoyable. I promise not to dictate the action of the posts once things are rolling. I'm just trying to structure the characters for the effect that I hope to achieve.

I'm going to start with Honey, and a series yet to be named. Then LongWalkHome and "Man's Best Friend."

I've got a couple of other ideas and for one, I need a female for a series that will feature a couple (the male is already cast). I also need two women, and I'd like one character to be a Nubian Princess type, and the other a pale blonde beauty.

If anyone is interested, please pm me and I'll provide further details. I'd also appreciate your comments, good or bad. :)

Thanks for indulging me.
Apologies to Lady Kit and Honey B for my over eagerness:rose:

I will be more attentive to your posts and await my turn.

“I am a little hungry. Anything you have is fine. Cheese, crackers, a glass of wine...”

… a shot of tequila, a hit of X – Don’t go there, Claire. Not this time.

Claire couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten, but her body did. Her stomach rumbled as if responding to Ms. Duvall’s kind offer. The unfortunate timing made her smile, sunlight breaking through storm clouds. Claire began to relax, despite herself. She studied the photographer through her dark glasses. The woman had a welcoming quality that drew one in like an embrace. Of course, empathy was the hallmark of any great photographer. And she was good.

She stood, moving so she could study one of the photographs on the wall. It was a testimony to Ms. Duvall’s talent, warm and honest like the woman herself. Claire leaned in to get a better look, taking off her glasses as she did so.

“This family loves each other. It’s almost heartbreaking.”

Claire dabbed her fingers impatiently at her moist eyes before turning back around, her glasses firmly in place.

“You’re good, Ms. Duvall. I’ve seen some of the best. You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I was once groomed for Vogue. Obviously, it didn’t work out.”

She declined to say more on the subject, but she glanced back at the moving photograph. Ms. Duvall seemed to have a talent from drawing out honest emotion from her subjects. Claire wondered what she would draw out of her. Being photographed was often better than therapy.
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I placed cheese, bread, pate, and raw vegetables on the counter between us. Clare became more talkative as the food and wine were consumed; she spoke of everything and nothing. I was mostly silent, asking and answering questions only when necessary. My focus was entirely on Claire, I was captivated by her; more than content to watch her place small chunks food into her delicate mouth; wrap fine artistic fingers around the handle of a utensil; or touch her lips to the glass of wine. By the time the plates held nothing but crumbs my hands itched to hold my camera and begin to capture this mysterious creature on film.

We moved to the business end of the studio; a large space that held the tools of my trade, screens, lights, a variety of stools tables and props; and my treasures, my cameras. They were scattered around the room, waiting for my touch to wake them. I placed a high stool in the center of a bank of screens and began flipping on various lights. Claire watched the activity with the air of someone familiar with the industry, and I recalled her earlier comment about Vogue. Somewhere beneath the androgynous persona she’d adopted was stunning woman, I could see it in the fine bones of her face, the smooth neck, and the curves that I detected beneath her baggy clothing. When everything was ready, I removed a light sweater that had concealed the thin mens undershirt that I wore over bare skin. I’d given up bras years ago, preferring to work in comfort, and had added low-slung jeans, as my uniform of the day. I kicked off my shoes so that I’d move silently around the area and turned to Claire.

Ok, kiddo, lets see what you’ve got. We’ll start with some test shots, and then I’ll set up the background for the your series. Talk if it makes you more comfortable, and please, call me Kit. If I'm going to see you in the nude, we really should be a little less formal.

I smiled at her, and was rewarded with a quick grin in return before Claire climbed onto the stool; her demeanor changed immediately. She became all business, and the result was amazing. I began to move around, clicking frame after frame as her body subtly shifted on the stool. There was no hesitation in her; she simply flowed from one pose to another as confidently as any model I had ever seen. Whatever had taken her out of the industry; it had not been lack of talent, or lack of sex appeal.

She was abundantly appealing and even through the detachment of the work, I felt a stirring of desire. It often happened this way, this feeling of sexual attraction, but I’d learned to move through it. Sometimes at the end of a shoot a mutual attraction let me explore further, sometimes not, either way, the photos came first and sexual hunger seemed to enhance the result, so I gave into the feeling, and let it lead me through the process. Hopefully, Clair would attribute my hardened nipples and flushed skin to the temperature of the studio. Thankfully, the damp and aroused condition between my legs was hidden; that I accepted as my own private pleasure and a perk of the job.

If you’re ready, Claire, I’d like to start. You can leave your clothes in the dressing room, there’s a robe on the back of the door. Use whatever you think you’ll need in the way of cosmetics. Everything is in there, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to work with a professional who can do her own face. I’m hopeless with makeup and hair.

I watched her move behind the screens to the small dressing room. I had decided during the initial shots the kind of photos I would do with Claire. She would be, “Sexuality Revealed.” I wanted to peel away the layers that she had placed around herself, to remove the ambiguity of her sexuality and show the woman beneath.

A large trunk contained lengths of raw silk in jeweled colors. I removed several and draped them over the stools and chairs around the set, a rich fall of silver fabric, and my favorite, I left lay on a black velvet chaise. The first shots would be silhouettes, I wanted photos of Claires body trapped between the light and a sheer fabric that would show only her outline, I’d hung the sheer silk screen and turned on the light, all I needed now was my subject.

A small sound alerted me to Claires return. I turned and sucked in my breath at the transformation. She was every inch the model I needed, and a woman that anyone, including me would desire.
Making love to the camera. A cliché, but even banal statements carried truth. It’s what Claire thought of every time she got in front of one. It helped her to visualize something arousing and, in that, Claire didn’t have to look far. Ms. Duvall. Kit, rather. The beautiful photographer had insisted. In her mind, the woman became the focal point of the fantasy that Claire built in her mind. It was Kit that she teased with her pouty lips and Kit that she invited with an arched brow. Claire’s body responded to the erotic thoughts going through her mind.

Yesss… You do want me. I know that you do.

Claire ached her back and threw back her head. The pose caused her small, but well-formed breasts to press against the layers of clothing she wore.

You want to touch these, don’t you? I want you to.

And so it went - Claire moving from pose to pose, becoming more aroused with each click of the shutter. When Kit completed her test shots, Claire stepped out from under the near blinding brightness of the lamps. She blinked, feeling the hyperawareness of her heightened senses like a physical force. Kit’s nearness became tangible and Claire fought the urge to stroke the woman’s hair. Hair the color of old gold, lips like fine wine.

Not now, girl! You need this. You know you’ve got a little mouth to feed.

She snapped back to her senses and followed Kit’s instructions, escaping to the dressing room. Claire removed the layers of black, one by one. She had no qualms about exposing her nudity, having lost her innocence long ago. Still she respected the ritual of the photo shoot and plucked the black robe from behind the door. She slipped it over her shoulders and cinched it at the waist.

As Claire sat down to apply her make-up, her thoughts turned back to Kit. She couldn’t help but wonder about the body she had glimpsed beneath the thin shirt the woman wore. Would the photographer step out from behind the camera? The effects of her fantasy still clung powerfully to Claire’s psyche. Setting down the make-up brush, Claire teased her nipples into taunt points. She closed her smoky eyes and conjured up the image of Kit’s hard buttons. She had brushed against the woman’s breasts as she’d walked past and had noticed their condition. Claire stifled a sigh and finished her application.

When she stepped out from behind the screen, Claire smiled at Kit, nonplussed by the reaction she got. People’s immediate response to her beauty was a given and part of the reason she played it down most of the time.

“Where do you want me?”

Kit gestured to a black lounger as she adjusted her camera. Claire padded over to it and slipped off her robe, her eyes meeting Kit’s as the silk fell away. She stood for a moment, shoulders thrown back, letting Kit look. Then she arranged herself on the lounge, gracefully reclining.

“Mmm…. Velvet.”

The luxurious fabric felt delicious next to her skin. The fantasy continued.
“Where do you want me?”

Above me, below me, touching my skin, the list was endless and I let the possibilities run through my mind as Claire arranged her perfectly proportioned body against black velvet. Her breasts were pert and gently rounded, the nipples hard and dark. My mouth watered as I imagined tasting them; licking each one, sucking them between my lips, nibbling them until she moaned in delight. My eyes moved lower, a professional interest, I told myself, and knew that I lied. My lips longed to wander where for now only my eyes could go, to press soft kisses against the skin of her stomach; to lay my cheek against her mound, to bury my face in her…

I shook my head to clear the fog of desire from my mind. My God, had it been so long since I'd been with someone? I tried to remember, but no name or face came to mind. It wasn't just that, I assured myself, not just lonliness, it was her, and the situation, and the signals that perhaps she felt the same. My hands settled on the camera, sure and steady, as they needed to be. Business before pleasure, Kit, business before pleasure. The words in my mind became a litany that got me through the first frames and let me work with a small amount of detachment. The silhouettes were stunning, Claires body was a work of art captured between the back light and the silk screen, how she managed to show so much of her form in profile was beyond my ability to comprehend, but it worked, and I was satisfied with the result. Things were going well until I began the shots of her without the screen.

Claire, drape the silver silk across your body and let it fall to the floor in front. No, no, no…not that way, let it flow, like water across your body.

She gathered the shining fabric and laid it artfully across her waist, leaving her body bare above and below. It wasn’t right, I corrected her, she rearranged the fabric and reclined again…still not the way I saw it in my vision for the shot. I explained again, again, she misunderstood. I knew it wasn’t her fault, she was doing her best, but I snapped anyway. She snapped back. For a moment, we were adversaries, struggling against one another, no longer sharing the vision. She muttered something about egotistical photographers; the words “prima Donna” escaped my mouth before I could stop them. We sighed in unison, then laughed at the sound.

I think we need a break. How about another glass of wine?

“And a massage?” She asked hopefully.

She stretched her body slowly, working out the kinks in her neck and shoulders. I nearly grabbed my Nikon to capture the movements, but changed my mind when I looked at the clock and realized that I’d kept her posing for nearly three hours. I smiled and gave her a mocking bow.

Your wish is my command. Wine and a massage…then back to work.

I collected two glasses and a bottle of chilled wine from the kitchen before returning to Claire. Handing her the glasses, I poured a generous serving for each of us, then settled myself behind her on the soft cushions. She arranged her body between my spread legs, her hips lightly pressed against the inside of my thighs, her lovely ass just inches away from the center seam of my jeans and the damp cunt that lay smooth, and aching beyond. Even her back was sexy, and I commended myself for touching nothing but the firmly muscled shoulders as I began the promised massage.
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Cool wine in her hand, soft fingers massaging her back, Claire let sensation take over. Things had changed. While they had been shooting, Claire’s stimulation came from her mind, seducing herself with the ardent fantasy she built around Kit Duvall. Scarce minutes ago, she had imagined Kit’s hands on her body. How quickly the fantasy had become a reality. Claire had been overjoyed when Kit had agreed to give her a massage and she closed her eyes, lost in pure bliss.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open. Claire had detected the unmistakable scent of Kit’s arousal, mixing and mingling with her own. Could it be that Kit wanted her, wanted to take this beyond the professional?

Her eyes trailed up Kit’s denim-clad leg. She loved the way Kit dressed, the way she carried herself. A free-spirit, but with warmth and heart, the photographer was most definitely a deadly combination. And she had such beautifully shaped legs. Claire reached out a hand and let her fingers trail up the path her eyes had taken. She had nothing to lose, except her pride, of course. When Kit didn’t protest, Claire turned to look at Kit behind her. The woman’s expression would have been unreadable if not for her eyes. Claire saw the emotion that surely reflected from her own.


With a feline grace, Claire swung around until she was kneeling in front of Kit, like a woman at prayer. She sat back on her heels and captured one of those caressing hands. Without letting her eyes ever leave Kit’s, she brought the woman’s hand to her mouth. Claire planted a delicate kiss on the soft skin of Kit’s palm, smiling as she felt Kit shudder.

“You wanted to reveal my sexuality, Kit...”

Claire knew that her breath would be its own caress against Kit’s open palm.

“But in doing so, you’ve revealed your own.”

She dropped the photographer’s hand and planted her own alongside Kit’s hips. With aching slowness, Claire began to lean forward, giving Kit all the time in the world to back out.

Too late…

Claire’s lips met Kit’s in a kiss of pure velvet, as soft and caressing as the fabric on naked skin.
Concentrating on making the massage as asexual as possible was perhaps the most difficult thing I'd done in years. My fingers curled over the well-muscled shoulders, just at the base of her throat while my thumbs pressed upward against the stiffness in the tendons of her neck. Breath, Kit, in and out, it’s a simple process, I reminded myself; but with each inhalation her delicate scent taunted me, luring me to her with a light perfume; and something else. I wanted to believe that the unidentified aroma was proof of her arousal, but it wasn’t until I felt the touch of her fingers on my leg that I was sure.

She turned to me; my hands fell away from her skin. Her eyes smoldered, mirroring the longing that I was sure she could see in my own. Her movement had so surprised me that one hand was still suspended in mid air, the other having fallen to lie across my thigh. Claire took my hand and brought it to her mouth; the touch of her lips was electric and my body trembled as the charge moved from my palm to my sex.

“You wanted to reveal my sexuality, Kit. But in doing so, you’ve revealed your own.”

The moment was ripe with possibilities, and my mind nearly exploded with them all when she leaned forward to place a kiss upon my lips. I kissed her in return, brushing my lips across her sweet mouth. Someone moaned, a low soft sound full of need. We kissed for an eternity, touching with nothing but our lips. I raised my hands to cup her face. Holding her still as I drew back to meet her eyes.

I want you Claire, but this isn’t part of your contract. You don’t have to do this.

“Yes, I do.”

The statement and the expression of desire on her face was all the encouragement I needed. I surrendered to the excitement I felt and covered her mouth with mine; reacting hungrily to the touch of her tongue as she responded in kind. I had no strength for sitting upright, and lay back against the cushioned seat. She pressed her breasts against mine, molding herself to me as we fell.

My hands slid around her, down her back and stopped to grip her ass and pull her against me. With my legs spread wide, my jeans were tight against the tender lips of my cunt. Claire knew the state I was in, and exploited it horribly pushing her legs against my thighs to spread them further, then pressing against the damp seam that rubbed on my hard and swollen clit. I broke the kiss long enough to see a devilish glint in her eyes. She was enjoying the teasing torment she was putting me through and I was delighted to have a playmate that seemed as wanton as I was. But she would soon find out that two could play that game! After all, who knew better how to tease a woman than another woman?

I followed the cleft of her ass with my hands and soon discovered the hot wet center of her sex. Her lips were slick with her juice and my fingers easily slipped between them. I captured one of the swollen folds of her flesh and kneaded it with the fingers and thumb of one hand. Claire gasped and arched her back, exposing her beautiful tits to my gaze, and giving me the chance to capture one hard nipple with my mouth. This first taste of her was as delicious as I had imagined and made me eager to sample every part of her.
Even though Claire had lost herself in that kiss, the moist heat she felt with her knee was unmistakable. She nudged Kit's legs a little wider. The kiss ended, but not by Claire's doing. Kit seemed to have other plans. They were like two bitches in heat vying for control. Claire yielded for the moment and was rewarded.

Kit slipped her fingers down her ass, down to the rear entrance of her molten cunt. Claire arched her back with the intensity of feeling and she felt the woman take up a nipple into her mouth. It had been so long since anyone had offerred her this kind of pleasure and Claire simply couldn't catch her breath. A tremor went through her body as Kit teased her sensitive flesh with her tongue. She closed her dark eyes and enjoyed Kit's devastating minstrations for several long moments.

When Claire opened them, she moved away from Kit and spread herself out on the soft carpet. She stretched out a long leg and ran her toes underneath one of Kit's t-shirt clad breasts, delighting in their delicious fullness. Her voice was husky with need when she spoke.

"Before this goes any further, I want you to reveal yourself to me, Kit. I want to see that body I've been fantasizing about."
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Claire stretched herself out on the floor next to the chaise lounge, and raised a shapely leg. The movement gave me a tantalizing glimpse of her moist sex before she teasingly caressed the underside of my breast with the toes of her delicate foot.

Her husky voice and the command she delivered made my body tremble in response. I’d never had the time for the games of seduction that included the art of stripping for maximum effect, but since we were well beyond the seduction, it hardly mattered. I stood, grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head in one smooth motion then dropped the shirt on her flat stomach. I cupped my tits, lifting them slightly, my fingers pulling at the already hardened nipples.

She watched me, seeming to like what she saw, and began to rub her own tits with my discarded shirt. We were doing our best to drive the other to distraction. I’d teased her and taken what I wanted when I suckled her breasts and briefly played with her sex. Now, it was her turn to call the shots, and I was enjoying it much as she seemed to be.

“Now the jeans.”

I did as I was told, slowly unzipping my jeans and easing them down, kicking them aside when they reached my feet. My shaved pussy was nearly dripping, and my clit was hard and throbbing, I wanted her to have a good look at what she was getting, after all, I’d been enjoying her bare body for hours now. I turned and picked up my jeans, letting her have a clear view of my ass and the pink, full lips of my cunt; before turning back to face her.

I’m afraid that’s all there is to see. The rest will have to be experienced.

I knelt and laid down next to her, bodies facing, letting one leg rest between her thighs. I braced myself on one elbow, and touched her face with my fingertips, starting a gentle caress that trailed along her jaw, down across her collarbone, and ever so lightly over her curved breast. Her breath caught when my nails scraped the hard nub in the center of her tightly crinkled areola, I was delighted to see gooseflesh breakout over her skin as I touched her.

You like that? It feels good to be touched by another woman doesn’t it? To be loved by someone who knows exactly what you need, what you want. No man knows how it feels to have a tongue lick the lips of your pussy, or that it feels good to have those same lips sucked and even gently bitten. A man can’t know that you love to have your nipples pulled and pinched, or sucked hard. Only a woman knows those things…Isn’t that right?

My hand continued to explore her body, relishing each small noise or response to my words. I stopped my wandering when my hand reached her mound, and I let my palm rest against the soft curve, while my fingers sought the warm wet slit that I longed to taste. I parted the moist lips of her pussy and found the hard little button of her clit; with slow circles I stroked her, feeling her hips move to show me the rhythm that she liked, and matching it with my hand.


She sighed, and I kissed her. Long deep kisses that took my breath, hard kisses that made me ache with need and all the while playing with her pussy, stroking her clit, coating my fingers in her juice, and finally when her hips started to push against my hand, I eased a single digit into her hole and began to slowly fuck her with my finger.
Kit’s body had been every bit as beautiful as Claire had imagined. She longed to taste those ripe tits, delve her face between the woman’s legs, sop up her juices with her tongue, but first – Oh God, first, it seemed that Kit would not be denied.

Even as they kissed, tongues exploring warm, wet space, Kit’s hand claimed her pussy and Claire’s back arched, her body beginning that slow ascent that would end in only one thing. Her hips moved in opposition to Kit’s fingers, trying to deepen the contact. Kit picked up on it like a lover she had known for years. It was still unbelievable to her that they had only just met. Somehow that added to the lascivious thrill of their liaison.

Claire moaned and Kit worked another finger into her yielding vagina. The hard knobbiness of the woman’s fingers gave her a pleasure that no smooth cock ever could. Kit had been absolutely right when she’d said no one knows how to please a woman like another woman. Kit brushed her thumb against Claire’s clit and she moaned imploringly. She looked into the woman’s eyes, letting her see the intensity of her need.

“Please… This teasing… I can’t stand it anymore…”

Her heartbeat seemed to still as she waited for Kit’s next move, trying to read what she had planned in those bottomless blue eyes.
No more teasing, Claire? Do you want to cum now, shall I stroke your sweet pussy until you cum? I want you to cum, Claire, I want you to cum all over my fingers.

I whispered to her, talking to her through her moans and pleas for release. My hand was covered in her juice, and I brought my fingers to my mouth as I spoke to her. She watched as I sucked each finger clean of the slippery fluid from her cunt. I moaned at the taste, she at the action.

Mmmm....on second thought, I think I'd rather have you cum on my tongue.

I moved down between her lovely legs, raining kisses over her tits and belly as I moved. I stretched out between her legs, resting on my stomach and bringing my face close to her pink, wet, pussy. It was all I could do not to bury my face into her immediately, but I wanted to make it last and so tried to be restrained. But the movement of her hips, rising up to my face, told me that she was beyond waiting. Never one to keep a lady waiting, I parted her lips with my hands and began to lap at her juices. The first touch of my tongue brought a shudder to her body, and then she began t moan, and whisper words of encouragement. Telling me what she liked, how she wanted to be eaten. I was in heaven, licking and sucking at her pussy lips, running my tongue from the tight bud of her ass to her hard clit; stopping to suck the hard button into my hot mouth, then starting the process over.

"Oh God Yes, Kit....Make me cum...I want to cum..."

Who was I to deny her? My lips latched onto her clit, sucking it into my mouth as if it were a tiny cock; she arched her back in pleasure. I could feel the wetness of her cunt on my chin, and she pressed against me. I raised my face, it glistened with her juice.

Would you like my fingers in your pussy while I suck your clitty, Claire? mmm…I know I like that…how about three fingers, stretching your tight little cunt? You’d like that wouldn’t you? I’ll bet you’d like something for that sweet ass too….maybe just a little finger?

I bent my face back to her clit and began to suck in earnest. Her body bucked against me, her moans growing louder. I knew she was close, I slid three fingers into her wet cunt, one long stroke and all at once; she grasped her knees, pulling them up, spreading herself wide for my attentions. I pumped my fingers in and out of her hole, feeling it getting wetter and tighter with each stroke. Her fluids ran from her cunt, coating her ass; I rubbed the tip of my little finger over the tight bud, she trembled at the touch, and I pressed into her. Now fucking both her holes as I sucked her clit. The walls of her pussy tightened around my fingers, she was beginning to cum; I kept up a constant pounding and sucking, urging her on, determined to satisfy her.

My own cunt was aching madly. I hoped that my suspicions about her nature were going to be proved true, that she enjoyed the giving as much as the receiving. Because after this, I was going to need a serious orgasm, or two, myself.
There comes a time when you can’t think of anything beyond what you’re feeling, you to exist beyond sensation. Kit had brought Claire to such a place and she was lost in the moment. The sucking… Oh, the teasing sucking – It seemed to go on forever. Kit played her body like an instrument, driving her to a crescendo of ecstasy with her talented mouth. Claire ground her hips against Kit’s hand, trying to deepen the contact. She poised at the edge of the precipitance, and then toppling over with a scream, ripped from the very depths of her soul. Her body writhed, completely giving in the intensity of the orgasm.

Kit’s soft caress brought Claire back to her senses. She caught up the woman’s hand and brought it once again to her lips, this time kissing the sensitive skin of her inner wrist. The pulse raced. Claire raised her eyes and caught the feverish glint of want in Kit’s.

“You are incredible, Kit. Indescribably giving of the most exquisite pleasure. I will do my best to see that you receive the same.

She rose up and pressed Kit back onto the soft carpet. Claire’s need would not be fully quenched until she had tasted this woman. Almost absently, Claire dragged the back of her hand across Kit’s collarbone, down between her coral-tipped breasts, down the torso, to the soft swell of her vulva. The woman opened her legs and Claire feasted her eyes on the slick glisten of her juices on the offered lips. Kit captured her hand in one of her own and tried to pull it toward her cunt.

“No, not yet. You haven’t been worked into the frenzy you did me.”

Claire bent low and lightly licked Kit, dragging her tongue up the length of the blonde’s slit. Kit moaned and parted her legs further and Claire saw the hardened nub of her clit. She parted the downy lips with a gentle hand, fully exposing the delicate organ to her hungry eyes. Hardening her tongue into a point, Claire darted it again and again at the tasty morsel. The intimate taste of another woman filled her mouth, intoxicating her. When Kit began to writhe, just as Claire had done, she worked her fingers up those eager lips, slipping two digits into the depths of Kit’s cunt. At the same time, she took Kit’s clitoris entirely into her hot avid mouth, sucking deeply and rhythmically, pushing the woman towards her own shattering orgasm.
Claire was generous with her attention to my body, incredibly, delightfully generous. She knew all the right things to do to drive me out of my mind. It was wonderful! Her gifted mouth drew sighs, moans, and whimpers in rapid succession. Her soft hands and tender touches were like flame across my skin.

Oh, God Claire…your mouth…it feels so good on my clit! Yes, yes, suck it…just like that… your fingers, deeper harder deeper…fuck me with your fingers…please, please fuck me…

My hips bucked up from the floor, pressing my pussy against her mouth. I wanted it to last, but it had been so long, too long, and I knew that my orgasm was fast approaching. My hands gripped the carpet, fingers digging into the deep pile and holding me anchored in place. My moans increased in volume, short sounds blending into a single long keening cry for release. The walls of my cunt began to clench, powerful contractions that gripped her fingers and made me tremble with the force of my release; with a shuddering scream and a final thrust against her mouth, I came, drenching Claires fingers with my juice. She licked my slit gently, making me sigh with contentment at the soft touch. She pulled her sopping fingers from my pussy, and stretched her hand to my mouth, offering me a taste of my own sex. I sucked each digit, then pulled her to me for a final kiss.

We laid together for a time, quietly enjoying the feel of the others body, but both satisfied and content. I was reluctant to break the spell and return to the unfinished work, but soon it was time. I rose quietly, leaving Claire at rest on the carpet. Her body was soft and relaxed, but still glowing with a lingering sexuality that I longed to capture.

Without dressing, I picked up my camera and began snapping photos of the dark beauty. She was like an exotic cat, all lithe, sleek limbs, and the eyes of a predator. The camera called her, and she began to move for me, showing me the sensual woman she kept hidden from the world. The shots were the best of the day, and I quickly filled two rolls to add to the earlier photos. When there were no more images left to shoot, I called a halt to the day. I was eager now to see what I’d captured.

There was no awkwardness as we finished, we had both enjoyed our interlude, but knew it for what it was, a fleeting moments pleasure, a shared bit of attraction and excitement. Claire returned to the dressing room and I could hear her using the shower before getting dressed. I wrote a check for her modeling fees and tucked it into an envelope along with her copy of the contract. She returned to the studio as I was closing the flap.

You’ve made this first series a success, Claire. I’m sure we got some wonderful images. In fact, the whole day was wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a shoot so much.

I couldn’t help but grin as I spoke. It had been a wonderful day, one that I would remember every time I looked at her photographs. We spoke briefly, of little things, saying that perhaps we’d see each other again, and yes, she could have a proof sheet, and some prints for her portfolio. I walked her to the door, we embraced, and I lightly kissed her cheek before she left.

Even as the door closed I was already distracted by thoughts of the pictures hidden on the undeveloped film. I was thinking too of the next series “Mans Best Friend” still to be shot. The model was already scheduled, a young man, I couldn’t recall his name, but knew that it was in my appointment book. He wasn’t due for a day or two, and until then, I had film to develop, and memories of Claire to enjoy.

And now, Act 2....

Mans' Best Friend a vinette with Long Walk Home.
Van Garrett

As a young man people often described Van as intense, deeply thoughtful, a boy who at an early age spoke only after thinking of what he was about to say. Maybe it was this intenseness of the inner self that disturbed most people; perhaps it was his habit of fixing you with his eyes and holding yours that had the unsettling effect as well?

To take a quick look at the man in his early twenties you would see nothing outstanding. At five foot ten he didn't stand out over men and at 175 pounds he didn't possess the weight to throw around if he so chose. No swagger or handsome looks did he possess as well, nor did he concern himself about the lack of such qualities.

What consumed his thoughts was the fantasy that plagued him day and night, a reoccurring and violent obsession that slowly possessed him more and more each day. He fought that possession quietly, moving from therapist to therapist with the vision that grew in disturbing strength as it was analyzed methodically by each. Finally it was the frustrated suggestion of the last good doctor that turned the young man in the direction he should have gone in the very beginning, to face it and the object of his obsession head on.

The voice at the other end of the phone thrilled me as she accepted me and set a time and date. Did I understand what she wanted in the photo's? I responded with a positive and a smile to myself as I jotted the address and details down.

"I've never posed before, but with the right person to help me?" I told the female voice and again smiled as sje assured all the help possible would be given.

"Just talk to me and I'm sure it will be the helping hand I need. I'll see you then?"

I paused as she asked me the forgotten details, hoping she wouldn't be too disappointed in them.

"Ummm, I'm 25, five foot ten and weigh 175. I'm in good shape from work but not "buff". I'm a little above average "below" though if that might help? Eyes? Blue and my hair color is brown. If that's not what you want I can understand"

I held my breath, my heart pounding at the chance of being turned down when I was so close and then smiled and thanked her.

"I'll see you then, Thank You Miss Duvall"

The past words had sounded much braver then I felt now standing at the foyer of Miss Duvall and questioning myself if I was indeed, crazy.

“My name is Van Garrett and I believe I am your next appointment, Miss Duvall?”
Hello Van, welcome to my studio.

I stepped back to let the young man through the door, and ran an artists eye over his lean form. Not bad, I thought, neat, clean, trim and not a hulking body builder type. He was attractive in a quiet way. I liked what I saw so far, and couldn’t help but remember his shy comment about being “above average, below.” Wasn’t that just the way of it? Always the unassuming ones. I smiled at the idea and looked forward to a visual judging of his claim.

I wanted to be sure he understood what I wanted so I lead him to the kitchen where we could get to know each other a bit and I could explain the concept for his particular session. I wished not for the first time that I'd been smart enough to start later in the day as I'd done with Claire, it seemed that a glass of wine always made this easier for everyone, ah well, live and learn Kit. Instead of wine and cheese, this morning I made coffee, and sat out a plate of pastries, while I told him what I was looking for in this series.

The title for the series you’ll be doing, Van, is “Mans Best Friend,” but don’t worry there are no dogs involved. The expression is from an old friend who always said, “Anyone who says that a dog is mans best friend doesn’t have a penis.” The relationship didn’t last, but the saying did. Now, it fits into the gallery show that I’m doing on erotica.

He had the good manners to laugh at my weak attempt at humor, and nodded in understanding as I spoke. On the phone, Van seemed not to be nervous about the idea of posing in the nude, and I had hinted at the subject of the sessions. Now, I’d find out if he really was ok with masturbating while my camera and I watched.

What I’d like you to do is masturbate for me. Share your fantasies with me and my Nikon; tell me all the naughty things you think about when you beat off. I want to capture the whole thing, from seeing you fully dressed and showing just a hint of an erection, to nude, hard and cumming. I’ll do anything I can to help you while still being able to capture the images.

If you’re still game, I’ve got a contract ready, and while you look it over, I’ll finish setting up.

His intention to proceed was a relief, I’d been worried that he was going to be too shy to go through with it after all. It seemed, though, that there was more to Mr. Garrett than I thought. While he read the contract, I moved to the studio and placed a barstool in the center of the space. I smiled as I recalled the last occupant, Claire. Her photos had been every bit as exciting as the woman herself. Even now, a week later, the memory of her body made me moist.

I turned to call Van and let out a small squeak when I found him standing right behind me instead of across the room as I’d expected. I hadn’t heard him approach, and for a moment, just as I turned, I thought I saw something threatening in his face. I must have been mistaken, or it was just a trick of the light; whatever it was passed, and he smiled.

“The contract is signed and on your desk, Ms. Duvall. I’m ready to start whenever you are.”

I moved around him, and peeled off my “Photographers do it in the Darkroom” sweatshirt to reveal my working uniform of a mans undershirt worn with snug jeans, and bare feet. My wardrobe was not a conscious choice, it was simply what I wore. Although if I’d given it any thought, which I seldom did, I might have realized that the shirt had become so thin it was nearly transparent, and my jeans had been washed so many times that the soft fabric clung like a second skin; but, to me, they were just comfortable and functional.

Great. Have a seat on the stool, and I’ll get some test shots to check the lighting then we’ll start for real. One other thing, please call me Kit.

I had signed the contract and then moved towards her figure, my hands clenched as the fantasy tried to become reality within my mind. Was I slipping, was I actually going thru with this, was I going to reach out and...grab her?

Kit turned and let out a squeal, jolting me firmly back to reality.

I grinned and informed her of the signed contract then followed her reply to the stool and the middle of the lights.

"Great. Have a seat on the stool, and I’ll get some test shots to check the lighting then we’ll start for real. One other thing, please call me Kit."

"Do you want me to undress now?" I asked, keeping my hands centered over the growing bulge in my jeans. "And is there any way I can see you better, the light is slightly obscuring my vision?"

I wanted to see her, No, needed to see her if I was going to be able to do THIS and hear her words of encouragement as well.

Kit stepped into the light as she adjusted them and for a second her thin shirt turned sheer, showing me the woman underneath and the fact she wore nothing else.

"Kit?" I gasped then calmed "What do you want me to do?"
He sounded nervous. Keyed up. Well, who wouldn't be, it wasn't every day that a man was asked to jack off for a camera, and with a woman photographer no less. His question about seeing me sounded odd, I'd have expected him to want a more seculded feeling for the shoot. Maybe he was an exhibitionist at heart and got off on having an audience. Who knew? It wasn't his sexual preferences I was interested in anyway, just his technique.

Keep your clothes on for the moment. There is a particular effect I want to achieve with shadow and light. With any luck, I'll be able to cast your errection in the proper light to make it throw a shadow.

He seemed confused as to my intentions, and my direction. I laid my camera aside and placed my hands on his upper arms to guide him into position; I felt harder muscle than I'd expected. Up close, he was more masculine than he appeared, and more appealing as well. The flutter in my stomach when I caught the light clean scent of his toiletries was pleasant, perhaps this would prove to be easier than I thought.

You'll be able to see me part of the time Van, but I may work from angles that are out of your line of vision. I'll talk to you though, so you'll know where I'm at all the time. While I'm doing the test shots, why don't you tell me why you're here. You can touch yourself if you like, in fact it would help if you did, then I can watch for shadows when you move your hands. Just remember not to go to far with the touching, we've got alot of photos to do before I want you to, lets just say we'll be at this for awhile.

With the equipment and my subject arranged to my satisfaction I began snapping a series of Poloroids that I'd use to check the lighting.