Students I need you help/opinion/input.


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
So just like a few minutes ago I had this thought wiggle into my brain. Now I’m all confused. The thought keeps repeating it’s self over and over again in my mind.
Change majors.
I didn’t go straight to college because I wanted to be sure before I committed to one major. Now I’m having… thoughts.
Is this normal? What if this is a sign? What if I’m just being irrational and I should really stick the course?
I changed majors three times. It's only a big deal if you end up paying tuition for classes you end up not needing, so as long as you are starting with basic courses, it's not a big problem.
What's your current major, and what do you want it to be?

I went from Engineering to Journalism. A friend of mine went from History to Drama, and another friend changed from History to German.
CarolineOh said:
I changed majors three times. It's only a big deal if you end up paying tuition for classes you end up not needing, so as long as you are starting with basic courses, it's not a big problem.

I don't think anyone knows what they want.
I changed majors 4 or 5 times myself.
The question is "are you happy?"
If you are, go with it. If not try something else for a while. There's nothing that says you can't change back.

College and university is a time when you should explore your options and live outside the box for a while. Live big ... learn lots.
i initally applied wanting to do Geography & Modern History. Then I changed to Social Anthropology & Management only to get my degree in Middle East Studies & Modern History.

Thank god I'm a good decision maker. :rolleyes:
Emerald_eyed said:
IM going to start clases this fall.....

and iM scared shitless

I have lots of thoughts,.

You have nothing to be scared about, you will do just fabulously.
Emerald you’ll do great! :kiss:
I’m currently a Computer Science Major. And I enjoy it only, I don’t know, It’s not something I think I want to pursue. Now I’m thinking about herbology.

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I started undecided and took classes that would go towards Meteorology. I switched to Environmental Engineering for a semester my sophomore year. Mused about Computer Science. Switched back to Meteorology. Finished it as my major (w/ certificate in Environmental Studies).

Not many jobs in Meteorology though. Kinda wish I took more CS. My advice, if you can swing it financially: go down both roads. You'll eventually realize which is for you and dedicate yourself to that, but will have picked up a better understanding in your other interest(s) at the same time. Huzzah!

(My hindsight is not as matured as other's though - I'm only two years removed)
Where you are in your life can effect what appeals to you for a major. Watching the job market, talking with friends about their careers and things you read.......many things can effect how you want to spend 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week until you are in your 60's.

I've changed majors 3 times to find the place that feels like home.

Be patient with yourself and when you start having brain wiggles write down whats on your mind then go back and look at it later. This can help with some clarification.

Good luck
GG has a point. It's just the thought of sitting in front of a desk for the rest of my life *shudder*
I love computers and I use them for escape. Right now I'm in front of one at work for 8 hours, then I go to school and I'm in front of one, then homework, then in my off time...
no. I'll go nuts.
I use a computer for my job as well but it isn't my job, just a tool I use.

Social work is my field.

The people can make you nuts but there is nothing else that can compare to the work, I love it.
i had a major, left school for a year, during that time i decided i wanted to change majors, but by the time i went back, i changed my mind and stayed with my original major...i'm happier for it.

point: figure out the difference between what you want as a career and what you just enjoying doing. sometimes it's not the same thing.
Something a lot of college students find out is that you really can't always tell what you want to do until you actually do it. You don't know if you'll like computer science until you start programming. You can't imagine what it's like to program something until you do it. That's my only handy example.

You get this notion of what the job will be like somewhere and you decide that what's you want to do. Until you actually do it and find out that you can't stand it.

It's easier to change your major now and find something you do enjoy doing than it is to find the time and money to go back to college to get out of a job you hate.

There's nothing quite like torturing yourself day in and day out by doing something you don't like to do and you have little choice but to do it because you need the paycheck.
Emerald_eyed said:
IM going to start clases this fall.....

and iM scared shitless

I have lots of thoughts,.

about 19 year old boys with six pack abs, and a pocket full of condoms?

Why not double major, or is that too much stress?

I thought about changing my major from Writing to Bio-Anthropology, but then I considered the career side of it. If I didn't make it as a writer, I would always be able to look for a job in the publishing business (haha, I just got one! :D). Anthropology, on the other hand, would leave me either with a career chasing monkeys through rainforests or as an academic, but most likely both in succession. Just not something I'd want to do although I excell in anthropology and enjoy it immensely.

So I took a minor in anthropology. Unless you really find yourself loathing Computer Science, I wouldn't say give it up for horticulture. Botany can always be your fun hobby.
Emerald_eyed said:
working 2 jobs, but cutting hours.... paying bills..... homework

all that, but I feel; it will b worth it

Okay, I feel you there! I thought you were scared about the actually being in school part.