Student loans forgiven and Family Of Marine Killed In Kabul Suicide Blast Stuck With $60,000 Bill To Transport Body

I'd be interested in seeing that particular legislation with highlighted "option to decline" as Mills suggests.
'Honoring Our Fallen', a nonprofit which helps the families of fallen American service members, paid for the family to move Gee's remains to Virginia using a private jet.
Cdr. Salamander? FFS

You should head over to Dr. and read the REAL story!

It's on the innerwebs so it's true.
It's misleading.

The DOD paid for the remains to be sent to her home. Why is it the government's responsibility to fly the body across the country, on a private jet?
I understand your point, BUT, why forgive student loans, loans that were entered into with foreknowledge and not fly the remains back? Would have been the right thing to do.

If US Gov can fly officials to the funeral of George Floyd, they could have and should have paid for the pvt plane
I understand your point, BUT, why forgive student loans, loans that were entered into with foreknowledge and not fly the remains back? Would have been the right thing to do.

If US Gov can fly officials to the funeral of George Floyd, they could have and should have paid for the pvt plane