Stronger than you think you are


Sep 4, 2001
When something happens in your life that completely shakes you, how do you react? Do you find you are stronger than you thought you were?
usually that is what happens. I discover more about my inner self in bad times. There was one time however...very dark and troubled time for me. Eventually I got over that too.
celiaKitten said:
When something happens in your life that completely shakes you, how do you react? Do you find you are stronger than you thought you were?

I've gone through the death of one of my parents and a serious personal assault and it almost had no effect on me that I can worries me that I seem to be devoid of feeling.
In all honesty when something terrible happens, I panic.
For about 5 minutes.
Then I step back and do what I can to assess what's happened and then go on.
It sounds easy but I've had a bit of practice dealing with things happening.

Yes, I've found I'm much stronger than I would have ever thought I was.
I think that I not only come out of it a stronger but a better person as well.
marksgirl said:
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Unless it results in us losing a limb or going into a coma or something, in which case, I don't think that really applies.
PepperminTrish said:
In all honesty when something terrible happens, I panic.
For about 5 minutes.
Then I step back and do what I can to assess what's happened and then go on.
It sounds easy but I've had a bit of practice dealing with things happening.

Yes, I've found I'm much stronger than I would have ever thought I was.

Much the same blow up for a couple of minutes and then asess the damge. Find a slotution to rid the damage and then look for ways to prevent the same thing from happening again. The last is the most insightful, but the most rewarding. Then perhaps you are a better stronger person!
I find that I have a finely tuned panic response. I run at about 2300 miles per hour for a little bit, but then I settle.

I've been kicked in the stomach a couple times in my life and I've found the only way I got through it was just to put my head down and get through it.

I know it's not the most elegant response to the situation, but it's the only one I've found that works for me. After it's all done I take stock and see what's left - what's there and what's not there, what's weaker and what's stronger. I'm often surprised by what I find, for good and bad. Time eventually heals the hurt and afterwards, things are pretty much the way they were. I've noticed that the world in general really doesn't care what I've gone through or what I'm going through at any moment in time. It only cares what I'm doing. So putting my head down and going forward keeps me functioning.

Does it make me stronger? I don't honestly know. I do know it makes me more aware ot things that can hurt me and it makes me much less inclined to do them again.
RawHumor said:
Unless it results in us losing a limb or going into a coma or something, in which case, I don't think that really applies.

Excellent point. But, just look at Superman.
Just do it

Everyone had Challenges that they face in life. The details of mine are not important to this discussion. The fact of the matters is Running away is not an opption for me. I had a friend say to me, when I told him, "Man I don't know how you do it I don't think I could". I said to him " If you had to you could. You just have the luxury that you don't have too deal with this."

I have found that facing a problem I learn as much as I can about it and then I take as active a roll as I possibly can. So Yes I have yet to be tested to my capacity and I hope that I never am.

inner strength....

or self-preservation................I'm not sure which it was but it kicked in by the time I was four. If it hadn't the next 13 years would have killed me for sure.
I think we all (for the most part), posess it....It's whether we choose to use it or not .
I'm strongest during the storm, it's the clean up afterward that kills me.
perky_baby said:
I'm strongest during the storm, it's the clean up afterward that kills me.

I do the same thing, ruffles, except I seem to clear away the storm by pushing it all into the "to be dealt with" pile. Then the cleanup sometimes starts another storm.
celiaKitten said:
When something happens in your life that completely shakes you, how do you react? Do you find you are stronger than you thought you were?

everytime something in my life happens.... I prove to myself i'm stronger then I thought.

getting hit by that truck proved one thing to me..... I can and will make it through any fucking thing that happens in my life.
Eumenides said:
I do the same thing, ruffles, except I seem to clear away the storm by pushing it all into the "to be dealt with" pile. Then the cleanup sometimes starts another storm.

*whistling* I have NO ideaaaaaaa what you're talking about.

celiaKitten said:
When something happens in your life that completely shakes you, how do you react? Do you find you are stronger than you thought you were?

I react by crying - I cry over everything. I just do! Then I talk to friends and evlauate and assess. When it's over - I'm much stronger and much more appreciative of my friends.

:rose: :rose:

Glad you are back with up, FOW! :)
When things happen I'm ususally calm and focused. Later on when there's time I deal with the emotional and physical problems.

It works for me, but I know others sometimes wonder what the hell's wrong with me.

Oh yeah, I guess I'm stronger than I normally am at the time. :0)
celiaKitten said:
When something happens in your life that completely shakes you, how do you react? Do you find you are stronger than you thought you were?

I am the one in my family who is always 'the strong one' that everyone else can count on when the shit is hitting the fan. Which for the most part is fine. Mr Keen is also I think more easily rattled than I am (which is somewhat surprising considering he is the more practical, conventional one in our marriage).

Honestly though when I look back at my life up to now and some of the shit I've had to deal with, I am sometimes surprised at a) how many 'tests of strength' I've had to deal with and b) considering that, how I don't feel I've ever really been pushed to the breaking point, as in "I don't know if I can handle this." (With one exception.) I have always felt, even when faced with some really really crappy situations, that I would make it through, with enough resolve.

The only time I really ever felt like I was truly nearing the end of my tether, and wasn't sure if I could deal with what life was throwing at me was probably somewhere around September 13th of last year. Go figure, huh.