Stroke stories


Nov 9, 2000
Okay, fess up, who writes them and enjoys writing them? I unabashedly, unrepentantly, absolutely love to pen a good stroke story. My twisted deviant little mind manufactures (even after almost 3/4 of a century) some of the most wet, drooling, sexual scenes imaginable. Not all of my stories are stroke stories, but when it hits me to write one, I just gotta' write one.

My very first erotic stories were written for the express purpose of getting the reader turned on and horny. And I did it to get my beta reader at the time primed so I could take advantage of the effects of my story. My wife knew my intentions before she opened the first page of the first story and she looked forward to it. And it worked. Boy did it work!

So fess up time... let's hear it!

I don't think it'd be too much of a shock to discover the vast majority of us have written our fair share of stories with the express intent to get those who read it horny.

I mean, this IS LitEROTICA.
Same here. I like writing more complicated stories too, and experimenting with various styles.

But there's a pleasure in writing a stroker. No complications, no deeper motivations, no personalities that need exploring. Just the writer's skill and the reader's enjoyment.

I don't understand writers here who sneer at the simple stroker. On a site dedicated to sex stories, no less.
Same here. I like writing more complicated stories too, and experimenting with various styles.

But there's a pleasure in writing a stroker. No complications, no deeper motivations, no personalities that need exploring. Just the writer's skill and the reader's enjoyment.

I don't understand writers here who sneer at the simple stroker. On a site dedicated to sex stories, no less.
I don't sneer at them; I write them myself. My Gauntlet series (which I really don't like talking about, to be honest) is that. I just don't do it with the express purpose of getting readers off. I frankly couldn't care less if they do or don't. The image of it leaves me disturbed. The imagery in the book, however... does not. I guess it's a stroker for me, and it throws a bone to fans in waiting.
I don't think it'd be too much of a shock to discover the vast majority of us have written our fair share of stories with the express intent to get those who read it horny.

I mean, this IS LitEROTICA.
But if you want to mix it up a little, Literotica can also become:
Calorie Tit
Coital Rite
Erotic Tail
I, Car Toilet
Eat Clit or I...
I write deep, meaningful interracial romances. Um, actually, I write interracial cuckold stories so people who like that sort of thing can stroke off. So, yeah, that's what I write.
It's pretty much all I do. I'm always trying to improve on my stroker game. I try to write the best strokers I can. That does mean making the characters at least interesting enough to fantasize about. Just having a series of names doing sex positions isn't the best stroker. Has to have a little character, a little motivation, a smidgen of backstory, to keep from being boring. But not a bit more than is needed to keep the sex interesting. Every word is in service to the goal. The sex generally ramps up over the story, so hopefully the story and the reader reach their climaxes at the same time.
All of my stories attend solely to the experience of erotic arousal. Whether or not the reader becomes aroused is not something I think about. In my case, most of the stories attend to the arousal that comes with surrender for some people.
twisted deviant little mind
I most definitely do not think of my stories as being twisted or "little minded." They're full of dignity. Dignity is important to me.
No complications, no deeper motivations, no personalities that need exploring. Just the writer's skill and the reader's enjoyment.
Absolutely, the writer's skill. "Stroke story" or "stroker" are loaded with connotations of slap dash writing. The stories I write and like pay no attention to back stories. I thought "stroke stories" paid no attention to character until I happened upon @electricblue66. I send my stories out for free, using the shotgun method. If you use a shotgun, you're bound to hit something. I'm hoping to find like minded people. So I don't look to provide enjoyment for a lot of people. It's a small niche.
The image of it leaves me disturbed. The imagery in the book, however... does not. I guess it's a stroker for me, and it throws a bone to fans in waiting.
Just having a series of names doing sex positions isn't the best stroker. Has to have a little character, a little motivation, a smidgen of backstory, to keep from being boring.
No, it doesn't have to have all those other things. It can focus solely on the physical acts if done really well. Then it won't be boring at all!
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This sums up the problem of calling some erotica a "stroker" or "stroke story." What's to confess? This is erotica! If you want to combine it with plot and character, that's fine. I probably won't read it, but, hey, writing really well about sexual activities is not something you need to "fess up" to.
No, it doesn't have to have all those other things. It can focus solely on the physical acts if done really well. Then it won't be boring at all!
I agree about focus on the physical. But if I'm writing about 8 people getting physical, I don't think it works that well to just be like joe did this, Becca did that, Janice was over there with Krysta and Tim... Unless I've given the reader at least a little bit of meat to hang on the bones of these names. Not a lot, mind you. But maybe Becca is an athlete with rippling muscles and Krysta is nervous because she's had a crush on Janice, and Janice has been crushing on Krysta's bf Tim, and Joe is a shy nerd who can't believe this is all happening.

I'm sure it can be done in many different ways!
Is a stroke story one with good sex, or one with predominantly only sex (light on story or point)?

If the former, absolutely. If the latter, not that I would publish.
I agree about focus on the physical. But if I'm writing about 8 people getting physical, I don't think it works that well to just be like joe did this, Becca did that, Janice was over there with Krysta and Tim... Unless I've given the reader at least a little bit of meat to hang on the bones of these names. Not a lot, mind you. But maybe Becca is an athlete with rippling muscles and Krysta is nervous because she's had a crush on Janice, and Janice has been crushing on Krysta's bf Tim, and Joe is a shy nerd who can't believe this is all happening.

I'm sure it can be done in many different ways!
Okay, I'd read it. So, where's the story? lol
I'm going to compile a collection one day of my favourite, "Oh my!" comments, where readers tell me a story got them off. On that basis alone, I've written a whole bunch of strokers, but they've all got a little bit of emotional or intimate depth to them. That's why they work, I reckon.

Tab A into slot B is IKEA, and that's really dull, even with pictures. Furniture always looks better in a room, and even better when you dress it up a little.
All of my stories attend solely to the experience of erotic arousal. Whether or not the reader becomes aroused is not something I think about. In my case, most of the stories attend to the arousal that comes with surrender for some people.

I most definitely do not think of my stories as being twisted or "little minded." They're full of dignity. Dignity is important to me.

Absolutely, the writer's skill. "Stroke story" or "stroker" are loaded with connotations of slap dash writing. The stories I write and like pay no attention to back stories. I thought they paid no attention to character until I happened upon @electricblue66. I send my stories out for free, using the shotgun method. If you use a shotgun, you're bound to hit something. I'm hoping to find like minded people. So I don't look to provide enjoyment for a lot of people. It's a small niche.


No, it doesn't have to have all those other things. It can focus solely on the physical acts if done really well. Then it won't be boring at all!
Geez dude don't get your panties in a bunch. The stories you write and like are just that, stories YOU like. Other people like other things. And while you do not think of your stories as being twisted and "little minded" I never address nor insinuated on nor even considered your work. All of those comments were about MY work and MY mind. I do not have a problem with making fun or laughing at myself. That was the thrust of my comments.

And as far as fessing up, if you take time to observe and try to understand the denizens of Lit you will find there is a whole passel of authors who frequent the site (and not wanting to get day old cum crusted tissue paper thrown at me, it ain't much here on the AH) who consider writing a"stroke" story beneath them.

and I will disagree with your last statement too. A good stroke story should have the same elements as any other good story. While some good ol' get down and dirty sex scenes are a must, it also requires enough back story, enough buildup and enough other elements to allow the reader to place themselves in the story, to be part of the story, to allow their imagination to take them to that dream world where it's not just a story, but is happening, where a guy is getting to bang that cheerleader he dreamed about in high school.

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I agree about focus on the physical. But if I'm writing about 8 people getting physical, I don't think it works that well to just be like joe did this, Becca did that, Janice was over there with Krysta and Tim... Unless I've given the reader at least a little bit of meat to hang on the bones of these names. Not a lot, mind you. But maybe Becca is an athlete with rippling muscles and Krysta is nervous because she's had a crush on Janice, and Janice has been crushing on Krysta's bf Tim, and Joe is a shy nerd who can't believe this is all happening.

I'm sure it can be done in many different ways!
No, it won't work well just to say Joe did this, Becca did that. It has to be written well. Lots of effort in the description. Lots of detail.
there is a whole passel of authors who frequent the site . . . who consider writing a"stroke" story beneath them.
And I want to make the case, and maybe persuade them, that it is a matter of preference, not better and worse. Substitute "not for them" for "beneath them."
I'm going to compile a collection one day of my favourite, "Oh my!" comments, where readers tell me a story got them off. On that basis alone, I've written a whole bunch of strokers, but they've all got a little bit of emotional or intimate depth to them. That's why they work, I reckon.

Tab A into slot B is IKEA, and that's really dull, even with pictures. Furniture always looks better in a room, and even better when you dress it up a little.
What causes a reader of erotica to like a story, as erotica, if it doesn't "get them off?" (Let's not be too literal here. They don't have to have an orgasm.) There are lots of stories here on Lit. that I like as literature. But I don't call it erotica, for me, if it doesn't "get me off."
Most of my stories are slower burns, especially in taboo. I always felt compelled to explain how that attraction came to be, and I built a base both here and the pay market with that style, but sometimes....

Its liberating to say screw the plot by...getting to the screwing.

So, what I've done is take stories that are more action than story and put three similar themed ones into anthologies. I've posted a couple of them here and my regulars seem to be like "Um,. yeah, great, get back to the stuff we like" but I'll get some new fans who like the quick and dirty.
I finally tried to write one. I'm not sure if I was successful. Still maybe too much story. It's called, Yes, Ma'am and you can find it in my sig line.
I finally tried to write one. I'm not sure if I was successful. Still maybe too much story. It's called, Yes, Ma'am and you can find it in my sig line.
I read the first few pages. Yeah, a little much story for me, but not too much. What's missing is the skill at build up and description. I bet your skill shines when it comes to story and plot, but I won't be checking.
So more detail and how is build up used. Just a increase in sexual tension?