Stranger in the rain (open to one female)


Dec 21, 2012
Jack sashayed through the heavy rain without a care in the world. The rain soaked through his white business shirt, his shoes squelched with each step, the water soaked into his short brown hair and he din't give a damn. He'd smelt the rain before he'd seen it, and for some reason, god knows why, he had rushed into the street and walked through the cascades of water.
Jack was on a mission, moving like a man possessed, searching for something, but for what he wasn't sure. Jack was a tall, thin but well muscled man, his arms toned from hours of carrying lumber down at the docks. His jaw was lined with a light stubble and he spoke with a thick Australian accent, with a tan to accompany it.

He stepped under the canopy of a hotel and felt a shiver up his spine. He pushed his way through the revolving door and smiled politely at the receptionist, who in turn grudgingly acknowledged his existence. He stepped into the elevator, closed his eyes and jabbed at a button at random. 27
He put his arms behind his back and rocked from heel to toe, and back again, humming along to the elevator music that assailed his ears. The doors parted and he stepped through without hesitation, fishing a die out of his pocket and tossing it into the air. 6. he tossed it again. 4.
Jack made his way to room number ten, the shining faux gold numbers bolted ever so carefully to the door. He knocked three times and waited.
He heard the distinct sound of heels on a tiled floor and straightened his shirt in anticipation
Eva sighed at the sound of a knock on her door. She didnt like being interrupted on normal circumstances but right now especially. Her bags lay on the bed a few itens tossed here and there on the floor. A laptop stood open by the window. Eva was a singer-songwriter and right now she was sorely in need of inspiration. She was fresh out of a break up and her head was full of all sorts of distractions. So she had packed up and brought the first plain ticket to anywhere and that was how she had ended up here.

She strode to the door her 6 inch black heels clicking off the floor. At 5'6" she didnt really need heels. She had long legs that went on for days, a trait inherited from her British mother. Her olive skin and long shimmery black hair with its reddish gold undertones inherited from her Greek father. She was dressed in a simple pair of tight black shorts and a deep red camisole. Tossing open the door her eyebrows rose at the rain soaked figure in her doorway. " can I help you?"
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The door opened to reveal, as far as Jack could see, an angel.... she stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised at something. It took Jack a while to stir himself from worshiping the woman with his eyes to realise she had spoken...
"Uh... Hi, sorry to bother you, but I've been caught in the rain.. I live on the other side of town and I was wondering if I could use your phone to manage a lift..."
Eva waited patiently as the man stood dumbfounded in her doorway. Once he had finally introduced himself and informed her of his situation she sighed. "You could have just used the phone in the lobby..." she said, indicating what should have been an obvious solution to his dilemma. Looking at him however it was obvious that he was thinking anything but rationally. He had to have been walking about in the rain for hours to be soaked to such a degree.

Being the kindhearted person she was, she finally let him in. She pointed to the phone on the table before turning to head towards the bathroom. "The phone is right there, go ahead. I'll go grab you a towel so you can dry off at least a little bit..." she said with a faint smile. True to her word she headed for the bathroom, grabbing one of the plushy white hotel towels and bringing it back into the room. Approaching him she held the towel out towards him.
Jack accepted the towel gratefully, subtly running his hands along the womans arms as he took it from her. Just enough so that it could be misconstrued as an accident.
"Thanks... I'm freezing", said Jack, rubbing the towel over his sopping wet hair, and trying to wipe the water away from under his shirt.
"Do, uh... Do you mind if I take this off?", said Jack, barely hiding a wry smile as he tried to look at this beauty as innocently as possible