Strange traditions


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Ok this tradition started a while back. with me and my friends.

The tradition is thus
When moving into a new home you are automaticly obligated to throw a party, invite your friends and get smashed. at the end of the party you are to save 2 bottled drinks. 1 beer and 1 foo foo drink (wine cooler or something) and name them
(I have alfred and maria in my fridge now)
These are the alchoholic totems of your home, and it is imperative that you never tell anyone which drinks these are in your fridge.
The idea being that the person whom grabs the last beer gets the wrath of the totem upon them. (two year old skunky beer YAY)

any one else have strange traditions?
We have a can of Spam that has moved with us to 4 different domiciles now. It resides prominently at the back of the range top.
We have a tradition of sending any fruitcake we get for Xmas in the mail, to other relatives.

I wonder if it's just the same fruitcake being sent all around the country?
I make heart-shaped pancakes with red food coloring in it for my kids on Valentines Day!
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
We HAVE to eat blackeyed peas on New Year's Day or be cursed for a whole year of bad poopie things happening to us. Once we went on vacation for New Years and my Dad had to bribe a hotel chef to fix them especially for us.

We also have a tradition at Christmas of packing at least one gift in a box that originally held bank checks. (Who the hell knows where THAT one started from) It's always "Awwwww" he got bank box!" and all's right with the world for another Christmas because the tradition has continued. My first Christmas away from home, Mom sent a box load of presents and whatever my special pressie was came in the bank box. I cried. Not at the present mind you, but because she'd thought ahead enough to put it in the bank box. So silly....

Another Christmas tradition will continue this year for me -- it's a biggie. Every year while growing up Mom made (or later bought)each person a special ornament, so we'd all point out our own on the tree. The first Thanksgiving after we married, Mom brought a box out after dinner and presented it to the newlyweds. It contained all of that person's special ornaments from their growing years, so they had a nice assortment of special ornaments to start their family trees with. I've carried on the tradition with my children and my first child married this year, so I've got to get the Christmas stuff down out of the attic soon and get my box together to present to my newlyweds. And so it goes...
I always have to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. But I don't know if that's so much strange as it is just corny.
SpiceCake said:
I make heart-shaped pancakes with red food coloring in it for my kids on Valentines Day!
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I drink myself into a stupor on valentines day.
hmmm strange traditions.

I get my friends a 12 pack when they come out of rehab, light beer of course.
My mom also started the Christmas ornaments for us. As each of us moved into our own home, apartment, etc, she gave us a box of ornaments that we had on our tree as kids. I still have my box of ornaments, even though I don't put up a tree anymore. I did the same for my son & still have all of his ornaments. He loved the Hallmark Star Trek ornaments & I buy the new one every year for his collection. Even though he is gone, I know that he loves those ornaments & I do display them on a shelf with some of his other favorite things. I give ornaments to my nieces & to my friend's kids. It is kind of nice to have something familiar when you first go out on your own.