Strange icebreaker


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
So I had virtual training at work today and it was actually pretty good. But out of nowhere one of the participants typed “THERE’S NO I IN TEAM”



This has nothing to do with anything we were doing at the time…but it got me thinking, lol.

I had a little micro daydream and that’s the idea for this thread: A woman with a loudspeaker was directing employees at a beach retreat and said “THERE IS NO ‘I’ IN TEAM! BUT WE DO HAVE THE LETTERS FOR “MATE” AND “MEAT” SO WHILE WE GET THE GRILLS GOING YOU ALL strip down, pair up, and get to know each other in the biblical sense!”

Originally saw it as a guy having a lucid dream about his coworkers but it could also be fun as a real but surreal office retreat.
This one requires a complete suspension of disbelief and that's tough for me unless we're talking about a fantasy world where free love is the norm.

Otherwise I'm thinking about a guy who has hired a large group of couples that do sexual content on Reddit or OF and created an entertainment company around them. Wildly successful, he invited them all out to an island resort to celebrate. Some couples know one another but most, only by reputation. After a brief meeting he leaves the conference room to check on the buffet that's been planned and when he returns he walks into an orgy getting underway.
What about a company that has to deal with an employee who has Turrets Syndrome, where they randomly blurt out something like: "There is no I in team, but we do have the letters for Mate and Meat."

Maybe a guy and a girl are discussing this at the water cooler and the man casually says "well, I do have the meat", and the lady says, "all I can do is mate", and it ultimately leads to sex together.

That is the only plausible storyline I have, but I have not had much coffee yet!
Such doubters of the corporate world. Look at all the DEI/anti-racism stuff that ran rampant then began to peter out. Pressure to keep a job and go with the rest of the sheeple isn't so hard to understand. I even recall hearing about an entire department that went through some exercise...

Well. This would be a variation. To foster team building and encourage 'breaking through to the next level' a department head signs up with a consultancy. They have all sorts of glowing recommendations - and as the old saying goes 'no CTO ever got fired by hiring <fill in the blank with your own shibboleth>. Members of the department are mixed into teams, and given a choice. Sign a NDA form and a separate contract, then show up at such and such a place at such and such time for a long weekend - or their next review would be such that they'd probably be better off quitting.

On arrival - oh sure it would be a very nice hotel or beach resort or whatever - the sheeple, er, wage slaves - no dammit employees would have to put their cell phones, watches, tablets, laptops, keys, wallets, purses - pretty darn near anything into lockers provided by the consultancy. Resistance would be met with a boot out the door and, well - a hopefully fulfilling job hunt. These people would make a member of the Stasi proud. After which everyone is ushered into a conference room with tables of libations and nibbles - or a beach with the same. After a couple of rounds of alcohol to help lubricate the social setting - and comrade drink if you know what's better for you - the OP's line is given out. And by the way - to help foster teamwork etc. etc.? It's two couples to a room. Yeah - I agree. Not believable. Sort of like 'ohhhhh there's this nasty respiratory virus run amuck and unless you're on THE APPROVED LIST of workers sit your ass at home!' shared delusion we went through eh?
Changing lanes just a bit, I’ve been obliged to sit through so many abysmal There is no I in team! unicornfests that my instinctive reaction would have been to reply, No, but there are two I’s in idiot!

The basic idea has merit and, as one thoroughly jaded with such institutional horsepuckery, I wish you luck.