Strange, I know


Oct 10, 2002
but, I knew a girl in HS whose name was:

Anita Dick :eek:

I'm not kidding. Why would parents do this to their child? Do you know anyone with a weird name?
I know a guy named Harry Pye.

Way back in public school there was a guy with the fortune of going through life named Roger Podger.
You wont believe this but there was actually a guy at my school named Mike Hunt...........

Its true......

The Ball Family

Harry (Dad) and Dick (Son)

The Legg Family

Peg (Daughter) and Shorty (Son) (These are real names.. not nick names)
I knew a girl named Ivana Penas (there was a squiggly-line thing over the 'n', so it was like Penyas)

And there was another chick in my high school with the last name of Dinkole.
At the all boy's school next to my school there was a kid named Justin Case.:rolleyes: He was the 5th kid and his parent's joked about how they had him just in case they lost one of the others.

I played softball with 3 sisters named Gin, Brandy, and Champane. Their parents freely admit they named their kids after what they were drunk on the night they were concieved! Too crule!:p
I knew twins named Emerald and Amber Green.

A girl named Morgan Morgan.

And a guy named Mike Griffone.
Back when "America's Funniest Home Videos" first started they did a segment on weird names and they had one listed as "Weldon Rumproast" from San Antonio.

Since I was in San Antonio and amused I walked down the hallway to a telephone and checked the phonebook and sure enough, he was listed right in there.
Very famous family, daughter of a governor, a Grande Dame of Houston, Texas....

Ms. Ima Hogg.

Umm, I didn't know her! lol
True story. My mother used to work with a guy whos wife had just given birth to a baby boy. His last name was Head. They decided to name their song Richard. Dick is short to Richard...his named turned out to be Dick Head. I'm not jokeing! Only later, when some people brought it up did they realize it.

I know a girl whos youngest sisters name is Humility. WHY would their parents name her that?!?!?!
I knew a Mike Hunt too.
Joe Kerr. I feel bad about it now but we use to give him flack for that.
Daniel Mcdaniel is another good one. I guess his parents weren't too inventive :(
hotlittlegirlwv said:
but, I knew a girl in HS whose name was:

Anita Dick :eek:

I'm not kidding. Why would parents do this to their child? Do you know anyone with a weird name?


I had a teacher in school who's name was Anita Dick!!

And you've always been in the northern part of our state? :D
There is an English Rugby player called *Austin Healey, he's a fast fucker so, maybe there is something in a name.

* fast sports car.
hotlittlegirlwv said:
but, I knew a girl in HS whose name was:

Anita Dick :eek:

I'm not kidding. Why would parents do this to their child? Do you know anyone with a weird name?

you dont have to lie to make friends :)
psh, my sis doesn't lie. Our cousin dated her little sister Kathy for a while ;)
