

Sep 17, 2002
"Come anyone out there...anyone.." Useless..again. Another futile attempt on the part of Captain Jason Miles to reach help. His three person craft had crashed on this god forsaken planet two weeks ago. Both the Navigator and Co-pilot/surgeon had been killed in the crash. Power was low and there was only enough juice left in the reserve cells for maybe three more days. Food and water supplies were still good for maybe a month. The craft itself was nothing more than a useless peice of junk.

The planet itself was covered in jungle vegitation. But other than that it was earth like for the most part. Jason stumbled over some scattered debris as he made his way from the communications room to the cargo bay. Opening the door he could see the jungle. The only remainig part of the bay itself was the ladder leading down to what was left of the flooring. As for the rest of it it had been ripped off and apart during the crash.

"Damnit..damnit all.." he cursed as he began to think about his options again.
Sandra looked at the crash site from her hidden spot in the jungle. It had been so very long that she had seen another space ship. She knew it had been over 20 years since her parents had brought her here. Well, they had crashed here.

She wore no garments due to the stiffling heat of the jungle. The planet was warm and wearing clothes wasn't an option for her. Her parents had been killed. One in the crash and then her father a few years later as he protected her from a hostile alien who had been intent on enslaving her.

Sandra had long flowing red hair. It hadn't been cut for as long as she remembered. Her body was now a bronze colour. Her legs long and shapely. Her breasts large and firm. She stood at 5'4" and weighed closer to 95 lbs.

As she eyed the crash she wondered would they be humans like her.....

Where they here to save her?

Or where they friends of the aliens who now hunted her?

He knew the transponder on the ship was still active, so that gave him a slim chance. But even still, it was a chance better than none at all. Stepping onto the ground he had to remove his shirt which was quickly becoming damp from sweat. Hanging it on the side of the steps he began to make his way away from the ship. Before the crash the ships computers had managed to map a small area of the planet, the area he was in now. He was able to get a small printout of the map and it showed him the location of a waterfall nearby. So checking to see that his sidearm was with him he began to go look for it.

As he began his trek into the jungle she could see that yes he was Human. His hair was cut short and was dark brown, she wasn't sure what color his eyes were. She could see from his arms and his back that he was slightly muscular (fairly toned). His height seemed to be six inches taller than she. He however still had some clothing on. His uniform pants which were a amottled grey and slightly blackened from a fire, and his boots. He was also armed and from the looks of it a pistol, not to different from that of her Father's if she could remember it.
Add a native to the mix.


Name: Del'Kar
Age: 26
Height: 6' even
Weight: 213 pounds

( I hope my post isn't an intrustion, and I hope I did not assume to much or create to much background. If I have veered away from the intended plot, by all means let me know )


Del'Kar sat crouched in the brush not much more than a hundred yards away. He came from a small village about ten miles away. Many years ago, long enough for the knowledge of the past to be forgotten, humans had come here from earth, explorers seeking out new civilizations and inhabitable planets. The small group of 25 settled here and were to stay for a period of six months.

Having encountered a hostile alien species shortly into the begining of thier fourth month their ship was lost and they taken captive. Enslaved and forced to work for the alien though strikingly humanoid race. As many more years passed, the somewhat civilized alien civilization abolished slavery and the few remaining humans intermingled with the aliens, taking mates and producing off-spring. Del'Kar was a product of that.

He was indeed massive, each limb corded with well defined and toned muscle, he was a hunter for his people. Each week he and a few others would head out to check the traps they had set before. Animal life here was abundant and much like the cow, produced several mediums of sustanence.

He had seen the ship come in and then crash and instinctivly moved for a better look. He was concealed fairly well, bronzed flesh hiding him well in the shadowy underbrush though if one looked hard enough, they could see him, especialy considering the head of the spear he carried was well polished steel glinting brightly in the dim lighting. He was unaware of the woman not far away from him, lost in this spectacular scene before him. He was even unaware that any humanoids walked the planet outside his people.
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(Oh no your not intruding at all, and as far as the plot it's an open ended one so feel free to add whatever you want, that goes for both of ya :cool: )

He didn't see either one of them, he didn't even see the glint of the spear head. This was due in part to his intent study of the map as he paused briefly to lean agaionst a tree. "Now I'm here...the falls are here...still got a mile or two to-" His words were cut off as suddenly this liard like creature came bursting from the foliage to his right. It stood at least seven feet in height, was bipedal, and was wearing what looked like loose fitting animal skins. In it's right hand it carried a net, in its left it carried what looked like a serated short spear. "Holy Shit!" He exclaimed while jumping back, he could tell from the look in its eyes that it probably had hostile intentions. And he was correct. As it emitted a shreeking cry it lunged at him quickly. Rushig in it held the spear high as it jabbed down at him, Jason tried dodging to the side and almost made it as the spear just cut across his arm instead of peircing through his shoulder. As it left it carrried with it a trickle of blood. Gritting his teeth he pulled his sidearm. The thing spun around and jabbed at him again, this time Jason ducked the spear missing him completely and then there were three loud cracks echoing through the jungle in rapid succession. The thing just swayed to and fro where it tood, two bullet holes tearing through its chest, one through the top of its head. The with a loud hiss it fell over.

"What..the friggin...hell.." Jason said between breaths. Then looking to his arm he covered the wound as best he could with his hand as he began to make his way back to the ship. The falls could wait, right now he needed that first aide kit.
Del'Kar reveals himself.

With the appearance of the lizard man, or the T'luk as his people called them, he lunged out of his hiding spot and broke into a run. Athletic and well trained he closed the distance rapidly. About fifty yards away, to him, he thought, not fast enough to aid the spaceman he heard the shots and instantly halted diving for the cover of some nearby brush.

Holding his breath, he looked on in awe as the T'luk fell to the ground, his eyes darting to that odd shaped tool the spaceman held. Magnificent! he thought as he marvled at it's power. Rising slowly from his hiding spot, he straps the spear to his back and begins to walk towards the spaceman. He had many questions. Not only was Del'kar big, but he was tall, about six feet tall and he weighed every bit of 200 pounds.

Shoulder length raven black hair billowed gently behind him, so far his facial features could not be made out though even from a distance of fifty yards, they looked more alien than human. He wore nothing but a simple lizard skin loin cloth. His people had been at war with the T'luk as long as he could remember, neither side seemed to be able to gain any ground. The T'luk were a product of the alien species that enslaved the humans so long ago, they were the "people" that branched out, hating what their bretheran had done, hating the fact that their bretheran actually mated with these horrible soft skined space people. Lifting a hand, he waves it in what he hoped was a friendly gesture bellowing out. "Heglar!" Which was hello in his language "Heglar dar frend."