Storyline feasibility


Jun 16, 2022
Although I have read stories on this site for a few years now, I have only just decided to take the plunge and write some of my own.
I have written a draft which I am generally very happy with, but I am not sure about the set up for the story.
The protagonist is a 'man with a van', hand for hire or Jack of all trades, whichever phrase you choose.
I need to get him under a desk in an office, where he will secretly witness a sex act.
At the moment a friend who is a freelance Internet installer (if there is such a thing) has hired him.
I have the protagonist installing/changing cables to computer screens under a big desk/table which is perhaps used for meetings or entertaining clients.
Can anyone suggest a more realistic scenario?
Or am I over thinking it and people don't generally care about the feasibility of any given scenario?
Overthinking it.

Bear in mind, it's fiction. Write what you want, if the characters are likeable and the sex is decent, it will do fine!
(I'm asking as a personal favor, NO 12"+ dicks that can go all night or 44DD breasts. I myself prefer realistically proportioned people)
He could be freelance IT. I know a guy who has a small business like that. He and his one employee handle repairs and IT problems for businesses. Sometimes they get hired to install new stuff (not exactly sure what).

You could have him in closet where they keep all the wires and routers etc, which is just off the conference room. So he could watch it through the cracked door if he was quiet. He could have gone into the closet when they came in to track down why something isnt connected and then stayed rather than interrupt the people and started to watch.
Unless your hero is a futa, in which case a 12+" dick and DD+ cup size are par for the course.

I would say that most big companies either have their own network teams or trusted contractors, so I'm not sure of the idea of a solo freelancer being called in.

ETA: Although @stonedinstilletos (sp?) says otherwise, so go for it.
I think it is a plausible situation- first thing that popped into my head as I read "get him under a desk"
Thanks for the swift responses, I will get on with publishing the story.
Newoldguy77, I agree with abnormal body parts, 10 or 11 inches is still a one in a million experience.
Stonedinstilletos, I want him under the desk. Stockings, feet and (going by your handle I'm sure you'll love this.) shoes play a key role.
AlinaX, I'm going on this being too big a job for the in house team.
Thanks again for the feedback.
I’d ignore the possibility of an in-house IT team. That too is an over complication and can be dropped - poetic licence and such. IT guy working on connections under a desk, sees people having fun - simple, plausible.

To be pedantic, mind you, most desks have a privacy part to them, mainly so women wearing skirts can sit there without worries of up-skirt voyeurs. You might want to describe the desk, the view from it.

Good luck.
He can be doing any old thing in the room with the desk. He could be an electrician working on the lights or a repairman working on the coffee maker. And then he can drop something (a pen, a tool, a mouse ball, a wire nut, etc.), which rolls under the desk. He has to go down to retrieve it.
He can be doing any old thing in the room with the desk. He could be an electrician working on the lights or a repairman working on the coffee maker. And then he can drop something (a pen, a tool, a mouse ball, a wire nut, etc.), which rolls under the desk. He has to go down to retrieve it.
I see what you did there...
Thanks for the swift responses, I will get on with publishing the story.
Newoldguy77, I agree with abnormal body parts, 10 or 11 inches is still a one in a million experience.
Stonedinstilletos, I want him under the desk. Stockings, feet and (going by your handle I'm sure you'll love this.) shoes play a key role.
AlinaX, I'm going on this being too big a job for the in house team.
Thanks again for the feedback.
Many small companies don't really have an in-house IT team. They may have an employee that is sharper than others for general issues, but they hire out from local techs for upgrades/issues that are beyond that person's abilities.
Depending on how big a wheel the guy is, his office could be very elaborate & personalized, including his desk.

Also, in this age of ransomware and other cyber-dangers, it's probably wise for the company to hire a (reliable) outside contractor to help provide additional security to the network.
Overthinking it.

Bear in mind, it's fiction. Write what you want, if the characters are likeable and the sex is decent, it will do fine!
(I'm asking as a personal favor, NO 12"+ dicks that can go all night or 44DD breasts. I myself prefer realistically proportioned people)

You're pissing against the wind here on Lit. with the "let's have realism" attitude.

The generality of writing is such that all of the girls next door "just happen" to be blonde bimboes with precisely those appendages and the guys are all musclebound studs with 24/7 massive erection readiness. When challenged, the response tends to be "nobody wants to hear what happens to plain people". Honestly, I'm with you... realism is what gives things a greater hook in my book... but just saying.
You're pissing against the wind here on Lit. with the "let's have realism" attitude.

The generality of writing is such that all of the girls next door "just happen" to be blonde bimboes with precisely those appendages and the guys are all musclebound studs with 24/7 massive erection readiness. When challenged, the response tends to be "nobody wants to hear what happens to plain people". Honestly, I'm with you... realism is what gives things a greater hook in my book... but just saying.
After your realism endorsement I checked your SteelPoint author profile, didn't see any stories! Come on and join the 'plain people' movement and write, bro!

By the way, I try to always use realistic people in my stories, and the majority of them have earned "H" (4.5+) badges! (y)
Definitely make him freelance. He’s never been there before, he‘s never met anyone there, he doesn’t know who’s fucking who. He can fuck or be fucked and go, without pre or post conceptions. Will make whatever he observes or participates in all the more exciting and unrestrained perhaps.
After your realism endorsement I checked your SteelPoint author profile, didn't see any stories! Come on and join the 'plain people' movement and write, bro!

By the way, I try to always use realistic people in my stories, and the majority of them have earned "H" (4.5+) badges! (y)

Right, so you'd think it would be a no-brainer to take the realism concept on board, right? Realistic, believable, non-filmstar characters and backgrounds which could convince you that the story was actually happening? More of a potential turn-on, etc., etc? Yes, right... If I were you, I wouldn't hold your breath while trying to build up a large collection of such stories from the Lit. archive. It would go much worse for you than merely "blue in the face", believe me! Lit. "writers" in the huge majority view it as too much like hard work to put in the thought and care necessary to achieve any degree of realism.

This is partly why I, alongside an increasing number of other contributors to the boards here, I note, don't want to post any of my stories here. Tarnish by association, you might call it. I realise fully that this sounds snobbish and that it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy but what the hell. It's my production and I show it as and when I choose and only to people I value. "Badges", "views" and "likes" hold no interest for me and it beats me how they could for any intelligent person.The wank mob can go and drown themselves in Lit. Average Crap. It's where they belong. Like attracting like.

Apologies to the OP for the large scale digression!
First post (Hi all).

@OP Ditch the desk. Place the IT guy in the server room because, as everyone knows, "nobody ever goes down there," right?

IT guy is tinkering away near the back, mostly hidden behind a rack of servers. Door opens and in walk two lovers... since "familiarity breeds <s>contempt</s> indifference", they get right to it, not noticing the open box of tools lying in the middle of the floor.

Would that work? Hell yes. I lived it. :/