Story Submission HELP!


Literotica Guru
Jan 27, 2003
I submitted my first, 3-part story and it got split randomly in the middle when it was posted. I submitted one text file, in the online form. What I had in mind was 3 pages, with the little links at the bottom, like 1 2 3. This way IS good for voting, but it took away from my story, especially when the first page was all in <i>italics</i> (The /i was wrong.)

I have another masterpiece ready to submit. I converted it to HTML, in 3 different files. How do I submit it to get it listed as one story with 3 parts? Or, SHOULD I? Is it best to let them be 3 separate stories? They don't get posted at the same time, and if people can't read all parts all at once it will take some away from the flow.:cool:
Thanks, MagicFingers
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Okay, I'm a bit confused by what you want. The little "1, 2, 3, ..." at the bottom of a story indicates that there is another page to the same story, not another part or chapter. Chapters are normally separated out as yours are. As far as I know, there are no links at the bottom of pages to other parts of a story.

I've never converted to HTML, but in the submissions guidelines that are on the front page of Lit, I believe it tells you what they are expecting. And I think it depends on whether you copy and paste the story in as opposed to uploading a story. But, then, I could be wrong.

Good luck!