Story placement/publication


Dodgy Geezer
Apr 5, 2018
Hi all, is there any rhyme or reason as to where a story is placed in a days published stories? My last few stories, all in ex/voy category, have either been on page 2 or at bottom of page 1, not even making list of ex/voy for that day if readers look just under that category.
I think this definitely has some effect on reader numbers.
Other author names seem to be near top of page 1 regularly. Is it all random and a matter of luck or are there other reasons.
Any insights or info appreciated x
I don't think there's any method to it, other than some people asking for a specific day well in advance. Not sure if they get sent to the top or the bottom or the middle or if she randomizes things somehow.
Contest stories are always placed at the top of the list.

NC/R stories usually place at the bottom of the list. By my count, the last 10 stories on today's list are all NC/R, and
18 of the bottom 21 are NC/R. That's very consistent, but it can be overridden by contest entries.

I'm not sure there are other patterns.
As long as they are no more than half way down the hub page, that's OK with me.
I know contest entries get preference and that's fair enough, as is placing NC at the bottom if that is consistent, which it seems to be.
It just seems that there are 6 or 7 of the same category placed above me and have been for my past few stories, I was just wondering whether it was random or planned in some way
I know contest entries get preference and that's fair enough, as is placing NC at the bottom if that is consistent, which it seems to be.
It just seems that there are 6 or 7 of the same category placed above me and have been for my past few stories, I was just wondering whether it was random or planned in some way
My understanding from a few other posts is that it's first in first out. Can't prove that, but it seems like a lot of unnecessary effort to manage any kind of filtering that would be needed to intentionally put your stories lower than mine. I'm guessing most of my readers get to my stories from the category list, anyway.

Might be a good tst to see how your stories are listed there and see if it matches the hub.