Husband's point of view could be either deliciously monstrous, but never truly explaining his thought process, or, it becomes very complex and complicated, with great deal of inner conflict, as the central conflict of the story, likely.
Obviously, his desire to see his wife publicly exposed is so great it overrides his love for her. Certainly, he had tried to nudge her into that direction directly, but presumably failed. Or perhaps he's socially inept and has no tools to reveal his desires. Perhaps there's outside factors that he believes would make such suggestions extremely inappropriate. Then, perhaps, the blackmail opportunity presented itself somehow, unsought, and he was too weak not to exploit it for short term gratification. Perhaps he never expected it to work.
When it did, he's trapped himself. What's the endgame here? Sure, he could just end the game anytime, but he would have to keep this dark secret, his betrayal, from her forever. Keeping secrets forever is near impossibility, especially if the relationship continues to be close.
Does she share her situation with him? He may command her to try to hide it, or not strictly, and if she try to hide it from him, he can force the issue. Either by giving commands that would make it unavoidable, or "accidentally" catching a scene in progress. If/when she does open up about her ordeal, perhaps he enjoys to console her as much, if not more than the exposure itself. He may encourage her to go with it, or, (perhaps, and still,) try to emerge as a hero by claiming he made the blackmail(er) to go away.
Either way, he may expect to reap benefits of her arousal from the experiences, but that is not guaranteed to work, not at all (although for story purposes, it probably does, at least eventually). That may even be his primary motivation to start the charade.
It may even be his last ditch attempt to save relationship he perceived as failing, or at least get one last gratification out of it. In the later case, he doesn't really care for an out, at least not at first, not just out of negligence (as would be case if he instead expected the relationship to continue), but by design.
I remember reading something like this on the mind control erotic story site, wife finds a porn tape in her kids room, she ends up watching it, gets really into the story and ends up re-enacting it, she slowly turns into the slut on the screen and you find out it was her husband her left it there for her to find. Was called The Porno Wife.
Pretty hot but sadly too short, could make a longer story with chapters out of this, show her resisting but ultimately give into her extramarital experiment and maybe the husband being surprised how much of a slut she is.
Her point of view is relatively simpler, but also seems to center on an inner conflict. On the surface, it's garden variety blackmailed ENF story, at least at first.
By giving in to the blackmail, she likely feel like cheating, above and in addition to the drama involved in being exposed. In her perceived love triangle, where does her alliances fall, or rather, when an how they shift? To confess of being blackmailed is embarrassing even besides sexual nature of the requests. How does she expect her husband, the personality model she have of him (with may be very different and all wrong) to react on her confession? How does she react when the situation is eventually unavoidable?
When, (and if at all) she starts to suspect hubby to be involved? Hints, foreshadowing for readers there should be early even if that's the grand reveal at the very end (it's obviously becoming a requirement for her to find out, if the telling is strictly to her point of view). How does she react when she finds out, especially If she does find out earlier? How can she forgive the betrayal?