Story idea: sci-fi androids


May 27, 2002
I had an idea for a new story I'm going to start writing. It takes place in the future. Android technology has become so advanced that Androids have replaced humans in the porn industry because they can be designed and modified to be perfect... The only thing is that the androids are programmed to be porno actors. Its what they were designed to do; They get no enjoyment out of it at all, they have no emotions. They only follow orders...

Until one android is updated with software so he can experience pleasure and lust. The project was designed to make the porno films more intense and realistic because the android would actually be enjoying it... Only it goes wrong... The android escapes, and gets out into the real world. He goes around having sex with every woman, raping everyone he comes in contact with.. All he knows is pleasure, he doesn't have any understanding of guilt or remorse, so he doesn't understand that what he's doing is harmful. It takes a team of people, maybe with the help of other androids to track him down and catch him. (he could have superhuman strength or something).

What do y'all think? There's a lot of possibilities for impossibily sexy characters since they're androids, and being in the porn industry there could be a lot of fantasy scenes. There would be nonconsent also, of course...

(on another note, how do I change my avatar and description? [i'm a newbie])
Cool, go for it! I really liked Jude Law's character in A.I. - this sort of reminds me of him.

As for your Av and description. Description do you mean title, like it says you're a virgin?

The Av you can select once you've reached 100 posts - and believe me it's not as hard as you'd think! Virgin will change to Experienced when you get to 30 posts. I think Experienced changes to Really Experienced when you get to 100. At 500 you become a "literotica guru" and then at 1000 you get to choose your own title, like "jackass" or "princess" or something equally as corny.

Good luck with your story, can't wait to check it out! We need more sci-fi stories online.

zaxxon said:
I had an idea for a new story I'm going to start writing. It takes place in the future. Android technology has become so advanced that Androids have replaced humans in the porn industry because they can be designed and modified to be perfect... The only thing is that the androids are programmed to be porno actors. Its what they were designed to do; They get no enjoyment out of it at all, they have no emotions. They only follow orders...

Until one android is updated with software so he can experience pleasure and lust. The project was designed to make the porno films more intense and realistic because the android would actually be enjoying it... Only it goes wrong... The android escapes, and gets out into the real world. He goes around having sex with every woman, raping everyone he comes in contact with.. All he knows is pleasure, he doesn't have any understanding of guilt or remorse, so he doesn't understand that what he's doing is harmful. It takes a team of people, maybe with the help of other androids to track him down and catch him. (he could have superhuman strength or something).

What do y'all think? There's a lot of possibilities for impossibily sexy characters since they're androids, and being in the porn industry there could be a lot of fantasy scenes. There would be nonconsent also, of course...

(on another note, how do I change my avatar and description? [i'm a newbie])

Sounds like "Virtuosity" meets "Sexaroids." Could be fun! Go for it.

I don't like the part about the android running around raping women. Then again, I'm not much into non-consent.
How about instead having the android fucking the "wrong" kind of women, like married ones, hookers, whatever, without considering the consequences, just because he's just interested in satsifaction?
Could even be an idea to let the android realize that he's missing something in his programming, since his partners don't seem to have the same satisfaction as he does, and so he tries to develop himself?
Svenskaflicka said:

Could even be an idea to let the android realize that he's missing something in his programming, since his partners don't seem to have the same satisfaction as he does, and so he tries to develop himself?

Somehow I don't think that Zaxxon had a morality play in mind when he thought up this scenario. His initial idea reads more like non-stop fuck fest w/o guilt or conscience. It seems like he wants this rabid dog anderoid to be put down either by the authorities or by one of (perhaps a collection of?) his victims.

Zaxxon, what say you?

Just a little caution over what Axetheswede calls a "comma fucker" nit to pick.

An android is a (mechanical) robot shaped like a man.

I think what you have in mind would be more along the lines of a genetically-enhanced human.

You can always come up with your own term, provided you define what your term means.

Alternately, Philip K. Dick coined the term "replicant" in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" which became the source of the film: "BladeRunner". That term is a fairly common name for the Sci-Fi device you are introducing into your story.

Best decide what you mean it to be, and what you are going to call it, before you begin. For all the "suspension of disbelieve" inherent in the genre, Sci-Fi types can get rather crusty about misused terminology.
Why is it that I, of all people, represents the romance and the morals around this place? None of my friends would believe this...
Re: Story idea: sci-fi androids...

zaxxon said:

What do y'all think? There's a lot of possibilities for impossibily sexy characters since they're androids, and being in the porn industry there could be a lot of fantasy scenes. There would be nonconsent also, of course...

Over all, I'd say it's a sexy idea! You have a lot of great potential there! Are you going to "speed up" the process of the androids going from emotionless to erotic sexual beings, or are you thinking of writing a longer story?

(on another note, how do I change my avatar and description?)

You need to have 100 posts before Lit will allow you to have an Av.
Chicklet said:
You can't make an omelette without killing a few people.

Sure you can, but you need a LOT of hard radiation and ...

Wait a minute. :eek:

Sorry. you're right, Chicklet. :rolleyes: