Story Analytics


Jul 12, 2023

What are all the analytics measured for stories? Do the 3 bars represent how many people have read your story? Just trying to better understand it, thanks!

What are all the analytics measured for stories? Do the 3 bars represent how many people have read your story? Just trying to better understand it, thanks!
On your My Stories page, you can see the current stats for each story you have uploaded.

The graph is just an icon. The number to the right of it is the number of times your story has been loaded in a web browser. It doesn't track the number of people that have read the story.

If you hover over each of the numbers with your mouse, it'll show a tooltip with what the number represents.

In short they are:
Heart: Number of times the story has been favorited
Graph: Number of times the story has been loaded
Star: First number is the average score based on votes from 1 to 5 stars. Simple average. Second number is number of votes.
Comment bubble: How many comments the story has. Will only show if there are comments.

If you want to track your stats, click on the download icon on the Sort By: line. It will download the stats as a .CSV file. This is a snapshot at the time you click on it. To get a history, you'll need to download the stats on whatever schedule you like and compile them yourself. I do once a week, but some people do daily.
There is one additional stat: Reading Lists. We used to be informed on our "My Home" page whenever a member added one of our stories to a reading list, but that ceased not too long ago. You can still see the stat if you look up your story within its category: