Story about a naive teenager who thinks that...


Loves Spam
May 18, 2023
Barely 18 boy likes jacking off in public, secretly spying on women in various instances. At some point, for whatever reason, he starts believing that doing that might get the woman in question pregnant. So he starts worrying like hell and watches all those women he jacked off to, looking for pregnancy symptoms.

Maybe that story sounds stupid. I know I'm weird. But if anyone does it, send me a link.
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That story works better with a boy in the early teenage range, but since the rules don't allow it, let's age him up to 18. Here it goes:

A boy likes jacking off in public, secretly spying on women in various instances. At some point, for whatever reason, he starts believing that doing that might get the woman in question pregnant. So he starts worrying like hell and watches all those women he jacked off to, looking for pregnancy symptoms.

Maybe that story sounds stupid. I know I'm weird. But if anyone does it, send me a link.
I think we could spin this into something:

To keep it a touch believable while also keeping the rules, set it pre internet, maybe even 1800s and have it set somewhere superstitions run amock.

So our guy goes and meets a conjureman or a witch asking for love advice or finds a book claiming to tell the secret. They tell him to go out to his field at night and shoot his seed while he thinks of the one he loves.

You can add in other rules to, like he has to tend to any plants that grow where his seed lands, if it’s flowers he needs to give them to his love if it’s food he needs to give it to her as a gift, etc, main thing is though, a major part of the ritual is jerking it while thinking of the woman or women he has crushes on.

…and then you have one of the women he thought about get pregnant. So of course our boy holds himself responsible and like any gentleman of the time goes up and offers to take responsibility…or he freaks out and soon worries the other women will get pregnant with his progeny. Again, main thing is you have a coincidence occur that seems to confirm his beliefs.

It could go multiple directions from there: the woman who got pregnant did so out of wedlock and the real father was just passing through, so she happily clings on to the belief so at least she has a cover story and a husband…or maybe she can’t remember the conception (though this should get cleared up by the end of the story to not sour the mood) or the woman in question is of a much higher standing so now the lead is on the run from the law who think he took advantage of a woman as he’s too dumb to know what he did couldn’t work, and too honest to deny his belief that the baby is his.

Or you could have a sweet romance where the woman corrects him but is oddly charmed by him and starts a real relationship with him and since the bio dad is long gone, she just tells her first born that MC is their father. Maybe even have the story be one their great great grandkids dig up and put together from journal entries
I think we could spin this into something:

To keep it a touch believable while also keeping the rules, set it pre internet, maybe even 1800s and have it set somewhere superstitions run amock.

So our guy goes and meets a conjureman or a witch asking for love advice or finds a book claiming to tell the secret. They tell him to go out to his field at night and shoot his seed while he thinks of the one he loves.

You can add in other rules to, like he has to tend to any plants that grow where his seed lands, if it’s flowers he needs to give them to his love if it’s food he needs to give it to her as a gift, etc, main thing is though, a major part of the ritual is jerking it while thinking of the woman or women he has crushes on.

…and then you have one of the women he thought about get pregnant. So of course our boy holds himself responsible and like any gentleman of the time goes up and offers to take responsibility…or he freaks out and soon worries the other women will get pregnant with his progeny. Again, main thing is you have a coincidence occur that seems to confirm his beliefs.

It could go multiple directions from there: the woman who got pregnant did so out of wedlock and the real father was just passing through, so she happily clings on to the belief so at least she has a cover story and a husband…or maybe she can’t remember the conception (though this should get cleared up by the end of the story to not sour the mood) or the woman in question is of a much higher standing so now the lead is on the run from the law who think he took advantage of a woman as he’s too dumb to know what he did couldn’t work, and too honest to deny his belief that the baby is his.

Or you could have a sweet romance where the woman corrects him but is oddly charmed by him and starts a real relationship with him and since the bio dad is long gone, she just tells her first born that MC is their father. Maybe even have the story be one their great great grandkids dig up and put together from journal entries
Nah, I prefer it in a modern setting, where women's bodies are more exposed.
Unless the boy is retarded, this story doesn't make any sense ... but you know what? mentally challenged people need sex too. How about writing a story about such a boy (provided he is intelligent enough for having sex) who fantasizes about an older woman, that woman finds out after a while and eagerly introduces that boy to real sex?
Unless the boy is retarded, this story doesn't make any sense ... but you know what? mentally challenged people need sex too. How about writing a story about such a boy (provided he is intelligent enough for having sex) who fantasizes about an older woman, that woman finds out after a while and eagerly introduces that boy to real sex?
Perhaps he's mentally ill in some way, and he's suffering from delusional thinking. Reminds me of that guy who robbed a bank in Pittsburgh and thought that lemon juice on his voice would make him invisible to the security cameras. I never heard definitely if he was ignorant or truly crazy.
Nah, I prefer it in a modern setting, where women's bodies are more exposed.

Personally, I would find a story like this set in the modern day as completely unbelievable. It might work for you, but most people would reject the premise and downvote the story. There is an unwritten contract that exists between authors and readers, and that is to give the reader a reason, even a flimsy one, to explain the inconsistancies between a story and real life. The reason doesn't need to be complicated, but it does needs to be sufficient.

James Bond does this by him being an elite spy, capable of things other spies only dream about, and the addition of cool, moderately plausible gadgets. Harry Potter does it with magic. This is called "suspension of disbelief" and it's a pretty vital componet of storytelling. Imagine how jarring it would be to have Bond cast a spell or Harry pull out a spy gadget. These don't fit in the accepted world the story creates and thus the reader rejects it, they can no longer suspend their disbelief.

But short of setting this story pre-internet or some other reason why the MC doesn't have access to information about sex, it would be hard to imagine an explanation that allows the reader to accept the premise. You wouldn't even have to go that far back in time. The internet as we know it today didn't exist in the 80's and women's bodies were plenty exposed then.
OK, let's place it in the 80s.
You'd have to go back to the 1880's for somebody to be that naive about how pregnancy occurs. There were certainly myths about masturbation back then, such as that it caused blindness or "physical exhaustion" (only if it's done correctly!) ;)
You'd have to go back to the 1880's for somebody to be that naive about how pregnancy occurs. There were certainly myths about masturbation back then, such as that it caused blindness or "physical exhaustion" (only if it's done correctly!) ;)
The physical-exhaustion part is true.
The physical-exhaustion part is true.
Gee, John, how much of this have you been doing? :unsure: I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. I had heard about Baden-Powell's views but it wasn't until I read those excerpts above did I realize that he meant physically damaging. Probably everybody didn't believe that back then, but I suspect it was a fairly common view.
You could have him as being home-schooled by parents who don't believe in sex education. On the surface, it sounds implausible but on the other hand, you've only got to look at how much ignorance there is out there
One thing you can do with any story idea that is struggling to work is kind of dissect and rearrange it.

In this case the original premise is hard to make work, but it would be fun to write a story about public masturbation in various settings where ladies are scantily clad. I understand how writing such a story could be fun. So use inverse thinking to get a story idea that works.

Instead of a guy masturbating to innocent woman, what if the women were not so innocent? This is inverse thinking. Flipping the elements completely around.

What if, the guy went to public places to masturbate, and there was a woman there scantily clad that really should not be?

Say... a female Federal Judge whose husband convinces her to do a boudoir photo shoot at the beach. The photographer convinces her to do some nudes for her husband as well. It's early in the morning so its a vacated beach, but the guy who publicly masturbates goes there early to get a good spot, and sees the boudoir photo shoot happening. He takes pictures with his phone for later viewing, but is discovered. Fearful that the photos will get leaked and jeopardize her career as a Federal Judge, the public masturbater is hunted down for the pictures.

A female jogger on the beach sees both; the masturbater and the nude federal judge, and helps the masterbater escape death because she understands what he did was not wrong. The Federal Judge was naked in public, and taking photos is not illegal. He has no intention of blackmailing the judge, but her husband is obsessed that he will, and will do ANYTHING to stop it. Now the two are both hunted down by a husband/security team that will stop at nothing to get the photos. As they do, the jogger and masterbater fall in love.

In the end, as the two are caught and about to be killed, the jogger intercedes and convinces everyone that no one is in the wrong. That what the Federal Judge did was a beautiful thing for her husband, and being naked is not something to be ashamed of, even in public. She convinces the husband and security team that not everyone has dire motives; the masterbater was never going to blackmail them. And she realizes through all this, that with her views on public nudity, she is a closet exhibitionist herself. Now instead of the masterbater being creepy and watching other women, she can be publicly nude for him. The powerfulness of this scenario is; every character in the story changes their perspective 180 degrees from how they started.

I admit that this may not work. It was a hastily arranged story idea at 2 AM, but it shows the potential of inverse thinking.

If this idea does not work for you. Just go back and mull the premise over. Instead of a guy masturbating to innocent woman, what if the women were not so innocent? Work out different story ideas from there.
In rereading the above I came across as being more assertive than I meant. I apologize to everyone. I was just trying to show a technique I use to rework story ideas into ones that might work. This was meant to everyone on this board and not just the original poster.

I cannot say there are no such thing as bad story ideas; oh there are those that should never be used, but a lot of times with enough thought we can rework them. In using inverse, or reverse thinking; we can make negligible ones, potential ones.