Storm's Sunday Thread, by popular demand



OK, I'm here. But not by much. My trip to the Fish Farm took a lot outta me. But I'm home now, no thanks to her. She tried to keep me longer by cooking and stuff. It almost worked.

So I've been gone for a while, somebody catch me up on the happenings here at Lit. Come on, I'll pour you some coffee...
storm1969 said:
OK, I'm here. But not by much. My trip to the Fish Farm took a lot outta me. But I'm home now, no thanks to her. She tried to keep me longer by cooking and stuff. It almost worked.

So I've been gone for a while, somebody catch me up on the happenings here at Lit. Come on, I'll pour you some coffee...

hi there...

fish farm huh?

well ive been at the funny farm

nothing much changes around there...(here)


ah the coffee is hot....;)
Just the usual brain dump...

Of everyone's passions, ravings, questions to be answered, fantasies, and neurotic ramblings......


What type of fish were you planting at the farm.
storm1969 said:

So I've been gone for a while, somebody catch me up on the happenings here at Lit. Come on, I'll pour you some coffee...

Oh the usual, bitch, bitch, flame, flame, goodbyes, fluff, sex and more sex, Bush is whatever, Iraq is whatever.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Mornin' Storm!:D
Re: Re: Storm's Sunday Thread, by popular demand

bluespoke said:
Oh the usual, bitch, bitch, flame, flame, goodbyes, fluff, sex and more sex, Bush is whatever, Iraq is whatever.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Mornin' Storm!:D

Well, with that kind of concise summary, I won't need to log back in for another week. ;)
Sunday morning - coffee, Camels, and the paper.

Same old stuff.

My new cat thinks he can read. He always gets between me and whatever I'm reading.

Off to breakfast with my young 'un here in a little while. He's in town from Florida for the weekend.

Good morning, Storm.
Morning storm. Glad to hear you made it home whole. Weather and coffee here are fine. Both wet. The coffee, however, is strong and black.

Enjoy your day!
Thank you! The drive home was a breeze. The drive down was pure Hell, though.
Good morning! It sounds like a fun time was had at the Fish farm! I'm going to have a mini vacation myself next weekend :)
Soblue said:
Good morning! It sounds like a fun time was had at the Fish farm! I'm going to have a mini vacation myself next weekend :)

Good for you! Where you going? Wait, is this your trip up to see me that I'm supposed to stay quiet about?
Good morning, Storm (I guess). Ugh. Kinda tired yet. Having my first cup of tea. Hmmm, maybe I need something a little stronger, but I'm not ready to go out for coffee yet.

Good morning, folks. It's 50º and a little foggy here in the middle of the Ohio Valley, but going up to 70º.

Good morning, babydoll. ;) Sleep well?
storm1969 said:
Good for you! Where you going? Wait, is this your trip up to see me that I'm supposed to stay quiet about?

Uh yep that's the one :)

I'm not going far, just a little getaway with a friend.

Hey! I will be coming up your way this summer though. I bought Tom Petty tickets the other day, he's playing in Milwaukee.
Soblue said:
Uh yep that's the one :)

I'm not going far, just a little getaway with a friend.

Hey! I will be coming up your way this summer though. I bought Tom Petty tickets the other day, he's playing in Milwaukee.

Summerfest? Cool. At the Marcus, I'm guessing. Summerfest is so wonderful. Even if you don't plan on seeing anyone particular.
storm1969 said:
Make up your mind - which am I?
Um, sorry for the confusion--that little pinky key with the bent arrow "return"--that indicates a change in thoughts.

I want to see the new museum by Santiago Calatrava.
Good morning all.
Coffee is good. I woke up feeling wide awake but still weary. Coffee is so good on mornings like this.
Good news is that I finally have some good news. Bad news is I have to work another sunday. Maybe I can make some money.
kotori said:
Um, sorry for the confusion--that little pinky key with the bent arrow "return"--that indicates a change in thoughts.

I want to see the new museum by Santiago Calatrava.

My "smartass" key looks just like that one, too. ;)