Stop blaming KFC and other Fast Food Restaurants for your fat children


Literotica Guru
Apr 7, 2012
When I was growing up, children played outside everyday and exercised.

They ran around the neighborhood for fun visiting their friends.

Young people would run, jump and skip through the neighborhood.

Sometimes, they would use bicycles and skate boards.

Today, they sit inside air conditioned homes and playing computer games.

They never go outside unless they have to.


Don't blame me for your child's obesity.

You are the one purchasing a bucket of chicken with a dozen side orders while your child sits in front of a television playing computer games.
When I was growing up, children played outside everyday and exercised.

They ran around the neighborhood for fun visiting their friends.

Young people would run, jump and skip through the neighborhood.

Sometimes, they would use bicycles and skate boards.

Today, they sit inside air conditioned homes and playing computer games.

They never go outside unless they have to.


Don't blame me for your child's obesity.

You are the one purchasing a bucket of chicken with a dozen side orders while your child sits in front of a television playing computer games.
i agree with what you are saying. i see it the same way..but you have to remember something.
in most places it is not safe for children to play outside alone anymore, and with the way many parents have to work? children don't get that outside time.
when i was a kid i headed out that door on saturday morning and came home for just can be that way any more. your child will likely never come home...:(
but i do agree people need to quit blaming fast food places for their health. you don't have to eat there.
i agree with what you are saying. i see it the same way..but you have to remember something.
in most places it is not safe for children to play outside alone anymore, and with the way many parents have to work? children don't get that outside time.
when i was a kid i headed out that door on saturday morning and came home for just can be that way any more. your child will likely never come home...:(
but i do agree people need to quit blaming fast food places for their health. you don't have to eat there.

WTF? Do you live in Sudan?
I'm claiming Michelle O will be on the north side of 135 lbs by 2016....:)
Its not KFC, its all processed foods. Stuff you buy off the shelf in a grocery store, most of that is laden with frutose, making us fat!
Its not KFC, its all processed foods. Stuff you buy off the shelf in a grocery store, most of that is laden with frutose, making us fat!


And people defending HFCS - high fructose corn syrup - as nothing more than sugar. Bullshit!! Sugar is refined, heated, water evaporated, leaving behind crystals. HFCS is a chemical!!!!

And people defending HFCS - high fructose corn syrup - as nothing more than sugar. Bullshit!! Sugar is refined, heated, water evaporated, leaving behind crystals. HFCS is a chemical!!!!

Walk into a Costco, gross food, all packaged, horrible
When I was growing up, children played outside everyday and exercised.

They ran around the neighborhood for fun visiting their friends.

Young people would run, jump and skip through the neighborhood.

Sometimes, they would use bicycles and skate boards.

Today, they sit inside air conditioned homes and playing computer games.

They never go outside unless they have to.


In the sense that parents SHOULD be paying attention to what their kids eat, and do--you are, of course, correct.

On the other hand, KFC knows full well that what they're selling is helping to creating

Don't blame me for your child's obesity.

You are the one purchasing a bucket of chicken with a dozen side orders while your child sits in front of a television playing computer games.

To the extent that parents are ultimately responsible for what their kids eat and do, you are, of course, correct.

On the other hand, KFC know that what they're selling is helping to create an epidemic of diabetes, obesity,and more. Rather than do the right thing and try to make their product better, they push only for profit, and more profit. The consumers are too stupid to see how much that cheap food costs them in the end--with inflated health care needs, lost wages, environmental degradation, and ultimately, unnecessary deaths.
To the extent that parents are ultimately responsible for what their kids eat and do, you are, of course, correct.

On the other hand, KFC know that what they're selling is helping to create an epidemic of diabetes, obesity,and more. Rather than do the right thing and try to make their product better, they push only for profit, and more profit. The consumers are too stupid to see how much that cheap food costs them in the end--with inflated health care needs, lost wages, environmental degradation, and ultimately, unnecessary deaths.

Those bastards, making a profit off of a product that people want to purchase! They should start selling only salad. If they go out of business, at least they made a difference. You know, because there's nowhere else on earth where people can buy unhealthy food.
I'm claiming Michelle O will be on the north side of 135 lbs by 2016....:)

She Lies, Michelle O will be competing with Oprah soon.

Mr's O ass alone is 135!


Don't blame LJ_ReBloated he had a rough up bringing!
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WTF? Do you live in Sudan?
no, sadly i live in the good old america. i watch the news do you??????
kids disappear everyday, right down the street from their home.
kids arent safe any time.
i live in small town usa and i wouldnt let my kids run around the neighborhood like i did when i was a kid.
We weren't allowed fast food when I was growing up. And that was tough since most of the KFCs/BugerKings/McDonalds/ started up around that time. I remember being so jealous when the neighbors had Bucket Night and I had to go home to live lobster or "from the butcher" filets. The first time I had Burger King I snuck in with the neighbors when I was 12ish...

But very few kids were fat. We were too busy getting skin cancer playing outside...
when i was a kid, fast food and candy was a rare treat. we mainly ate home cooked meals. of course i had a dad who worked and a mom who stayed at home.
now? if kids have both parents at home, one works and one stays home, the parents rarely make a home cooked meal. if it is a one parent home, and the parent works, it is fast food for sure, or something that can be nuked in the microwave. and sadly, if both parents are at home, or even one, it's still fast food, nuke it crap, or it came out of a chip bag while sitting in front of the tv.
they are all future food death statistics, or disability check getters due to being too fat and fucked up to move.
live in a bad neighborhood? move. or the parent goes out with the kid(s) and get some excersize themselves.
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no, sadly i live in the good old america. i watch the news do you??????
kids disappear everyday, right down the street from their home.
kids arent safe any time.
i live in small town usa and i wouldnt let my kids run around the neighborhood like i did when i was a kid.

I think the only thing that changed since your youth is the 24 hour news channels. They have to spend their time getting ratings by scaring everyone to death. I don't believe it's a bigger problem than it ever was.
When I was growing up, children played outside everyday and exercised.

They ran around the neighborhood for fun visiting their friends.

Young people would run, jump and skip through the neighborhood.

Sometimes, they would use bicycles and skate boards.

Today, they sit inside air conditioned homes and playing computer games.

They never go outside unless they have to.


Don't blame me for your child's obesity.

You are the one purchasing a bucket of chicken with a dozen side orders while your child sits in front of a television playing computer games.

You're spot on.

It's a shame when the NFL has to run a "Play 60" campaign.

I'll add something to your point.

Part of why these kids are lazing around lost in cyber land is they're parents are just as busy playing friggin farmville or watching the Kardashians to make sure they're kid is getting exercise.

So lets see, we could get off our asses and go toss the ball around with the kids or go for a bike ride or a walk or....

we could petition the government to eliminate bake sales and not sell soda and otherwise parent our kids.

and on that subject know what really make me roll my eyes?

These fucking 16 year olds downing red bulls and energy drinks like they're going out of style.

First off you would have a ton of energy if you didn;t sit on your asses, second of all I didn't know you needed so much energy to play world of warcraft.