
<<< has never owned a Ford.

Found On Road, Dead.

Fix Or Repair Daily.

Sure as fuck ain't First On Race Day . . . because NASCAR is racist against blue ovals.
That doesn't seem to be stimulating me.

Try one of these:

Steel Slut. . .an all girl metal band?

Does it have actual seats? or will I need to bring a lawn chair?
Steel Slut. . .an all girl metal band?

Does it have actual seats? or will I need to bring a lawn chair?

Chase lounge...

;) ;) NASCAR watering hole...

I'll have to send pics. PM me an e-mail addie.

We have the race in town this weekend. I have to make my trek near there, so I gotta scoot. Gonna be all kinds of lame and racist and . . . whatever . . . as soon as the sun gets warm.
The gravy is made from scratch too! Pulled pork, so to speak. :D

MoPar for my MoPed!

Mo' Parer-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-...

We could open a restaurant and call it Stimulus Package.

Wat seems pretty attached to his MoPar. . .he may require MoStimulus to consider your trade.
Better yet, a drive-up coffee bar: Packaged Stimulus!

A corner Gay Brothel: Packing Stimulus...

Green Hornets have a mighty potent sting!
Turning? Hotchkis Suspensions has what you need.

Mopars from that era had a decent front end, so it's an easy buff-up to better.

Better tires help lots, too.
