Sticky Fingers


Sep 9, 2013
Closed for Niceandbrutal.

I was irrevocably and undeniably hot for teacher and there was no doubt in my mind that I wasn't the only one. Mr. Jenkins had been on my mind since the day he first walked into home economics after Mrs. Shaw left for her maternity leave. It was strange having a male teacher for such a female orientated class but it seemed like none of the girls were complaining. Every Friday afternoon, the girls and I would line up outside the classroom door waiting for his arrival. We would always smell that sweet aroma of Armani aftershave before we even managed to catch a glimpse of him. He always wore a crisp collared shirt with a pair of jet black pants with a belt that probably cost more than some of the crockery they used for class. The girls always swooned when he smiled their way. He knew what he was doing; it was obvious.

"Good morning, sir." I always addressed him in a formal way, unlike the other girls who called him by his first name. As we entered inside the room, I was the last to enter as I casually brushed past him. He caught my wrist only to whisper in my ear that he wanted to see me after class. My heart sunk to my feet, beating at double the speed it had been just moments before. I glanced up into his hypnotizing eyes and all I could do was nod. My throat was dry as I hurried to my station, wondering why on earth he wished to see me out of all the other girls in class. I hadn't done anything wrong, at least I didn't think I had.

I could barely concentrate on the lesson. My hands were shaking, my heart still beating fast and my mind racing with thoughts that an eighteen year old really shouldn't have. I swallowed hard as I noticed him standing to his feet. He would always circle around the room from time to time, checking on the girl's progress as he walked by. Today we were making chocolate brownies, though mine were double chocolate. What can I say? I have a sweet tooth.

Just five minutes before my brownies were cooked through and the smell within the four walls was exquisite. The other girls were packing their things away for the day, ready for the weekend ahead. I was always one of the last ones to finish, but I liked it that way; it gave me more time to appreciate what I had done in the lesson. The timer dinged just as the girls were exiting out of class. I said goodbye to a few of them who worked nearby my station as they waved goodbye, of course saying their goodbyes to Mr. Jenkins too. I was beginning to blush a little as Kenzie was the last to leave and with a soft 'bye Erica', I was completely alone with him, my teacher, Mr. Jenkins. "I'm so sorry I'm always so late packing up, I just like to take my time." I lowered my head, almost too embarrassed to look up at him as he slowly approached my station. "I'll try to not make such a habit of it anymore, sir." Though it always gave me a reason to talk to him. "You said you wanted to see me though, you know, after class? I haven't done anything wrong, have I?" I hoped not.
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Mr Jenkins approached the home economics class with some trepidation. Today he would break one of the most sacred professional taboos he could think of. As a teacher, students were a no-go area. Period.

At 33, Mr Jenkins was still a bachelor. He believed in proper grooming and dressing well. Judging by the looks he got from both his female colleagues and students, they approved. He also liked to stay in shape without wanting to build up a grotesque physique of muscles, tendons and bulging veins. He lifted weights for muscle tone and strength and jogged four times a week. This did him no harm.

He'd had a few girlfriends, but it seemed unfulfilling somehow. Something was missing. And then he saw Erica. She enticed him to distraction, figuring in his dreams and fantasies. With her curvaceous body and ample bosom and pert and cute little butt she'd turn any mans head, that was certain.

He let the class in, and conveyed his message to her, his heart racing at the boldness of his move and the softness of her skin. He wandered around the class encouraging and advicing his students. As often as he could, he sneaked a peek at Erica, deep concentration apparent in her bright blue eyes while she distractedly brushed away a strand of dirty blonde hair. She looked up, talking to her friend Kenzie. She smiled, then laughed. She crinkled her nose in the cutest way when she laughed. Then she caught sight of him and blushed as she again looked down on her notes.

Class was finally finished, and Mr Jenkins said goodbye to the class, Kenzie being the last to leave. As he approached her she didn't look up. Was she afraid? She sounded afraid, but he warmed to her every time she called him 'Sir', a rare treat for a teacher these days.

"You're not in trouble, Erica. But I need to talk to you. There's something on my mind I think you can help me with. Please look at me Erica, I'm not going to hurt you. The fact is that I enjoy these few minutes we have to ourselves when you pick up and clean up after class."

He waited with bated breath.
No Erica, you haven't done anything wrong. It's just that since i will be here until Mrs. Shaw returns, which will be at least 2 more months, I would like to discuss your grade average. Your grades really aren't that bad, B average. Maybe we can come up with some extra projects you could to for extra credit to help raise your grade. I walk behind you as you are cleaning up and my hand brushes your firm ass, Make sure you clean up good Erica, i'll be in my office waiting when you are finished.
No Erica, you haven't done anything wrong. It's just that since i will be here until Mrs. Shaw returns, which will be at least 2 more months, I would like to discuss your grade average. Your grades really aren't that bad, B average. Maybe we can come up with some extra projects you could to for extra credit to help raise your grade. I walk behind you as you are cleaning up and my hand brushes your firm ass, Make sure you clean up good Erica, i'll be in my office waiting when you are finished.
Hi. If you'll direct your attention to the opening post, you might notice that it says "Closed for Niceandbrutal", i.e. me.

Just pointing it out. ;)