Our company had grown quite large, with offices in New York, Boston, Washington, D.C. and Atlanta publishing investment advisory newsletters commenting especially on the economies of the western countries, Europe, Japan and the U.S.A. and the growing economies in the developing world.
In order to keep current on developments in Great Britain, it was decided to open an office in London, and I was selected to manage the new office at least until we had a British employee who could take over after a period of orientation on our policies and methods of doing business.
We had an English outfit advertise for applicants and forward any resumes received for our consideration and further action.
After a short period they reported that they had quite a few which they shipped to us for review and consideration.
Those that were considered appropriate were stuffed into my briefcase as I flew to London, and set up in a hotel where I would conduct interviews. Knowing little about London, we knew we needed local talent to recommend locations and get us started properly.
We had responded to the resumes, telling the applicants where we would be, and asking them to call and make an appointment.
In order to keep current on developments in Great Britain, it was decided to open an office in London, and I was selected to manage the new office at least until we had a British employee who could take over after a period of orientation on our policies and methods of doing business.
We had an English outfit advertise for applicants and forward any resumes received for our consideration and further action.
After a short period they reported that they had quite a few which they shipped to us for review and consideration.
Those that were considered appropriate were stuffed into my briefcase as I flew to London, and set up in a hotel where I would conduct interviews. Knowing little about London, we knew we needed local talent to recommend locations and get us started properly.
We had responded to the resumes, telling the applicants where we would be, and asking them to call and make an appointment.