Steam Powered Giraffe

At the zoo you can feed and pet the giraffes off of a platform. For a buck they give you a giant leaf of lettuce and you go over to the rail and the giraffe comes right up and takes it out of your hand and you can pet them while they eat. Very gentle animals and they are so huge it's quite the experience to have one so close.
Also, a couple years ago I got to pet a baby tiger.
If I live long enough to see a wooly mammoth in person then I'll be able to die happy.
At the zoo you can feed and pet the giraffes off of a platform. For a buck they give you a giant leaf of lettuce and you go over to the rail and the giraffe comes right up and takes it out of your hand and you can pet them while they eat. Very gentle animals and they are so huge it's quite the experience to have one so close.

I've actually never been to a zoo.
i listened to some of their stuff.
the sorta remind me of 'cornelius'.

i liked the juju magic song