Stay classy, Lori: Lightfoot laments 'TOXICITY' in public discourse — just days after publicly shouting 'F*** Clarence Thomas'


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lamented the loss of "respect for the institutions of our democracy" and "toxicity in our public discourse" in the wake of Monday's mass shooting during a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois. This is the same Lori Lightfoot who just last week publicly shouted "F*** Clarence Thomas," demonstrating a stunning lack of respect for a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

"We have got to focus on what brings us together and not what tears us apart, and we've got to get back to respect for each other and respect for community. And that's the thing, I think, that concerns me the most over the arc of the last two years," Lightfoot, who in May urged for a "call to arms," had the audacity to suggest.
people are still pushing this entirely fake newstory? Trump mocked a reporter who was on record as a known liar who became flustered when his lies became publicly exposed. As further information the reporter Serge Kovaleski, suffers from a disease arthrogryposis that locks his muscles - he is incapable of involuntary and almost all voluntary muscle movements of his arm.

Also look up Trump vs Ted Cruz debates, he has done the exact same imitation of Ted Cruz, flailing his arms. But we don't even have to watch that, we can go back to the same rally in Myrtle Beach, S.C., on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015 "Serge Kovaleski" speech, and he did the exact same "flustered" movements when talking about a General just minutes before repeating his "flustered act" of Serge.
people are still pushing this entirely true newstory? Trump mocked a reporter by making fun of his disability
I watched it live. It wasn't a fake news story. It's simply what he did.
I watched it live. It wasn't a fake news story. It's simply what he did.
yes he mocked 2 individuals that were caught lying and became flustered, not for any other reasons and Trump just like every other person that relates a story of a person caught lying.... just in this specific case Trump had 2 people that he mocked moments apart, the General and NYTimes reporter Serge K, so yes Trump simply did make fun of 2 people that were publicly exposed for lying by mocking both of them for lying.

it's seems your ability to recall from memory has some serious omissions. You may want to rewatch and see what actually happened.
yes he mocked 2 individuals that were caught lying and became flustered, not for any other reasons and Trump just like every other person that relates a story of a person caught lying.... just in this specific case Trump had 2 people that he mocked moments apart, the General and NYTimes reporter Serge K, so yes Trump simply did make fun of 2 people that were publicly exposed for lying by mocking both of them for lying.

it's seems your ability to recall from memory has some serious omissions. You may want to rewatch and see what actually happened.

I already watched it, multiple times, including live when it occurred. Whether the person deserved criticism in his reporting is irrelevant to 45 mocking his physical disability. And certainly whether you are ok with it has no bearing on what he did and why he did it. My memory is just fine.
people are still pushing this entirely fake newstory? Trump mocked a reporter who was on record as a known liar who became flustered when his lies became publicly exposed. As further information the reporter Serge Kovaleski, suffers from a disease arthrogryposis that locks his muscles - he is incapable of involuntary and almost all voluntary muscle movements of his arm.
Yes, a Pulitzer prize winning report is a "known liar", according to you. *chuckles*

Trump really showed himself in this episode, and like a chump you voted for and continue to support him.......

From the co-authored article:

"law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation"

""I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember." Serge Kovaleski

So when you can actually produce the evidence of him saying that according to Trump "thousands and thousands of people were cheering"...

oh wait, I am sure it's in your research somewhere, but you just don't have time to go look for it right now....
I already watched it, multiple times, including live when it occurred. Whether the person deserved criticism in his reporting is irrelevant to 45 mocking his physical disability. And certainly whether you are ok with it has no bearing on what he did and why he did it. My memory is just fine.
At no point was his physical disability (he can't move, Serge doesn't have tremors) mocked... If you want to claim Trump was mocking a person that his physical disability prevents movement, and he emoted the typical human flailing about when caught lying, then maybe you have a claim - but moments before this he repeated his same flailing about "mocking" of a non-disabled General that was also caught lying...

His mocking a person for his disabilities, never happened

So when he made fun of a General for exposed for lying... and then moments later repeated the exact same body motions and actions mocking Serge - so Trump couldn't possibly have made fun of his disabilities, as the tremors are not a condition of Serge's disability, and Trump is on video just moments before making fun of another liar doing the same "caught lying" tremors.... Trump was caught on film mulitpls times with this same behavior when exposing others to ridicule for being caught lying (Ted Cruz for one)
At no point was his physical disability (he can't move, Serge doesn't have tremors) mocked..
You're daft. It's clear that what he was doing. You not acknowledging that is not my issue. Certainly the extent you go to to defend it is entertaining
Yes, a Pulitzer prize winning report is a "known liar", according to you. *chuckles*

Trump really showed himself in this episode, and like a chump you voted for and continue to support him.......

From the co-authored article:

"law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation"

""I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember." Serge Kovaleski

So when you can actually produce the evidence of him saying that according to Trump "thousands and thousands of people were cheering"...

oh wait, I am sure it's in your research somewhere, but you just don't have time to go look for it right now....
Yes, he won an award, however he was caught lying about the "9/11" celebrations by certain groups in the NY area. It was all on film, and only after he was caught in his lie, that he amended his original statement, prior to his amending his statements, he claimed that no one had celebrated - until his own report came to light where he discussed the celebrations - this is the lie he was called out on.

""I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember." Serge Kovaleski
Yes, he won an award, however he was caught lying about the "9/11" celebrations by certain groups in the NY area. It was all on film, and only after he was caught in his lie, that he amended his original statement, prior to his amending his statements, he claimed that no one had celebrated - until his own report came to light where he discussed the celebrations - this is the lie he was called out on.

""I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember." Serge Kovaleski
Right, did you not read what I wrote, I also quoted the section Trump used to call him a liar, from the co-authored article and his response, which you quoted. Did you read the article, my guess is no. *chuckles* go back to the playground or where you used to hang out on Lit. Your reading comprehension sucks.
I probably would have voted for Lightfoot if I was living in Chicago. The other candidates were worse. But I can't afford Chicago's high rent districts, so I maybe I would have been shot before voting day.
Fuck Clarence Thomas.
Fuck John Roberts.
Fuck Samuel Alito.
Fuck Neil Gorsuch.
Fuck Brock Kavanaugh.
Fuck Amy Coney Barrett.

And, just to be fair, fuck Joe Biden. Hell, fuck the entire Democratic Party for not doing more to protect the right to abortion by enshrining it in an Amendment to the Constitution backed by appropriate legislation when they had majorities in the House and Senate. Bodily autonomy, including the right of every person to decide if they will have children, is too important an individual right (even if it isn't explicitly enumerated) to be left to a mere precedent.
Fuck Clarence Thomas.
Fuck John Roberts.
Fuck Samuel Alito.
Fuck Neil Gorsuch.
Fuck Brock Kavanaugh.
Fuck Amy Coney Barrett.

And, just to be fair, fuck Joe Biden. Hell, fuck the entire Democratic Party for not doing more to protect the right to abortion by enshrining it in an Amendment to the Constitution backed by appropriate legislation when they had majorities in the House and Senate. Bodily autonomy, including the right of every person to decide if they will have children, is too important an individual right (even if it isn't explicitly enumerated) to be left to a mere precedent.
That's a lot of sex with old people.
Being an atheist it wouldn't make sense for me to say "God damn Clarence Thomas, etc".
Fuck Clarence Thomas.

And, just to be fair, fuck Joe Biden. Hell, fuck the entire Democratic Party for not doing more to protect the right to abortion by enshrining it in an Amendment to the Constitution backed by appropriate legislation when they had majorities in the House and Senate. Bodily autonomy, including the right of every person to decide if they will have children, is too important an individual right (even if it isn't explicitly enumerated) to be left to a mere precedent.
C'mon man...Biden has been doing all he can to protect abortion rights for years and years. I know times are tough but just rush $15 to him and he'll get those abortion rights protected this time for sure!

"So I received the text message from Joe Biden's campaign yesterday saying that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v Wade and that it is my responsibility to then rush $15 to the Democratic National Party," said Zoe Warren.

C'mon man...Biden has been doing all he can to protect abortion rights for years and years. I know times are tough but just rush $15 to him and he'll get those abortion rights protected this time for sure!

"So I received the text message from Joe Biden's campaign yesterday saying that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v Wade and that it is my responsibility to then rush $15 to the Democratic National Party," said Zoe Warren.

I know you're joking, but I've been giving the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL ten bucks a month each for the last 20 years or so. Doesn't seem to have done much good.
I know you're joking, but I've been giving the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL ten bucks a month each for the last 20 years or so. Doesn't seem to have done much good.
Apparently that money would have been better spent on liquor, drugs, and sex toys.
Can we all agree that 1) Mayor Lightfoot's comment was unprofessional and showed a stunning lack of respect....

2) but yet, that comment was in response to Justice Thomas's stunning lack of respect for the Constitution, Women's rights, and liberty, and while not warranted, Lightfoot's moral outrage was at least understandable,

and 3) Trump owns the virtual monopoly of disrespectful, unprofessional and downright unethical behavior over the years, with too many examples to list.
If you're serious about decreasing the level of political vitriol in America today. Start with the one person you can control yourselves right here.

No more Let's go Brandon, No more lock her up, no more Traitor in Chief, no more demonrats, no more trumplitards...etc..etc.

It's real easy to moan about this when its someone else and ignore your own sins in this area.
people are still pushing this entirely fake newstory? Trump mocked a reporter who was on record as a known liar who became flustered when his lies became publicly exposed. As further information the reporter Serge Kovaleski, suffers from a disease arthrogryposis that locks his muscles - he is incapable of involuntary and almost all voluntary muscle movements of his arm.

Also look up Trump vs Ted Cruz debates, he has done the exact same imitation of Ted Cruz, flailing his arms. But we don't even have to watch that, we can go back to the same rally in Myrtle Beach, S.C., on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015 "Serge Kovaleski" speech, and he did the exact same "flustered" movements when talking about a General just minutes before repeating his "flustered act" of Serge.
Yes, I remember what Trump's supporters had to say in his defense: he wasn't mimicking Kovaleski's disability, he just mocks everyone by suggesting they have that disability. Hey, whatever lets you sleep at night.