Starting a Series First time


Feb 24, 2023
Okay, I'm confused or dumb or both; I just set up a series and have yet to add the first chapter, but the series page won't let me add. Do I wait for the moderators to check the preliminary information of the series page, or am I supposed to upload chapter 1 as a single story in its category, then move it to the series? Thanks in advance.
Okay, I'm confused or dumb or both; I just set up a series and have yet to add the first chapter, but the series page won't let me add. Do I wait for the moderators to check the preliminary information of the series page, or am I supposed to upload chapter 1 as a single story in its category, then move it to the series? Thanks in advance.
Well when I loaded my series I just kept the format the same for each chapter and it gets loaded there itself.

No need for you to do anything except load it individually. Just make sure there’s no variation in the numbers.

Sex story: 01.
Sex story: Chapter 2

As an example of how not to…and good luck.
Okay, I'm confused or dumb or both; I just set up a series and have yet to add the first chapter, but the series page won't let me add. Do I wait for the moderators to check the preliminary information of the series page, or am I supposed to upload chapter 1 as a single story in its category, then move it to the series? Thanks in advance.
Upload ch 1 like normal. Make sure it says Ch. 01 in the title. Later, when you upload another story with the same title except for Ch. 02 at the end, lit will automatically turn it into a series and automatically add any later chapters as you add them. It generally adds to series on the second day after it goes live, and spends the first 24 hours looking like an independent story. It's okay, readers know what's going on.

Now with the manual series management, you can put stories in a series yourself. The main reason would be to put things with different titles or no chapter numbers into a series, otherwise might as well let the site do it automatically. In either case, the story has to be up before you can add it.

You can also use the series management to add a series cover image.
I prefer to use manual series management, for it affords the most control and is not dependent on Lit bot cycles. To create a series there must be one chapter in existence. After that, when you submit new chapters, you can add to the series prior to publication. Then as soon at it is published it is part of the series, with all the "prior chapter", "series info", and other relevant series links in place. With manual series management, you can add series cover and series description, which I do not believe you can with the series in automatic. One thing about manual management is, if you select it, you can not go back to automatic.
My series We're a Wonderful Wife contains both numbered chapters and side stories that were written to expound on something that happened during the events of the chapter but didn't make the cut when writing the chapter, so it's a bit of a confusion when you look at the list, but they're in order.