Stars in your Hand


Many of One
Mar 22, 2002
Dragons took to the sky's riders apon there backs as skeletons charged along the ground seigeing the castle. "I think it's time we made our move Fellow hunters." Dran the head of the hunters was a young man of age 20 or so. No one truelly knows, he keeps his past to himself but his reputation moves along against his permission. He is a ruthless but out standing warrior, few ever reach his level of skill and tatics. However one could not tell by looking at his thin strands of blond hair falling down half of his back. He took off upon a great red dragon. "We will feast well once we have the treasure."

A few minutes latter in the dark castle a man in black armor rushed threw a gaint red door baring it behind him. "My queen, the castle is falling. Please escape while you can. I will protect you."

"No, I can't do that if I go now then they will gain my power. You must keep it safe Leejes. I will give you the key and you know what you must do."

"Sadly I know my dutty but this is against my will." The raven haired queen in a white ground pulled a key on siver chain from around her neck and handed it to her loyal night. Leejes then placed the chain around his wrist twisted it and looped it around his wrist again, and repeated the proccess a third time makeing sure it was firmly attached. He then slid it up his dark sleeve conciling it.

The door broke open with a burst a blue light. Three men in black robes steped out from it. The long blonde hair betrayed Drans apearance to all present. "You back up is busy with the rest of my hunters. You know I was sent her for the key so give it now."

"The only thing I will give you is death!" Leejes threw out a card from his hand it turned into black disk sliceing one of the three intwo. Dran quickly threw out his hand another card flew through the air turning into a black arrow wich perced Leejes's shoulder.

"You'll be dead soon enough so dont strugle." The other claocked man threw out his hand and a card hit the ground and a massive stone golem arose and with one punch knocked Leejes out the window. "I didn't tell you to kill him. Oh well matter not." Dran turned to the queen. "So where is it Silea?"

The queen pointed to the broekn window and simply stated. "Like my brothers chances of ruleing the world, it just went out the wondow." Dran went to the broekn glass and looked down to the rushing river.

"I will find that key for your brother." Darn then turns to his fellow hunter he takes several steps to get right next to him. "You made this mission that much harder." He jabed his hand into the others mans body with out causeing him to bleed in the least. He then pulled his hand out And his victims souless corpse fell to the ground. "I will use your card to make the mission eassier for me."

Dran turns back and looks at the princess. "I would stay but I have a body to chase. My kings minions will be here to keep you company soon enough."
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The player chara's here are card users. Every card user has a card that represents there soul. When a child is born tehre card is blank but as they age they begin to draw a picture of there lifes work, and there goals upon it. These cards are the most prescious in the game.

There are several types of cards. Soulcard represent the users soul (Yea I mentioned it once already.) Spell cards have instant effects such as the fire disk above. Item cards creat a solid object for a while, such as Drans poison arrow above. Monster cards make creatures to serve the user. When a card is used it's picture gose blank for a few hours until the card is recharged and ready to be used again.

As cards are used they gain experince, about the world are ancheint shrines that can be used to make old cards into newer stronger ones. The two main methods of this are evolution and fusion. Evolution simply changes the card into a form based upon it's experince. Fusion takes two cards and creates a third card based upon the first two cards.

Card users in this world are some what comon about 3% of the worlds people are one. Still a skilled card user with a good deck can take on an army of lesser normal humans useing tradtional magics and weapons.

Edited: I wanted to reword a few things. I also changed how cards regenerate.
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reminds me of an Yu-gi-oh episode I watched... I'm in.

OOC: Welcome Hy. Heres my chara

Name: Kyle Wind
Race: human
Hair: Silver, short
Eyes: Blue
age: 19
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 6'1"
Bio: He was born into a minor noble fammily on the flying ilse of Lynel. He attended schooling til the age of 15. He became angry at his familly, and ran away. He didn't feel like an idiot at the time but sense then has felt like a complete fool. When he ran away he took one set of cloths which he long sense out grew, his small deck of 15 cards (he now has about 20), a knife, and a small bag of copper coins. Sense the he has spent a great deal of time drifting from place to place trieing to make ends meet. Recently he has traveled to the lands of shadow, the kingdom Lamdon.

IC: Leejes: Falling from the window I smile to myself. I'm going to die, but now atleast I can start to get the key away from Dran and the other hunters. The fools will regret there acts when fate judges them.

"AHHH!" I bellow in pain from hiting the water and the cool liquid of the river flows into my mouth. I hit the bottum and swallow the water in my mouth as if the poison arrow wasn't bad enough. I roll around on the mudy bottom being draged by the curents away from the battle feild and deep into the surounding woods.

Some time latter I awoke breathing hard knowing the end was near upon a shore I hoped to be some distance from the castle. I began to drag myself up onto the shore and into the woods. I stoped about ten feet from the river. I was going to die and soon. Had I the energy I would throw the key as far away as possible because when they find me they will be sure to check my lifeless corpes. I have failed.

IC: Kyle: "I wish one of these was a fruit tree. Then I'd have something to eat." I continued walking around going no where in particular." My eyes wondered down from the tree's to the river I used to keep myself from becomeing lost in the woods. "Whats that over there?"

I walked towards a black lump of a white man. "Are you still alive?" I ask as I leen down to check on the man. He has an arrow in his chest. 'Yes... theres a battle up ahead. Please head the other way with this.' He lifted his hand pulling out a key. "Hold on now I'm not geting draged into a fight." 'Give it to Samantha Rads, she'll reward you.'

A reward. "How?" 'Please, here take these too.' He pulled the arrow out of his chest and it turned into a card. 'I have others on me.' I pulled two water soaked cards from a poket on the side of his armor. The rest must of washed away.

"Deal." I took the key and chain from his wrist amnd headed back the way I came from. I most certinly didn't want to be involved in a battle so this is no skin off my back.
"After him!!!"

"Heh... they'll never get me..." Said an deep voice as he pulled out an card "You may have stolen all of my other cards, but I still have three left! Go, Debrous BATTS!!!" The young man swung the card from his hand and to the ground, an sudden bright flash blinded the soldiers that were chasing him and suddenly an legion of red bats covered the soldiers. The last thing that was heard from them was an slightly high pitched, yet muffled screem from help. "Heh... Wings of prair, guid me!" still holding one card left in his hand, the young man disapered from the forest with black wings on his back, only saying, "I escaped this time, but for how much longer?"


"Status report!"

"The boy escaped..."

The commander stared at the corpal obivously fustrated "Who was that brat!?"

"The reports we gain from the blood samples we got from him, his name is Kenji Azure. Age 19. Short, slightly wild flaming orange hair, and is considered human."


"Its says here that his parents died a few days after he was born, murdered by one of our renegade soldiers, a few years after, he was taken in by an old card master and trained in card summuning, and it is said that Kenji holds an rare card."

"So that explains why that little brat wanted to eliminate us so badly. He wants to make sure we pay for his parents death and to warn us that we will have an fight on our hands to get that card. Any relations? Child hood friends?"

"We, only know that he had two friends.."

"Good enough. I want him hunted down!"
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Ruko turned his head at a small sound coming from the distance. He came out of a fevered look at the small written script that he had been looking over once, and then twice, before some strange noice had caught his attention.
Along the side of the road the bushes rustled. For a moment he glanced around at the surrounding hills and forest, wondering if perhaps a small breeze had picked up. They however, remained still, as the branches of the small hedge continued to lull back and forth.
Ruko's hand went behind him, grabbing at his sword. It came out of the sheath with a thickening silence, as he bent down ready to attack or defend himself.
A tiny rabbit jumped into the beaten path, something in its paws.
Ruko let out a laugh, something to calm down the nervous strength that had gone through his body. He bent down, petting the little woodland creature, his sword back in its home, awaing the next time a bunny decided to attack.
It hopped off back into the forest, as if his job there was done. Ruko stoo up, glancing at the crossroads once more. Just a series of sticks that were nailed into one of the woodland pines that scattered throughout this forest. One pointed north, another east, and the final one, where he had come from, south.
There was no west. To the left of him, he could see nothing more than dark forest and wild plants growing with abandonment. It would take the sharpest sword in the world to cut a trail through that.
He glanced back down at the scrolled parchment, still unsure which way to go.
The letter of invitation clearly said Frodan, but the two names pointed gave no such indication that town existed. One simply said Castle, while the other gave indication to a few cities, none of them the one he was looking for.
Land's End. That might be interesting to see. Before he set course back to his own country, he would have a look at that place.
"Maybe someone at the castle would know where I could go."
He looked to the right, and then back to the left, "But... if the castle is a few days away, then I will have wasted time. I should go to the nearest city."
A step in the northern direction, "But the nearest city could be a few days away as well. What a wonderful dilemma this is."
He sighed, wondering if perhaps the best way to go is neither.
"The road looks very well used," He said, walking off of the path towards a nice tree, and to some shade from the sun which seemed determined to tell everyone how hot and powerful it could be.
"Someone will come along, and then I can ask them for directions."
Seemed simply enough. He took off his knapsack, setting it down alongside him, and rustling through it for something to eat.
Love this idea, I'm in.
two things. One, what did you mean by this? "Card users in this world are some what comon about 3% of the worlds people are one" Are they Common? Or are only about 3 percent of the world's people one? I don't know, just doesn't seem like 3 percent of the world's population is very common to me. Did you mean uncommon, or another percent?
Two. What do soul cards do? Spell cards make spells, item cards make items, monster cards give you monsters, but what do soul cards do? I mean, if someone had a soul card (another one, not their own), how would they use it? What would they use it for?
Oh, another one. Three. Sorry, dovetails off the last one. Do you hold your soul card like your other cards, or is it just inside you like the guard's was? Can you ever see your soul card (without having an evil bad guy pull it our Indiana Jones Style)? Can you live without your soul card?
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Sounds Interesting...

OOC: Here is my character,

Name: Daven Cazanoux
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 35

Description: Daven is 6'3" and 210 lbs. He is lean and gaunt with a handsome, if humorless face. He has platinum blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He usually wears a long forest green trenchcoat, black pants, a white button-down shirt, and a black tie.

Background: Daven is an orphan of war who has seen too much horror and evil in the world, he travels the world forming an alliance of like minded warriors and philosophers known to few as the Circus Contra Imperitia
The source of his training is unknown but his power is rivaled by few. He has an impressive collection of spell cards though he carries fewer creatures than others. He travels with three companions who serve as his valets and bodyguards. His ultimate goal is unknown save to his inner circle, one thing is for certain; he is responsible for the theft of several soul cards. His own card has to this day formed into a yellow rose slowly turning red, set in black soil with a dark blue sky. If one closely inspects the earth it is revealled to be interlinking bodies writhing in agony. They sky is made up of pious souls ascending into the heavens.

Kronsis - A mysterious winged minotaur, rumored to be the only one of his kind. He is a powerful warrior who has served as Daven's bodyguard since he was a child. He speaks only to his master and is smarter than he appears. He does not believe in stealth and sneak-thieves have learned to fear the jingle-jangle of his gold horn rings.

Rhineard Tinheart - Mere steps above a bully, he is a strong and skillful fighter but his craven cowardice becomes apparant when he meets a stronger opponent. His weapon of choice is a large maul, enchanted with lightning magic. He wears a coat that is identical to Daven's but he wears a green suit underneath. His head is shaved bald and a long scar runs down at an odd angle, just missing his eye.

Risque - Daven's pet assassin this...person has shoulder length white hair that falls like a hood and black eyes, possessing an alien beauty but no discernable gender. Risque smiles a lot but these smiles are thin, closed lipped smiles. Risque uses thin, throwing razors and spring loaded blades hidden in the sleeves of his/her clothing.
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Kenji sat down on a branch of an huge old oak tree. He was exhausted, and most definetly needed an rest. "Kage? Ya here Kage?" An small black fox crawled out from an hole in the ground and looked up at Kenji "Hey, you made it! Good boy!" Kenji said as he chucked a pice of food on the ground near Kage, Kage happily ate it. "So little buddy, where to now?"

Kage said nothing, but he did move his head torwards an city. "..... Back there? I really don't want to go back..." An small whimper emitted from Kage "Okay, okay! Back to... My home village..."

Hmm... this will probably work a lot better than the Cards You're Dealt thread. ^_^

One question: can you please explain the difference between "traditional magic" (as you stated) and Card Magic? Can someone have both (not that I plan to)? And is Card Magic a lot stronger?

As to PoohLive's question about Soul Cards, in the first thread that was kind of like this, Cards You're Dealt, the Card Mages could transform into their Soul Cards, basically becoming archetypes. For example, Cats' character had Hunter and my character had Paladin. I don't know if we ever decided on whether or not Soul Cards could be stolen, though -- but I believe they can be collected. Since they represent a totem or a personality type, though, there are only so many. I think.

Correct me if I'm wrong though, Cats.

Ooh, ooh, another question: Are there real monsters who wander around or only monsters summoned from imagination?

Some info about the area our characters are in would also be nice, though I don't think you have to go overboard. I'm pretty good at making up that kind of stuff on the fly and having it be interesting :D
OOC: Answers

Soul cards yep I left i kind of vague. The card gives the card user his power to use, make, and change cards. They also hold the users soul. If you gained some ones (An impresive act seeing as the owner has to be willing to give up there soul. Or it could be pulled out of them.) You use them to strengthen other cards at a shrine. The Gaurds card could be fused with a Skelaton and form a steal skeleton. Aslo you could add it's powers to your own, if you have the right abilty or some one you meet dose.

Soul cards are slightly difrent from what I had last time I tried this. They still govern you charaecters abiltys but there passive for a large part. If you use alot of spells or spell cards then your soul card would passively boost your spells power. If you however were a sword fighter with a soul card in you, you may never use a single spell card or otherwise and still have a huge edge over any other swords men, your soul card would boost your speed, dexterity, strength and if you get hit often, your defense as well. (In sort it's a bit of a leveling up devise.)

Some soul cards do have abiltys though. Dran's soul card alows him to tear out other peoples (If there defense is down). Dran is hower a very skilled and powerful Card Master very few get to his level.

If the owner wishes he can draw out his soul card but if something happens to it he will lose his soul.

Next the three percent is relvently comon. 3 out 100 is comon in my mind.

There is normal Magic as well as card Magic. Card users are stronger for two reasons. Most magic users are very sepcilised ofensive spells only, defensive spells only, Sumons only. Card users how ever have access on all types of magic, healing, offense, functional, sumons, enchanting, ect. They may not use all of them but they have an eassier time switching from type to type then a normal magic user. Secondly Card users generally have a higher consentration of magic from birth, it takes less efort for them to learn and build up magic.

A person could have both types if they choose to but I don't have any one like that in mind yet. Monster also exist naturaly.

Oh and welcome all!

IC: I matrched my way back threw the woods fallowing the river for a while. I came across a strange set of stones. One massive rock on a taller but thiner rock. "And this is were I turn to meet the road." I turned 90 degrese and began a long hike up towards the road.

The ground was trailless but fairly smooth. Had I gone strait I would of marched right into a birds nest of trees and bushes with intelocking vines. No road had been there in hundreds of years.

I met up with the castle path, I din't care for that road for the most part, it was a smoother walk but atleast twice as far when the river wasn't flloded your much better off fallowing it and thats exactly what I had been doing today.

I fallowed castle raod back to the last junction. There was a man hideing under a tree there. If he's a theif he's in for a big suprise. Still I best not risk it. I apraoch the junction with cation cheking around me for theives lurking in the woods as part of an ambush. I stoped by the sign post to anounce my presence and see his reaction.

"Good Day."

Name -- Nani Hare
Gender -- Female
Occupation -- Card Magician (duh!)
Soul Card -- Dragonslayer
Rare Cards -- Mythril Lance, Ice Coffin, Eternal Golem
Personality -- Heroic, obsessed with justice, a bit absent-minded. Cute, though.
Height -- 5'6"
Weight -- None of your business! (125 lbs)
Dimensions -- *slaps* (Ouch.) Don't even think about it! (Sorry.)

Name -- Yoro Hare
Gender -- Male
Occupation -- Card Magician, Oracle
Soul Card -- Leviathan
Rare Cards -- Orb of Agony, Miraculous Healing, Sword of Revealing Light
Personality -- Compassionate but mysterious. Looks out for his sister, his only friend in the world.
Height -- 5'11"
Weight -- 145 lbs
Dimensions -- ...I think you're mistaken...



"Legend tells of a Book of Souls, which the Great Creator used to make the world. The Great Creator drew a diamond, and each of the four corners stood for something important. Some say the four corners were Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, and that the midpoints were the places where the elements met -- and other, more scientific philosophers have said that the points were actually Body, Mind, Matter, and Energy. Whatever the case, the Great Creator placed this Book of Souls in the middle of the diamond and summoned up a great amount of power, thus creating our universe.

People, Fiends, magic, and everything come from the power channeled through the Book of Souls. Those people that can use the Ultimate Power of the Creator, "magic," draw their energy from one of those four points. Whatever the points actually are, that means that magic users thus must follow a certain way of life and only have access to certain styles of magic.

We, on the other hand, are Card Masters. We copy the images and the runic letters that are actually written and drawn in the Books of Souls itself. We draw from the actual Book of Souls. Of all magic users, we Card Magicians have the highest potential. We are the most gifted of all creations.

Some say the Great Creator sleeps now. Others say he watches the Card Magicians, to see whether or not his decision to let some humans or not use the Cards was a good one. Whatever the case, we Card Magicians are truly honored.

...Don't you ever get tired of this story?"

Nani Hare smiled widely at her weary-looking brother. "Never, Yoro-kun!" she cried cheerfully. "I love listening to where Card Magic comes from. And you say you thought this all up yourself?"

Yoro chuckled. "Yes, I suppose I did. I'm not sure exactly where it came from, but it seems to make sense to me. I've seen it in my dreams..."

"You've told me." His sister smiled, and then glanced up. They were still walking down the path, hoping that perhaps in the next town there would be another odd job for them to do. With himself at seventeen and his sister at sixteen, Yoro and Nani had both decided they had relied on the temple where they had been left too much, and after paying back as much as they could, they left in sorrow. Still, their adventure, as it was, was somewhat exciting, and at least interesting.

"Hmm?" murmured Yoro. "It sounds like two boys talking..."

They both approached quietly, not sneaking but not making themselves aware either. Though Yoro was certain that Nani would make herself known soon...



Beheheh. Anyone who knows Japanese might find the name "Nani Hare" a little funny. Especially after you realize just how absent-minted Nani is. ^_^
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"Nice to meet you," Ruko got up, brushing the dust and dirt from off of his backside. He grabbed his things, looking at the strange young boy.
A bit small. Young. He wondered if the kid even knew much of anything. Oh well, best to give it a shot anyway.
"Uhhh, you wouldn't happen to know where a small town known as Frodan is, do you? I seem to be a little lost here, and don't know where to go next."
He showed the boy the parchment, telling him of his summons.
"An old promise I was supposed to keep. I do not know of this land though, I hail south, almost a week's journey now. A few merchants told me to follow this road to the fork, and there would be a sign, but I don't see one for it."
Kenji Stared intencely at the city grounds below, "Damnit... I hate this place." kneji said silently as he walked through the dirt patched road leading to the city, he then looked at Kage "Why did you bring me here?"

Kage said nothing. "Pish! Stuborn fox!" Kage suddenly dashed ahead of Kenji "Hey wait! Aw don't don't tell me that Kage was really offended by me calling him an stuborn fox!" Kenji stood there for an second, then dashed ahead so he could catch up with Kage "Hey! Wait up!"

The sound of Rhineard tearing the house apart with his looting was an annoying distraction, but not a debilitating one; Daven looked down on his beaten rival without a shred of empathy, sympathy, or even victory. In his outstretched hand a card floated, turning slowly. Strigo Animus , the rare spell card that could stop the heart, this is what kept his rival on the ground, clutching his chest.

"I beg of you, do not make me do this. I do not desire your destruction but I need your soul card."

"Never...I cannot...leave this world...without it!"

"No, that isn't true. I can contain it, just long enough...and when it's all over I can return it to you. That is your choice; sleep now and awaken in the future, or die and be irrevocably removed from the cosmos."

"On your honor!"

"In my parent's name."

The man on the floor collapsed and the deadly Strigo Animus vanished from sight. The body of the defeated card caster glowed with a bright golden light and as it faded the body vanished, leaving a card in its place. Daven picked up the card and surveyed it, it was not nearly as illustrated as his own and was far more obvious to interpret: a merchant's scale with a book and Maywand held in equal balance, the man had been a simple scholar who devoted his time to study and his powers to making others happy. He was a good man and Daven would make sure that the card was unharmed. He put his hand into his left pocket and drew another card the Arx Invictus , a useful utility spell that created an extraplanar vault accessible only by that specific card, the safest place one could hope to hide their treasures.

"Let us go Rhineard, I do not wish to keep the others waiting."

The contemptible Rhineard walked into the room, carrying the scholars books and simple treasures. Daven sometimes wondered why he tolerated this barbarism from his company.
The two made their way out of the town and met their comrades on a hilltop glade.

Kronsis sat on his haunches, leaning against a tree. He had used his wings to knock some apples off the high branches and was now enjoying one of them,

"Did you find what you seek master? Is the caster's soul card in your posession?"

Daven nodded and held up the Arx Invictus card which depicted a fortress floating in a nullspace,"Indeed."

Rhineard was also quick to show off the prize of the looting; the town's caster deck, "Useless shite mostly, summoning cards for little woodland creatures, small spells and tricks. Still, the more cards our good lard Daven has, the be'r off we'll be yes?"

Risque raised a slender white eyebrow and sneered quietly, holding the thief in obvious contempt.

"What now master? Where do we go?"

"I will need a few more cards to put my plan into action, and a few more brave men and women who will aid me in its implementation. Then the day we have been working towards all this time shall come to pass and we shall bring in the new order."
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OOC: For refrence I use an eight element set up. Fire, earth, water, wind, light and darkness; those are pretty basic. I also use Metal wich in some cases represents forces acheived by machines and science. Lastly Cosmos, which is everything that isn't one of the others, gravity spells for example.

The world has 8 countrys thus far each one represents one of the Elements above. The one that is being seiged represents shadow. Shadow is on the same contenit as light which is the country attacking.

IC: He came to a sign and now is unsure of wich way to go? I have no clue were the hell this guy wants to go either. "I sujest turning back and heading to that town. Ask directions there rather then heading far out of your way."

I herd a small rusel in the bushes behind me. I made a quick glance. This guy is a theif, he has comrades around us then. "Prehaps waiting here in the woods is your style but I will be going now. I bid you good day." I quickly began to walk down my path. The best fight is the one not fought.
"UYaaah!!!" Kenji jumped out of the bushes and grabbed Kage, "Gotcha! Now you better explain why you ran from me like tha-" Kenji looked up and saw two other guys staring at him.

"Uh... hi?"
Ruko walked over, putting his hand on the man.
"Wait, you do not know of this city? I was told that lied somewhere around here in this part of the country. Are you from around here?"
Ruko meant to ask more question, probe into the boys actions,a nd his sudden intention to leave for no reason, when a couple tumbled their way out of the brush.
Reaching for his sword before he even saw they were nothing more than a kid playing with his pet, he prepared himself for battle.
The sword tinwkled in the light, as he blushed. He was about to hurt a kid for disrupting a conversation.
"Sorry," he said, sheathing it once more behind him, "What are you doing here?"

Ooc: What would happen if a non card person picked up a card, and tried to use it? How do kids know that they have the magic or not? Do each of them get tested as children, or is there a birthmark or something?
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Unbenowst to Ruko, a couple more kids were arriving.

A tall boy and a shorter girl, both with brown hair and brown eyes and similar attractive features, crested the hill, curious looks on their faces as they saw the three boys and the black fox.

"Black fox," muttered Yoro. "What a rare creature. I wonder if it's a spell summon? I bet the Black Fox card is powerful indeed..."

"What do you care about power?" giggled Nani, waving him off. "Power's not important. Justice is important!"

"Of course..." said Yoro, smiling slightly at his sister.

"What? Who?" said Nani, suddenly snapping to attention. "There are people over there!"

"Hello!" called Yoro, his deep voice sounding loud enough to be heard. "Travelers!"

"They better not be bandits," muttered Nani, cracking her knuckles.

"Heh," chuckled Yoro. "Be careful. And don't be so aggressive."

"I'm not worried, no matter what they are!" cried Nani. "It's not like they're all Card Masters or something. What are the chances of that?"

The boy and girl approached, smiling, each wearing a white kimono, loose dark green pants, and thick, comfortable-looking leather boots. The girl wore a white headband with a symbol of a sun and the boy wore a black headband with a symbol of a moon. They both, however, smiled to the same degree -- though the girl looked more enthusiastic and the boy looked more sensitive in their expressions.

"Good morning," they both said simultaneously.
"Er... Sorry for barging in" Kenji said, standing up holding Kage. "But Kage for some reason ran ahead of me!"

Kenji looked behind him seeing that two others were walking up behind them. 'Hello!' said the boy, he seemed to be an bit taller than Kenji. 'Travelers!'

'They better not be bandits,' muttered the girl, cracking her knuckles. Kinda cute... Was the only thing Keji thought when he saw her, but being called an bandit was an extream insult to Kenji

"Bandits? Pish! Hardly, I'm just visiting my home town. These two guys I don't know, I just ran into them"
As the people met each other on the road, the sound of hoofbeats could be heard, cresting a hill. A moment later three horses galloped past them. moving to the side of the road to avoid running them down. The riders seemed odd and their clothes betrayed foreign origins but even stranger was the creature bringing up the rear; a minotaur. Minotaurs are uncommon enough, but this one had great white wings that bobbed up and down as he ran behind the horses.
Yoro pulled Nani back and frowned as he heard the hoofbeats. "Hey!" he called to the other boys. "Watch out! Something's coming fast..."

As Kenji, Ruko, and Kyle stepped away from the path, a group rushed along the path, passing through the crossroads quickly, and all heads turned to watch the minotaur gallop away, its white wings spread out behind it.

"What a rare entourage," murmured Yoro.

"I wonder if THEY'RE bandits," murmured Nani.

"Sister, dear, it's impolite to accuse everyone you meet of being a bandit," said Yoro wryly, before turning back to Kenji. "Sir, I apologize for my sister's words. Believe me, she means nothing personal by them."

Blinking, Nani turned to Kenji and smiled cutely. "Ya-re ya-re! I'm sorry if I offended you. What's your name?"

She nudged Yoro, tilting her head to him and grinning. "Bah, I didn't really think a cute boy like him was a bandit! He doesn't look dangerous enough!"

Yoro merely sighed.
"Ha ha ha, you don't have to call me sir! And my name? Its Kenji, Kenji Azure." Kenji said scratching the back of his head. Kage wildly scruffed and grumbled "Oh and the runt here is Kage."
'Ha ha ha, you don't have to call me sir!'

"Yes sir," both Yoro and Nani said simultaneously.

'And my name? Its Kenji, Kenji Azure.'

"Nice to meet you, Kenji," said the girl, smiling widely. "My name is Nani. Nani Hare."

"I am Yoro Hare," said the boy next to her, who smiled softly. "Her older brother." He turned to the other two boys, who were watching. "And what are your names?"

"Ah! How cute!" Nani ducked down and grabbed the surprised black fox, lifting him up to cuddle him and pet him. "Kage, hmm? You are adorable!" Smiling widely, she lifted up the fox and stared him in the eyes as she kneeled down. "Hiiiii!"

Planting a kiss on the black fox's nose, she grinned cheerfully.

IC: A boy flew out of the woods landing on a black fox. I had my hand on a card in my poket partly because the boy and partlly because the man I was talking to had a sword drawn.

The man sethed his sword and talked to the boy, I let my hand off the card but then came a voice from behind me. My hand was on that poison arrow again. I watched behind me and there was a girl and a similarly clad guy. I kept my hand on the card.

There to much going on here to be an unplaned evnt of fate. Prehaps this is a trap and they all are bandits but they don't look tough. Still I better get going.

"I'll be in the town up there." I began to walk down the raod when a hoarse drawn cariage came up the path. I leaped to the side and a massive minotaur with wings came to the side as a person looked out opf the carriage and spoke.

Shit a soldeir for the battle! Could they be looking for people involved already! No sense takeing chances. "I'll be leaveing now." No sense takeing chances I'm droping the thing off geting my reward..... What the hjell is my reward? He didn't say? I began to walk out ward slowly and calmly I would not draw the soldeirs atention to me.