starfish~yo dude

Have you been to tee-shirt or whatever?

They have this great t-shirt that says "Sorry ladies, I suck dick." I love it. I want to get it. It is so me.
I am actually sort of good, but sad about the shuttle shit that happened today.

Et tu, glam?
yeah~innit something.

i fear although this may have been a mechanical ailre due on part to matrials used the possibilities of exploiting this as a sign of nationl weakness are limitless.

i'm sketching away and playing on the comp~gonna be throwing my godson up and down in the air for a few hours in a bit.
Yeah, I am trying to get some crap done around here, and I am trying more to not think of the ramifications of this on our space program's integrity.

I have issues with our space program, but I'll be quite about it today.

Okay, so you go have fun, and don't throw him through the ceiling. I know you don't know your own brut strength. :D
It's okay. It is in denial about my current state of celebacy.

It craves dick, but you can relate, so I feel validated in talking to you about it, even though you really could care less. :p
i wonder if fucking someone with a strap on is a loop hole in the hole celibacy thing.
I don't know, but really, it seems more of a service than anything, so I am game.