Star Wars nitpick: What's this shit about the "Dark Side of the Force"?


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
I realize the whole franchise is based on that dichotomy. But any force is an impersonal thing, with no mind or will. To attribute any kind of moral agency to it makes no more sense than speaking of the Light Side or the Dark Side of Gravity. What's up with that, Yoda?!
Yes, you are correct. The "dark side" is loosely based on an anus. Freudian symbolism would say that the death star= a star fish/ aka the anus. When luke guided his x-wing down the "trenches" aka the cleft of buttocks, he was actually penetrating his father. A desire all of us that were born male have. To penetrate our fathers. yes,

I'm pre4tty sure this is not the weirdest post I've ever made.

Dad sex might be hte grossest thing ever which is hilarious!@
You watch Star Wars?

I saw the first movie when it first came out and realized,
I was way too adult for that cartoon crap...
You watch Star Wars?

I saw the first movie when it first came out and realized,
I was way too adult for that cartoon crap...

If anyone calls you on any weird detail, just say it's from the Jedi Prince book series, which contains so much random incongruous stuff that even most Expanded Universe/Legends fans collectively agreed to forget about it decades ago.
You watch Star Wars?

I saw the first movie when it first came out and realized,
I was way too adult for that cartoon crap...
That's really too bad. I don't think it will ever get to be a hit or popular without your support. :cry:

Oh my gawd! There's some weird new feature that led me this post......and I could care the fuck what anybody but myself said.

But which one of you fuckers mentioned dadsex?
That might be the grossesst and most hilarious thing I've ever heard!!
I realize the whole franchise is based on that dichotomy. But any force is an impersonal thing, with no mind or will. To attribute any kind of moral agency to it makes no more sense than speaking of the Light Side or the Dark Side of Gravity. What's up with that, Yoda?!

Serious answer: I never thought of it as a moral issue. Where someone uses the Dark Side or the Light side has to do with what they are using the force for. Light side = knowledge and defense, Dark Side = attack. Those who exclusively use the light side with see their abilities and their physical form evolve in one direction, those who use the dark side will see their form evolve in a different direction.
I realize the whole franchise is based on that dichotomy. But any force is an impersonal thing, with no mind or will. To attribute any kind of moral agency to it makes no more sense than speaking of the Light Side or the Dark Side of Gravity. What's up with that, Yoda?!
Wasn't that the whole point to the grey Jedi in saying there was no good and bad but two sides to the force and how you used them was based on the person not the nature of the force itself.
The dark force is based in Mordor, where the necromancer uses a dark matter anomaly to create dark energy for his black purposes, stealing the tin man's heart and dispatching war pigs to blow up cunts, causing pneumothorax. Only the light of Elendil, a supernova that circles a spatial rent in the time continuum beyond the Gamma quadrant can be used to create force warp. The Emperor tricked the High Elves with the Rings of Khan into revealing its location in the Anus of Dhad, where the Jedi Master, Even Piell, loinson of Hema Roid the Destroyer had his putrid lair.

Are we done yet?
I saw the first three Star Wars movies. The first was the best. George Lucas is a good story teller, but he got carried away with the philosophical implications of The Force. Having Darth Vader as the father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia did not work for me.