General D'Nal Jhaelaa commander of rim sector 359 scanned over the information he received from the Tal Shiar with a growing anger. A forefinger tapped quickly upon is temple while reading the lengthy report. 'What are they up too?' his voice whispered to no one but his own ears. A habit he has endured all of his life for it seemed to help him sort and understand his thinking process. To some, if they where close enough to hear him talking to himself, considered him borderline*schizophrenic. This habit, and other circumstances is what put him here in the rim far from home, and away from the high council.
Dark Romulan orbs drifted from the display panel to the benzine formed patterns of the ceiling, closing themselves momentarily as if the answer to his question would be sent to him. 'what are they up too?' his voice once again came as a whisper. 'They haven't made this type of movement in months.' his voice continued to flow filled with his thoughts. He shifted his posture from keen form to slouching back into his command chair, fingers interlaced together resting upon his lips. His mind drifting deeper into what he though was a federation movement done by their section thirty-one.
He tactically moved the Tal Shiar to shadow the suspected agents posing as Orion traders on the planet L117, in which planets here in the rim didn't have names but just numbers, an added measure to keep the oppressed depressed. 'L117' he hissed his frustration for not seeing the reason behind their movements. 'It couldn't be a preemptive strike for there was no sign of a federation build up in the rim quadrant, but yet the Tal Shiar reports were filled with names of federation personal moving about the planet. 'maybe there is something they have found and are attempting to extract it, but then again...wait!' the whisper came out louder, 'The Orion ships!' a gleam sparkled in his eye as a piece of the puzzle fell into place.
'Clever.' his voice complimenting his counter parts. The federation showing distaste for the Orion Syndicate but yet has their secret service operating with them right under his command. A grinding sound came from his clenched teeth. His fist clenched tightly to sway the rage away from his mind so that he could think straight. He picked up the tablet and continued to read the report. His mind adding the pieces he managed to form together making the puzzle more vivid to his mind's eye.
'Now what would be so valuable to bring out their agents and risk the secret pact they have?' his mind spun about on that topic now. 'It just doesn't make any sense to risk so many agents on something that wouldn't shift the balance of power to favor the federation.' his thick fingers swiped over the tablet bringing up the display to a projection image that hung just above his desk. His dark orbs once more scanned through the report.
A beep from across the room broke his concentration bringing is attention to the door as it hissed and gave entry for his fleet commander. "General, our listening post has detected ship movement along the federation side of the neutral zone." the commander handed him the report. D'Nal's eyes scanned over the report, a discerning look upon his face. "Prepare my ship, have all ships to converge along the neural zone." he barked as he resumed looking at the report. 'there coming for whatever they found on L117.' he muttered to himself..
The line was full with cloaked Romulan warbirds, watching as the other side filled with federation war vessels. This was another surprise to D'Nal for these vessels types wasn't known to him. He stared at the tactical information. 'These ships are built for combat, not exploration.' he muttered to himself. A concern building deep within him. 'We must find out what they have that is so important.' he continued to stare at the building fleet of the federation.
Dark Romulan orbs drifted from the display panel to the benzine formed patterns of the ceiling, closing themselves momentarily as if the answer to his question would be sent to him. 'what are they up too?' his voice once again came as a whisper. 'They haven't made this type of movement in months.' his voice continued to flow filled with his thoughts. He shifted his posture from keen form to slouching back into his command chair, fingers interlaced together resting upon his lips. His mind drifting deeper into what he though was a federation movement done by their section thirty-one.
He tactically moved the Tal Shiar to shadow the suspected agents posing as Orion traders on the planet L117, in which planets here in the rim didn't have names but just numbers, an added measure to keep the oppressed depressed. 'L117' he hissed his frustration for not seeing the reason behind their movements. 'It couldn't be a preemptive strike for there was no sign of a federation build up in the rim quadrant, but yet the Tal Shiar reports were filled with names of federation personal moving about the planet. 'maybe there is something they have found and are attempting to extract it, but then again...wait!' the whisper came out louder, 'The Orion ships!' a gleam sparkled in his eye as a piece of the puzzle fell into place.
'Clever.' his voice complimenting his counter parts. The federation showing distaste for the Orion Syndicate but yet has their secret service operating with them right under his command. A grinding sound came from his clenched teeth. His fist clenched tightly to sway the rage away from his mind so that he could think straight. He picked up the tablet and continued to read the report. His mind adding the pieces he managed to form together making the puzzle more vivid to his mind's eye.
'Now what would be so valuable to bring out their agents and risk the secret pact they have?' his mind spun about on that topic now. 'It just doesn't make any sense to risk so many agents on something that wouldn't shift the balance of power to favor the federation.' his thick fingers swiped over the tablet bringing up the display to a projection image that hung just above his desk. His dark orbs once more scanned through the report.
A beep from across the room broke his concentration bringing is attention to the door as it hissed and gave entry for his fleet commander. "General, our listening post has detected ship movement along the federation side of the neutral zone." the commander handed him the report. D'Nal's eyes scanned over the report, a discerning look upon his face. "Prepare my ship, have all ships to converge along the neural zone." he barked as he resumed looking at the report. 'there coming for whatever they found on L117.' he muttered to himself..
The line was full with cloaked Romulan warbirds, watching as the other side filled with federation war vessels. This was another surprise to D'Nal for these vessels types wasn't known to him. He stared at the tactical information. 'These ships are built for combat, not exploration.' he muttered to himself. A concern building deep within him. 'We must find out what they have that is so important.' he continued to stare at the building fleet of the federation.
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