stand or hide......


Literotica Guru
Mar 27, 2003
Is there any of you who will come forward and admit to being a faggot or dyke? I am betting they are to ashamed to admit in public. I am proud to be heterosexual. And I am not ashamed and do not care what others think about it. I can and will say it to anyone.
your signature says it all....don't hate what you can't relate!
Anna Leigh said:
your signature says it all....don't hate what you can't relate!

I don't hate. You should not be a hypocrite.
Actually I am straight...

But why do you care? You seem to hate us all.
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Rubyfruit said:
Girls smell good, and have soft skin.

I like that.

A lot.

If I were a chick I'd be all wet over that statement... I guess a plain old erection will have to do.

BTW, I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
Isn't a faggot a cigarette and a dyke something that holds water back? Seems harmless enough.
I'm straight...but I have to admit, Ruby's AV's are enough to make me want to play for the other side once in awhile! :devil:
d8Rape said:
Is there any of you who will come forward and admit to being a faggot or dyke? I am betting they are to ashamed to admit in public. I am proud to be heterosexual. And I am not ashamed and do not care what others think about it. I can and will say it to anyone.

You are a heterosexual who confuses rape with making love - I suggested that you read "Blind Date" - you may find that your thought process lies below the morality of the animal kingdom.
d8rape You Are A Fuckup!

You Come To A Perfectly Fun Forum To Spew This Shit Outta Yer Fingers And Brain?


This Avatar Of Yours, Does Not Stir Any Shock Value From Me, In Fact It Pales in Comparison To Some That I Have Seen. That Baby Would Never Have Had More Fame Than You Give It Now, Thank Goodness For Your Posting It!

If You Really Do Get Anybody To Run And Hide Here At Lit, Then They Should Not Have Been Here To Begin With, But It Would Be Sad To Have Such A Terrible Bore Like You Standing Up While They Had To Step Down From Such A Cowardly Numbnut Like You.
Whatta you care what someone else does?

Don't you believe in, "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?"

Something happen to you?
d8Rape said:
Is there any of you who will come forward and admit to being a faggot or dyke? I am betting they are to ashamed to admit in public. I am proud to be heterosexual. And I am not ashamed and do not care what others think about it. I can and will say it to anyone.

I thought you'd fucked off ages ago numbnuts.
Dear he whose name I will not type.

We are all gay here.

You are surrounded.

There are thousands of us.

Place your hands over your butt.

And run while you can.


PS You are a bigoted homophic racist.