Squirting/Female Ejaculation?


Nov 6, 2012
Hello :)

Please let me 1st apologize in advance if this topic is already posted somewhere, if I've posted in the wrong place, and for what ever may sound silly, or stupid...

I'm new here to the Forum, and would like to ask about this. I've read through many of the posts on the Forum, and have seen a lot of great advice from people, and I'm hoping to get some here as well...

I've heard women, and men both talk about women who can Squirt.. some find it to be a wonderful thing, others practically shit their pants... I've also heard it said that 'all women can or have the capability' to squirt.

I've been fascinated with this for what seems like ages. I've been with a couple men who claimed they could 'make it happen', but I've never done it... or have never been able to do it?

So I kinda feel like I must be 'broken' somewhere if I can't do this, or achieve this one thing I've tried so hard to do. There have been times when having an Orgasm, It's felt like I have to or am going to pee (is that how it feels when you're about to?), and then it seems the Orgasm is kinda cut short due to fear of that happening...

So I guess my questions are... Is this something that 'all women' can do? or no?
Is there some kind of special technique?

Thank you again for your time in reading this, and I appreciate your consideration in replying any advice/answers you may have to offer :)
All women have a G- spot. When stimulated the right way, it can lead to a lot of fun. Not all women have the capability to squirt. Though most can get very wet. So to feel like you have to pee is normal. It does not matter if someone knows what you have. It is more important your partner knows what to do. The up and down movement with his or her finger can prove to be very effective. This can be especially fun if he or she has lips on your clit right at the same time.

Hello :)

Please let me 1st apologize in advance if this topic is already posted somewhere, if I've posted in the wrong place, and for what ever may sound silly, or stupid...

I'm new here to the Forum, and would like to ask about this. I've read through many of the posts on the Forum, and have seen a lot of great advice from people, and I'm hoping to get some here as well...

I've heard women, and men both talk about women who can Squirt.. some find it to be a wonderful thing, others practically shit their pants... I've also heard it said that 'all women can or have the capability' to squirt.

I've been fascinated with this for what seems like ages. I've been with a couple men who claimed they could 'make it happen', but I've never done it... or have never been able to do it?

So I kinda feel like I must be 'broken' somewhere if I can't do this, or achieve this one thing I've tried so hard to do. There have been times when having an Orgasm, It's felt like I have to or am going to pee (is that how it feels when you're about to?), and then it seems the Orgasm is kinda cut short due to fear of that happening...

So I guess my questions are... Is this something that 'all women' can do? or no?
Is there some kind of special technique?

Thank you again for your time in reading this, and I appreciate your consideration in replying any advice/answers you may have to offer :)
Yes it's something all women can do and there are certain techniques that can be used but its really about how comfortable and aroused you are. Most women keep themselves from squirting. You have to be really relaxed.
I freaked out the first time I did it. Usually, I have to have several orgasms before I do it. Once I know it is about to happen, I can almost always control it. I have done this solo, without my g-spot being touched at all. As the others have said, being relaxed is key. You are not going to pee all over your partner, unless they ask you to. ;)
I'm not sure all women can do it, but I've loved the women I've known who were squirters or "gushers". As a man, I can't tell you anything about the 'having to pee" feeling but I'd say, whatever the feeling is that you have, relax and let it happen. I don't know if all men like it but I loved the warm gush of fluid all over my balls or face. I cherished it. It can be a bit of a mess with wet sheets and mattress covers, but use towels if you are successful. WIth one lady I knew, putting down about three or four bath towels was the norm for having sex but there was one time she squirted over my shoulder and wet the back of a sofa.
I really don't want to sound crude. I don't know what this site allows (I'm new!). If you want to learn, message me personally. I've learned how to do it over time. I heard " all women can do it!" But i was sceptical, but I learned that it is easy! I now believe every woman can do it! I can teach it! It really IS easy! You just need to first know your body and then be taught the techniques!
Hi ShardsofReality

Asking an apparent female poster to send a personal message when you only have made five posts yourself, may make people sceptical (this spelling is OK) that you are indeed a woman yourself. A suggestion for you to think over, not an accusation.

I'm sure you had a look around before you signed up and are probably aware that pretty much anything goes as long as the common respect and courtesies expected in the outside world are followed here. The only difference is the anonymity.

So your deepest and darkest secret techniques can be shared openly on the boards if you choose to do so. I sure they will be welcomed by many.

Perhaps you could also contribute to threads found in
"The Blank Manual - Most Popular Questions Asked" (at top of the How To page)

Welcome to Literotica.
Have a good look around - each board has their own distinct personality - some bite so take care. The How To has my thumbs up. By in large a caring community with a lot of laughs thrown in.
NightL, I really hope this is friendly advice you are giving me right now. I would hate to think that you are attacking due to some past situation or experience. I gave an opening if anyone wanted to learn my technique. It is quite lengthy with my tips and such so it would literally take me about 3 posts to enter it all. That's why the offer for the private message. And furthermore, it was an option. Not something that I can force anyone to do. I'm disappointed to find out that people are so judgmental about new people here. I understand being wary because of the nature of this site, but I really did nothing imposing that should have offended you. Last thing: I already had someone message me asking about it, so obviously not everyone has your misgivings.
Was intended as friendly. I certainly have not taken offence. My wording and approach could have been softer perhaps, but the message would have still been the same. A cautionary note of perception, not of accusation. Most certainly not of attack.

I rarely engage in PMs so the bad experiences are not of my own but observations of some new members trolling for PMs. Your response is appropriate and refreshing.

My words of welcome and support of the How To board very much stand.
How? Inquiring minds want to know.

And MsQuote thank you for sharing that article I appreciate it.

It was a surprise, really, the first time. I've achieved it a few times since but never intending... for squirting to be my goal. Bang. There she blows. Just like that. Lemme ponder on this for a day or so... ya know, process the info a little more, maybe do some research and I'll get back to you on the mechanics. They're kind of a blur... everything was going so... well, you know.
I've been with a few women that either "Squirted" or " Gushed" (there was a difference). The Gushers just soaked the whole bed, floor, me and anything else. With both the Gushers, when they were on top, it was like being ridden under water, with ejaculate, lube or pussy juice, what ever you want to call it, streaming down my hips, balls and belly to pool in the small of my back and under my ass. Awesome experiences, but made sleeping almost impossible and uncomfortable with no dry spot.

With The squirters, there was a definitive " Squirt". Either blasting my face or a spasm then a pressure on my balls, with her expressing surprise. Now that I look at it, except for one woman, this event happens when they are on top or being eaten out.
I've been with a few women that either "Squirted" or " Gushed" (there was a difference). The Gushers just soaked the whole bed, floor, me and anything else. With both the Gushers, when they were on top, it was like being ridden under water, with ejaculate, lube or pussy juice, what ever you want to call it, streaming down my hips, balls and belly to pool in the small of my back and under my ass. Awesome experiences, but made sleeping almost impossible and uncomfortable with no dry spot.

With The squirters, there was a definitive " Squirt". Either blasting my face or a spasm then a pressure on my balls, with her expressing surprise. Now that I look at it, except for one woman, this event happens when they are on top or being eaten out.

and isn't it wonderful..... I've only known a few such women but they remain a permanent part of my memory and I re-wind and re-play those times with them often in quiet moments here in the autumn of my years. I wonder where they are now as grandmothers, if they have any memory of me, and if they still can squirt and gush in the autumn of THEIR years. Be careful or I may break into a chorus of "Memories...light the corners of my mind....." ;)
I realized I gushed a few years ago and can make myself gush pretty easily when i use a dildo on myself. I have also been able to gush from anal sex, when my husband fists me, and he can make me gush quite easily when he touches me.

It can be quite messy, but it is an amazing feeling when I have that utter and complete release that comes with gushing. Yes, in the beginning, I was worried i was going to pee. Since then I have learned to relax about sex in general. (And emptying your bladder before you begin playing can also help you relax and not worry as much about what your body is going to do).

Have fun!