Springboard: computer controlled sex toys


Feb 20, 2003
Like everybody, I get some ideas but either don't have the time to develop them into stories or I simply can't figure out how to. So I thought I'd share some of my ideas in the hopes that they might inspire others. If you can use them, great. If not, it's an "interesting" glimpse (and you wouldn't want to look any closer, believe me :)) into that strange place I call my mind.

How about computer controlled sex toys? They would be connected to the computer either directly (USB for example) or via an infrared connection. The owner can download or create scripts that control the toy. In addition, there are "virtual lovers" you can download that talk as the toy does whatever it's scripted to do.

These would be easy enough to substitute in a story for "normal" toys. But with the virtual lover aspect, there are other things to explore. Maybe someone gets a little too attached to the toy and stops seeking out human partners. Maybe they develop an affection for the virtual lover and set out to find the real person behind it. (Perhaps the virtual lover doubles as a conversation program like the Sylvie or MS Agent characters do.)

Maybe there's an angle I haven't thought of. If you can use this idea, good luck to you.
why not just go all the way and make it robot sex? like in ai, but actually good.

nothing made me mourn more for the loss of the late, great stanley kubrick then that peice of shit. it made barry lyndon and eyes wide shut look great by comparison.

but robot sexslaves, now that's always a good idea, though a bit hard to pull off. i remember reading a good one somewhere, but that was at least a year ago.

does that help? no, of course it doesn't
Believe it or not I had a VERY similar idea many years ago and It's been floating around in my brain ever since. I've always put it as part of a larger story. But now that you mention it, it could be a stand alone story. If I have the time, I might write this. I had never really thought about HOW they would be controlled though. strange considering how much time I spend on a computer. I like the idea.


I was thinking more along the lines of a sort of "Torture" device. A table probably with holes in it for the 'toys" to come through. Dildo's, maybe a little electric shock, maybe some tickling and so forth. Strap a woman down (It's always for women in my mind) then set the computer that controls the toys to activate different toys at different times.
I always hope 'Torture' is a euphemisim for 'really good fun' (the latter being considered pretty sordid nowdays)

I don't know why I have an attraction to devices, except perhaps not getting turned on by big throbbing vein-y penises..

I have an unfortunate attraction to all the mechanical and tentacle molestation tales, and then get disappointed when the girl has a horrid time, or is just an object that the author has no apparent empathy with.
batchman said:
How about computer controlled sex toys? They would be connected to the computer either directly (USB for example) or via an infrared connection. The owner can download or create scripts that control the toy. In addition, there are "virtual lovers" you can download that talk as the toy does whatever it's scripted to do.


Maybe someone gets a little too attached to the toy and stops seeking out human partners. Maybe they develop an affection for the virtual lover and set out to find the real person behind it. (Perhaps the virtual lover doubles as a conversation program like the Sylvie or MS Agent characters do.)

Maybe there's an angle I haven't thought of. If you can use this idea, good luck to you.

I heard about an idea that helps you lucid-dream by flashing red lights in your eyes when it detects you are in REM sleep. How about a device a woman could wear that would stimulate her when she dreams, and earphones that whispered suggestions in her ears.

It would also be an interesting SF story if a woman found she enjoyed talking to an eliza-style program (virtual therapist) so much she started buying more and more accessories until she had a full lover.

Frankenstien's lover in 1200 easy payments of $49.99! :D
<<I always hope 'Torture' is a euphemisim for 'really good fun' >>

It could be either way. A willing victim can be just as much fun as an unwilling victim and there's always the chance that things will work out differently than you would expect.

A Non-willing participent may find that he/she enjoys the machine after their first session and want's to go again.

A willing participant may find that while they THOUGHT they would enjoy the machine, but when it comes time to go for a second round, back out.
Okay, I'm really starting to get interested in this idea now.

But, before I try something on it, I want to know if there are more details or new ideas from people who have already posted here or "new" people alike! :)

So, please...start talkin'! :D
In demolition man there was a cyber sex thing that might work for this line or the cyber set in strange days could work

In Demolition Man they didn't even have contact in their sex. What fun is that?!?! :eek:

I like Batchman's idea of a "computer operated" vibrator/dildo. :D
BlessedBe said:
In Demolition Man they didn't even have contact in their sex. What fun is that?!?! :eek:

I like Batchman's idea of a "computer operated" vibrator/dildo. :D

I read something about a sex suite in development that you wear and then plug into your computer that interacts with commands from a cyber partner.

Is that of any use for your ideas...

BlessedBe said:
In Demolition Man they didn't even have contact in their sex. What fun is that?!?! :eek:

I like Batchman's idea of a "computer operated" vibrator/dildo. :D

I was thinking more along the lines of Cyber Sex :cool:

BlessedBe said:
Okay, I'm really starting to get interested in this idea now.

But, before I try something on it, I want to know if there are more details or new ideas from people who have already posted here or "new" people alike! :)

So, please...start talkin'! :D

I can probably provide heaps of ideas, but I have often avoided them because I thought of them as so male oriented, like all the tentacle rape stuff out there. (that being said, the two tales below are (1)toy based and (2) alien) I don't want to like something that a woman can't like. so..
Why would a woman be turned on by this? Are you imagining a real device, or something with fictional abilities? Toys, or ravashment? Is there anyone else involved in the story (A.I or cyberlover or dom) that actually cares what the woman feels?
peterpan said:

Are you imagining a real device, or something with fictional abilities? Toys, or ravashment? Is there anyone else involved in the story (A.I or cyberlover or dom) that actually cares what the woman feels?

I'm not sure, yet. I haven't thought too hard on this one since I'm working on 3 stories more or less "at once" right now.

I liked the original idea posted by batchman. Something along the lines of a vibrator (any specific design/shape/style/etc.) that either has a direct USB plug to it or something similar to a remote control.

I haven't gone any farther in details like if a woman had a cyber lover she typed to while using the toy, or if she downloaded some kind of program to have a virtual reality interactive sex act, etc.

Since no details came to me, yet, I was hoping to catch more ideas off others here. :)

And, on a side note, I like the tentacle/alien/plant life rape scenes in Anime or Hentia. But, as Lit knows, I'm a sick bitch. :rolleyes:
And, on a side note, I like the tentacle/alien/plant life rape scenes in Anime or Hentia. But, as Lit knows, I'm a sick bitch.

Mind if I probe a bit on what you mean?

It interests me a lot because I often draw pictures for fun which are pretty much always a woman stimulated to the greatest degree I can come up with at the time, usually by anything but a guy since drawing guys isn't a personal turn-on... and often these pictures turn out pretty embarrassing. I might use tentacles but more often feathers or waterjets or hands etc, but the point is they are just disembodied objects to avoid cluttering up the image. Its always meant to be ravishment and it is always about the woman being overcome with pleasure.

The reason this is embarrassing to me is because everything else I find out there in this vein seems to be post-adolescent guys having their revenge on all the faceless girls who ignored them in highschool, which really isn't surprising since the only part of the girl's personality they can accurately recall is haircolor and bust size.


In terms of today, VR headsets sort of work, and full body suits might sort of work, but I suggest keeping it simple to prevent it being scifi.

You can do a lot to build an environment with just good sound. I guess high quality headsets could give a real threedimensional

feel, and this effect could be very powerful if it responded to your head movements to preserve the illusion that a voice is really coming from somewhere in the room, and then somewhere by your ear, and if you turn to face it then the voice is just infront of your face like you would expect.

Likewise background sounds like crickets etc could be a lot more convincing if you don't realise they are coming from the left or right ear, but really can beleive are coming from an open window a few meters to the left of the bed.

I remember reading somewhere that psychologists have developed a device that measures a woman's arousal, so the vibrator could be programmed to respond to arousal, ie to just tease at first without bringing the woman to orgasm too soon.

Since full-on touch is too difficult, perhaps the voice could tell her to do things like touch herself, and maintain the impression that there is a man in the room watching her, holding a remote with which he rewards her for doing what he asks.

the script could guess whether she is obeying by measuring her arousal, and perhaps it could also access her webcam.

Computers are NOT good at deciphering images yet, so to allow the webcam-vision to guess what she is doing, I suggest she would have to follow a set of embarrassingly dorky instructions to calibrate it, like: "Fit your bedcam(tm) somewhere with a good view of your bed. For best accuracy from you bedcam(tm), secure it to your ceiling above your bed and use a bedsheet whose color is a high contrast with your skin tone. When you are ready to begin calibration, lie on your back, above the covers, spreadeagled, say 'Done' to step to the next stage in the calibration. <pause> Now touch your right hand to your right breast. Then say 'Done'. Now touch your left hand to your left breast.. etc, etc... Now we will test that the bedcam(tm) has been calibrated correctly...

..you get the impression...

How about she thinks it is a script, but eventually she suspects someone has found a backdoor into her computer and really is watching her over her webcam and also has access to all the info that the device is reading about her arousal?

Or perhaps when she stops using it someone starts blackmailing her into using it again, by sending her pictures they captured of her.